Guía OpenAlex - Primera Parte Fecha: 03/10/2023. Indicadores de ciencia y tecnología en el contexto de la Ciencia Abierta. Proyecto PAPIIT. Dr. Eduardo Robles Belmont Sergio Agustín Cabello Tejeida M. en C. José Gerardo López Bonifacio. Técnico Académico Asociado “C”. |
PyAlex es una biblioteca de Python para OpenAlex. OpenAlex es un índice de cientos de millones de artículos académicos, autores, instituciones y más interconectados. OpenAlex ofrece una API REST sólida, abierta y gratuita para extraer, agregar o buscar datos académicos. PyAlex es una interfaz Python liviana y delgada para esta API. PyAlex intenta acercarse lo más posible al diseño del servicio original.
PyAlex admite actualmente las siguientes características de OpenAlex:
- Obtener entidades individuales
- Filtrar entidades
- Buscar entidades
- Entidades del grupo
- Filtros de búsqueda
- Seleccionar campos
- Muestra
- Paginación
- Punto final de autocompletar
- N-gramas
- Autenticación
Nuestro objetivo es cubrir toda la API y estamos buscando ayuda. Damos la bienvenida a las solicitudes de extracción.
Características clave
- Operaciones de canalización: PyAlex puede manejar múltiples operaciones en una secuencia. Esto permite al desarrollador escribir consultas comprensibles. Para ver ejemplos, consulte fragmentos de código.
- Resúmenes en texto sin formato: OpenAlex no incluye resúmenes en texto sin formato debido a restricciones legales. PyAlex puede convertir los resúmenes invertidos en resúmenes de texto sin formato sobre la marcha.
- Licencia permisiva: los datos de OpenAlex tienen licencia CC0 🙌. PyAlex se publica bajo la licencia MIT.
PyAlex requiere Python 3.6 o posterior.
!pip install pyalex
Collecting pyalex Downloading pyalex-0.11-py3-none-any.whl (9.7 kB) Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyalex) (2.31.0) Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->pyalex) (3.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->pyalex) (3.4) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->pyalex) (2.0.5) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->pyalex) (2023.7.22) Installing collected packages: pyalex Successfully installed pyalex-0.11
PyAlex ofrece soporte para todos los objetos de entidad: obras, autores, fuentes, instituciones, conceptos, editores y financiadores.
from pyalex import Works, Authors, Sources, Institutions, Concepts, Publishers, Funders
La piscina educada
El grupo educado tiene tiempos de respuesta mucho más rápidos y consistentes. Para ingresar al grupo cortés, configura su correo electrónico:
import pyalex = ""
Obtener entidad única
Obtenga una única obra, autor, fuente, institución, concepto, editor o financiador de OpenAlex mediante el ID de OpenAlex, o mediante DOI o ROR.
# same as
{'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'The state of OA: a large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access articles', 'display_name': 'The state of OA: a large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access articles', 'publication_year': 2018, 'publication_date': '2018-02-13', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '2741809807', 'pmid': '', 'pmcid': ''}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': True, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': None, 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'PeerJ', 'issn_l': '2167-8359', 'issn': ['2167-8359'], 'is_oa': True, 'is_in_doaj': True, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'PeerJ, Inc.', 'host_organization_lineage': [''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['PeerJ, Inc.'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': 'cc-by', 'version': 'publishedVersion', 'is_accepted': True, 'is_published': True}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': True, 'oa_status': 'gold', 'oa_url': '', 'any_repository_has_fulltext': True}, 'authorships': [{'author_position': 'first', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Heather Piwowar', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Impact Technology Development (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Heather Piwowar', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Impactstory, Sanford, NC, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Impactstory, Sanford, NC, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jason Priem', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Impact Technology Development (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Jason Priem', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Impactstory, Sanford, NC, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Impactstory, Sanford, NC, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Vincent Larivière', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université de Montréal', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université du Québec à Montréal', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['CA'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Vincent Larivière', 'raw_affiliation_string': "Observatoire des Sciences et des Technologies (OST) Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur la Science et la Technologie (CIRST) Université du Québec à Montréal Montréal QC Canada; 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El resultado es un objeto Work
, que es muy similar a un diccionario. Encuentre los campos disponibles con .keys()
Por ejemplo, obtenga el estado de acceso abierto:
{'is_oa': True, 'oa_status': 'gold', 'oa_url': '', 'any_repository_has_fulltext': True}
Los trabajos anteriores también para Autores, Lugares, Instituciones y Conceptos
Authors()[""] # Lo mismo
{'id': '', 'orcid': '', 'display_name': 'Jason Priem', 'display_name_alternatives': ['Jason Priem', 'Priem Jason'], 'works_count': 53, 'cited_by_count': 2133, 'summary_stats': {'2yr_mean_citedness': 0.5, 'h_index': 16, 'i10_index': 17}, 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'orcid': '', 'scopus': ''}, 'last_known_institution': {'id': '', 'ror': '', 'display_name': 'OurResearch', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}, 'x_concepts': [{'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Computer science', 'level': 0, 'score': 96.2}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'World Wide Web', 'level': 1, 'score': 73.6}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Political science', 'level': 0, 'score': 69.8}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Library science', 'level': 1, 'score': 64.2}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Law', 'level': 1, 'score': 62.3}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Data science', 'level': 1, 'score': 58.5}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Altmetrics', 'level': 2, 'score': 41.5}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Operating system', 'level': 1, 'score': 39.6}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Physics', 'level': 0, 'score': 34.0}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Sociology', 'level': 0, 'score': 30.2}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Mathematics', 'level': 0, 'score': 28.3}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Art', 'level': 0, 'score': 28.3}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Citation', 'level': 2, 'score': 26.4}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Biology', 'level': 0, 'score': 24.5}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Literature', 'level': 1, 'score': 24.5}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Publishing', 'level': 2, 'score': 24.5}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Programming language', 'level': 1, 'score': 24.5}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Data mining', 'level': 1, 'score': 22.6}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Engineering', 'level': 0, 'score': 20.8}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Economics', 'level': 0, 'score': 20.8}], 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'works_count': 0, 'cited_by_count': 137}, {'year': 2022, 'works_count': 2, 'cited_by_count': 213}, {'year': 2021, 'works_count': 1, 'cited_by_count': 219}, {'year': 2020, 'works_count': 3, 'cited_by_count': 277}, {'year': 2019, 'works_count': 2, 'cited_by_count': 231}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 3, 'cited_by_count': 188}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 3, 'cited_by_count': 165}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 2, 'cited_by_count': 178}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 3, 'cited_by_count': 220}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 4, 'cited_by_count': 202}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 11, 'cited_by_count': 154}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 11, 'cited_by_count': 66}], 'works_api_url': '', 'updated_date': '2023-09-29T22:33:54.134877', 'created_date': '2023-07-21'}
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{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Psoriasis Foundation', 'alternate_titles': ['NPF', 'National Psoriasis Foundation Inc', 'National Psoriasis Foundation/USA', 'National Psoriasis Foundation, Inc.'], 'country_code': 'US', 'description': 'Nonprofit organization', 'homepage_url': '', 'image_url': None, 'image_thumbnail_url': None, 'grants_count': 56, 'works_count': 260, 'cited_by_count': 5436, 'summary_stats': {'2yr_mean_citedness': 6.617021276595745, 'h_index': 37, 'i10_index': 110}, 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'ror': '', 'wikidata': '', 'crossref': '100003185', 'doi': ''}, 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'works_count': 31, 'cited_by_count': 1150}, {'year': 2022, 'works_count': 48, 'cited_by_count': 1462}, {'year': 2021, 'works_count': 49, 'cited_by_count': 1157}, {'year': 2020, 'works_count': 46, 'cited_by_count': 779}, {'year': 2019, 'works_count': 36, 'cited_by_count': 446}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 24, 'cited_by_count': 189}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 10, 'cited_by_count': 97}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 4, 'cited_by_count': 68}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 5, 'cited_by_count': 44}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 4, 'cited_by_count': 17}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 2, 'cited_by_count': 6}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 0, 'cited_by_count': 7}], 'roles': [{'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 260}, {'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 131}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T06:01:14.799535', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}
Obtener resumen
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w = Works()["W3128349626"]
Todos los atributos están disponibles como se documenta en {Works](, así como en abstract
(solo si abstract_inverted_index
no es None). Este resumen hecho legible por humanos se crea sobre la marcha.
'Abstract To help researchers conduct a systematic review or meta-analysis as efficiently and transparently as possible, we designed a tool to accelerate the step of screening titles and abstracts. For many tasks—including but not limited to systematic reviews and meta-analyses—the scientific literature needs to be checked systematically. Scholars and practitioners currently screen thousands of studies by hand to determine which studies to include in their review or meta-analysis. This is error prone and inefficient because of extremely imbalanced data: only a fraction of the screened studies is relevant. The future of systematic reviewing will be an interaction with machine learning algorithms to deal with the enormous increase of available text. We therefore developed an open source machine learning-aided pipeline applying active learning: ASReview. We demonstrate by means of simulation studies that active learning can yield far more efficient reviewing than manual reviewing while providing high quality. Furthermore, we describe the options of the free and open source research software and present the results from user experience tests. We invite the community to contribute to open source projects such as our own that provide measurable and reproducible improvements over current practice.'
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results = Works().get()
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# 10338153
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results, meta = Concepts().get(return_meta=True)
{'count': 65073, 'db_response_time_ms': 31, 'page': 1, 'per_page': 25}
Filtrar registros
Works().filter(publication_year=2020, is_oa=True).get()
[{'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China', 'display_name': 'Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China', 'publication_year': 2020, 'publication_date': '2020-02-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '3001118548', 'pmid': '', 'pmcid': ''}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': True, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': '', 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'The Lancet', 'issn_l': '0140-6736', 'issn': ['1474-547X', '0099-5355', '0140-6736'], 'is_oa': False, 'is_in_doaj': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Elsevier BV', 'host_organization_lineage': [''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Elsevier BV'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': None, 'version': 'publishedVersion', 'is_accepted': True, 'is_published': True}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': True, 'oa_status': 'bronze', 'oa_url': '', 'any_repository_has_fulltext': True}, 'authorships': [{'author_position': 'first', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Chaolin Huang', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['CN'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Chaolin Huang', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Jin Yin-tan Hospital, Wuhan, China', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Jin Yin-tan Hospital, Wuhan, China']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Yeming Wang', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'China-Japan Friendship Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Capital Medical University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CN'], 'is_corresponding': False, 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'', 'display_name': 'Beijing Ditan Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Capital Medical University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CN'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Xingwang Li', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Clinical and Research Center of Infectious Diseases, Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Clinical and Research Center of Infectious Diseases, Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Lili Ren', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CN'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Lili Ren', 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'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Clinical Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CN', 'US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Wei-jie Guan', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Zhengyi Ni', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jinyintan Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CN'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Zheng-yi Ni', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Guangzhou, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Guangzhou, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Yu Hu', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['NZ'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Yu Sheng Hu', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (W.G., W.L., J.H., R.C., C.T., T.W., S.L., Jin-lin Wang, N.Z., J.H., W.L.), the Departments of Thoracic Oncology (W.L.), Thoracic Surgery and Oncology (J.H.), and Emergency Medicine (Z.L.), First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, and Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital,...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (W.G., W.L., J.H., R.C., C.T., T.W., S.L., Jin-lin Wang, N.Z., J.H., W.L.), the Departments of Thoracic Oncology (W.L.), Thoracic Surgery and Oncology (J.H.), and Emergency Medicine (Z.L.), First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, and Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital,...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wenhua Liang', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CN', 'type': 'healthcare', 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Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, and Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital,...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (W.G., W.L., J.H., R.C., C.T., T.W., S.L., Jin-lin Wang, N.Z., J.H., W.L.), the Departments of Thoracic Oncology (W.L.), Thoracic Surgery and Oncology (J.H.), and Emergency Medicine (Z.L.), First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, and Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital,...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Zijing Liang', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['NZ'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Zi-jing Liang', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (W.G., W.L., J.H., R.C., C.T., T.W., S.L., Jin-lin Wang, N.Z., J.H., W.L.), the Departments of Thoracic Oncology (W.L.), Thoracic Surgery and Oncology (J.H.), and Emergency Medicine (Z.L.), First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, and Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital,...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (W.G., W.L., J.H., R.C., C.T., T.W., S.L., Jin-lin Wang, N.Z., J.H., W.L.), the Departments of Thoracic Oncology (W.L.), Thoracic Surgery and Oncology (J.H.), and Emergency Medicine (Z.L.), First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, and Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital,...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Yuchen Peng', 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[44], 'illness,': [46], 'including': [47, 97], 'viral': [48, 101, 233, 255, 291], 'shedding,': [49], 'not': [51], 'well': [53], 'described.MethodsIn': [54], 'this': [55, 147], 'retrospective,': [56], 'multicentre': [57], 'cohort': [58], 'study,': [59, 148], 'we': [60], 'included': [61, 145], 'all': [62], 'adult': [63], 'inpatients': [64], '(≥18': [65], 'years': [66], 'old)': [67], 'laboratory-confirmed': [69], 'from': [71, 106, 135, 140], 'Jinyintan': [72, 136], 'Hospital': [73, 77, 137], 'Wuhan': [75, 141], 'Pulmonary': [76, 142], '(Wuhan,': [78], 'China)': [79], 'who': [80], 'had': [81, 85, 162], 'discharged': [83, 153], 'or': [84], 'died': [86, 156], 'Jan': [88], '31,': [89], '2020.': [90], 'Demographic,': [91], 'clinical,': [92], 'treatment,': [93], 'laboratory': [95], 'data,': [96], 'serial': [98], 'samples': [99], 'RNA': [102], 'detection,': [103], 'were': [104, 144, 152], 'extracted': [105], 'electronic': [107], 'medical': [108], 'records': [109], 'compared': [111], 'between': [112], 'survivors': [113, 258], 'non-survivors.': [115, 249], 'We': [116], 'used': [117], 'univariable': [118], 'multivariable': [120], 'logistic': [121], 'regression': [122, 188], 'methods': [123], 'to': [124, 280], 'explore': [125], 'associated': [129, 195], 'in-hospital': [131, 193], 'death.Findings191': [132], '(135': [134], '56': [139], 'Hospital)': [143], 'in': [146, 157, 240, 248, 257, 308], 'whom': [150], '137': [151], '54': [155], 'hospital.': [158], '91': [159], '(48%)': [160], 'comorbidity,': [164], 'hypertension': [166], 'being': [167], 'most': [169], 'common': [170], '(58': [171], '[30%]': [172], 'patients),': [173], 'followed': [174], 'diabetes': [176], '(36': [177], '[19%]': [178], 'patients)': [179], 'coronary': [181], 'heart': [182], '(15': [184], '[8%]': [185], 'patients).': [186], 'Multivariable': [187], 'showed': [189], 'increasing': [190], 'odds': [191], 'death': [194, 247], 'older': [197, 266], 'age': [198], '(odds': [199], 'ratio': [200], '1·10,': [201], '95%': [202], 'CI': [203], '1·03–1·17,': [204], 'per': [205], 'year': [206], 'increase;': [207], 'p=0·0043),': [208], 'higher': [209], 'Sequential': [210], 'Organ': [211], 'Failure': [212], 'Assessment': [213], '(SOFA)': [214], 'score': [215], '(5·65,': [216], '2·61–12·23;': [217], 'p<0·0001),': [218], 'd-dimer': [220, 272], 'greater': [221, 273], 'than': [222, 274], '1': [223, 275], 'μg/mL': [224, 276], '(18·42,': [225], '2·64–128·55;': [226], 'p=0·0033)': [227], 'on': [228, 349], 'admission.': [229], 'Median': [230], 'duration': [231, 253], 'shedding': [234, 256, 292], 'was': [235, 244, 259], '20·0': [236], 'days': [237], '(IQR': [238], '17·0–24·0)': [239], 'survivors,': [241], 'SARS-CoV-2': [243], 'detectable': [245], 'until': [246], 'The': [250, 335], 'longest': [251], 'observed': [252], '37': [260], 'days.InterpretationThe': [261], 'potential': [262], 'age,': [267], 'high': [268], 'SOFA': [269], 'score,': [270], 'could': [277], 'help': [278], 'clinicians': [279], 'identify': [281], 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226, 264, 278, 307, 328, 374, 386, 411, 433, 463, 497], 'NCIP.': [40, 84], '<h3>Design,': [41], 'Setting,': [42], 'Participants</h3>': [44], 'Retrospective,': [45], 'single-center': [46, 467], 'case': [47, 468], 'series': [48, 469], '138': [51, 143, 471], 'consecutive': [52], 'hospitalized': [53, 124, 144, 182, 472], 'with': [55, 146, 343, 474], 'confirmed': [56, 475], 'NCIP': [57, 476], 'at': [58], 'Zhongnan': [59], 'Hospital': [60], 'Wuhan': [62], 'University': [63], 'China,': [66, 479], 'from': [67, 314], 'January': [68, 71], '1': [69], 'to': [70, 288, 317, 322, 329, 365, 378, 420], '28,': [72], '2020;': [73], 'final': [74], 'date': [75], 'follow-up': [77], 'was': [78, 115, 151, 167, 319, 325, 331, 457, 485, 499], 'February': [79, 426], '3,': [80, 427], '2020.': [81], '<h3>Exposures</h3>': [82], 'Documented': [83], '<h3>Main': [85], 'Outcomes': [86, 101], 'Measures</h3>': [88], 'Epidemiological,': [89], 'demographic,': [90], 'clinical,': [91], 'laboratory,': [92], 'radiological,': [93], 'treatment': [95], 'data': [96], 'were': [97, 110, 163, 286, 353, 362, 375, 418, 431], 'collected': [98], 'analyzed.': [100], 'critically': [103], 'ill': [104, 108], 'noncritically': [107], 'compared.': [111], 'Presumed': [112], 'hospital-related': [113, 481], 'transmission': [114, 166, 482], 'suspected': [116, 168, 486], 'if': [117], 'a': [118, 133], 'cluster': [119], 'health': [121, 177], 'professionals': [122, 178], 'or': [123, 246], 'same': [128], 'wards': [129], 'became': [130], 'infected': [131], 'possible': [134], 'source': [135], 'infection': [137, 174], 'could': [138], 'be': [139], 'tracked.': [140], '<h3>Results</h3>': [141], 'Of': [142, 393], 'NCIP,': [147], 'median': [149, 312, 454], 'age': [150], '56': [152], 'years': [153, 358], '(interquartile': [154], 'range,': [155, 157], '42-68;': [156], '22-92': [158], 'years)': [159], '75': [161], '(54.3%)': [162], 'men.': [164], 'Hospital-associated': [165], 'as': [169], 'presumed': [171, 480], 'mechanism': [172], 'for': [175], '(40': [179], '[29%])': [180], '(17': [184], '[12.3%]).': [185], 'Common': [186], 'symptoms': [187], 'included': [188], 'fever': [189], '(136': [190], '[98.6%]),': [191], 'fatigue': [192], '(96': [193], '[69.6%]),': [194], 'dry': [196], 'cough': [197], '(82': [198], '[59.4%]).': [199], 'Lymphopenia': [200], '(lymphocyte': [201], 'count,': [202], '0.8': [203], '×': [204], '10<sup>9</sup>/L': [205], '[interquartile': [206], 'range': [207], '{IQR},': [208], '0.6-1.1])': [209], '97': [212], '(70.3%),': [214], 'prolonged': [215], 'prothrombin': [216], 'time': [217, 313], '(13.0': [218], 'seconds': [219], '[IQR,': [220, 232], '12.3-13.7])': [221], '80': [223], '(58%),': [225], 'elevated': [227], 'lactate': [228], 'dehydrogenase': [229], '(261': [230], 'U/L': [231], '182-403])': [233], '55': [235], '(39.9%).': [237], 'Chest': [238], 'computed': [239], 'tomographic': [240], 'scans': [241], 'showed': [242], 'bilateral': [243], 'patchy': [244], 'shadows': [245], 'ground': [247], 'glass': [248], 'opacity': [249], 'lungs': [252], 'all': [254], 'patients.': [255], 'Most': [256], 'received': [258, 266, 402, 408, 414, 494], 'antiviral': [259], 'therapy': [260, 268, 280], '(oseltamivir,': [261], '124': [262], '[89.9%]),': [263], 'many': [265], 'antibacterial': [267], '(moxifloxacin,': [269], '89': [270], '[64.4%];': [271], 'ceftriaxone,': [272], '34': [273], '[24.6%];': [274], 'azithromycin,': [275], '25': [276], '[18.1%])': [277], 'glucocorticoid': [279], '(62': [281], '[44.9%]).': [282], 'Thirty-six': [283], '(26.1%)': [285], 'transferred': [287], 'intensive': [290], 'care': [291], 'unit': [292], '(ICU)': [293], 'because': [294], 'complications,': [296], 'including': [297], 'acute': [298], 'respiratory': [299], 'distress': [300], 'syndrome': [301], '(22': [302], '[61.1%]),': [303], 'arrhythmia': [304], '(16': [305], '[44.4%]),': [306], 'shock': [308], '(11': [309], '[30.6%]).': [310], 'first': [315], 'symptom': [316], 'dyspnea': [318, 380], '5.0': [320], 'days,': [321, 327], 'hospital': [323, 455], 'admission': [324], '7.0': [326], 'ARDS': [330], '8.0': [332], 'days.': [333], 'Patients': [334], 'treated': [335, 346], 'ICU': [338, 349, 495], '(n': [339, 350, 450], '=': [340, 351, 451], '36),': [341], 'compared': [342], 'not': [345], '102),': [352], 'older': [354], '(median': [355], 'age,': [356], '66': [357], 'vs': [359, 371, 383, 390], '51': [360], 'years),': [361], 'more': [363, 376], 'likely': [364, 377], 'have': [366, 379], 'underlying': [367], 'comorbidities': [368], '(26': [369], '[72.2%]': [370], '38': [372], '[37.3%]),': [373], '(23': [381], '[63.9%]': [382], '20': [384], '[19.6%]),': [385], 'anorexia': [387], '(24': [388], '[66.7%]': [389], '31': [391], '[30.4%]).': [392], '36': [395], 'ICU,': [399], '4': [400], '(11.1%)': [401], 'high-flow': [403], 'oxygen': [404], 'therapy,': [405], '15': [406], '(41.7%)': [407], 'noninvasive': [409], 'ventilation,': [410], '17': [412], '(47.2%)': [413], 'invasive': [415], 'ventilation': [416], '(4': [417], 'switched': [419], 'extracorporeal': [421], 'membrane': [422], 'oxygenation).': [423], 'As': [424], '47': [428], '(34.1%)': [430], 'discharged': [432, 448], '6': [434], 'died': [435], '(overall': [436], 'mortality,': [437], '4.3%),': [438], 'remaining': [441], 'are': [443], 'still': [444], 'hospitalized.': [445], 'Among': [446], 'those': [447], 'alive': [449], '47),': [452], 'stay': [456], '10': [458], 'days': [459], '(IQR,': [460], '7.0-14.0).': [461], '<h3>Conclusions': [462], 'Relevance</h3>': [464], 'this': [466], '2019-nCoV': [484], '41%': [488], 'patients,': [490], '26%': [491], 'care,': [496], 'mortality': [498], '4.3%.': [500]}, 'cited_by_api_url': '', 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'cited_by_count': 1151}, {'year': 2022, 'cited_by_count': 2687}, {'year': 2021, 'cited_by_count': 5175}, {'year': 2020, 'cited_by_count': 7292}, {'year': 2019, 'cited_by_count': 7}], 'updated_date': '2023-09-29T18:32:54.281805', 'created_date': '2021-06-07'}, {'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'A 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271, 300, 308, 316], '2019-nCoV': [27, 39, 82, 113, 237, 311], 'pneumonia.MethodsIn': [28], 'this': [29], 'retrospective,': [30], 'single-centre': [31], 'study,': [32], 'we': [33], 'included': [34], 'all': [35, 117], 'confirmed': [36, 53], 'cases': [37], 'Wuhan': [41], 'Jinyintan': [42], 'Hospital': [43], 'from': [44], 'Jan': [45, 48, 75], '1': [46], '20,': [49], '2020.': [50], 'Cases': [51], 'were': [52, 58, 71, 275], 'by': [54, 119], 'real-time': [55, 120], 'RT-PCR': [56], 'analysed': [59], 'for': [60, 286], 'epidemiological,': [61], 'demographic,': [62], 'clinical,': [63], 'radiological': [65], 'features': [66], 'laboratory': [68], 'data.': [69], 'Outcomes': [70], 'followed': [72], 'up': [73], 'until': [74], '25,': [76], '2020.FindingsOf': [77], '99': [79], 'patients': [80, 101, 118, 124, 191, 197, 212, 223, 272], 'pneumonia,': [83, 194], '49': [84], '(49%)': [85], 'had': [86, 125, 129, 208], 'history': [88], 'exposure': [90], 'Huanan': [93], 'seafood': [94], 'market.': [95], 'The': [96], 'average': [97], 'age': [98], 'was': [102, 114, 239], '55·5': [103], 'years': [104], '(SD': [105], '13·1),': [106], 'including': [107], '67': [108], 'men': [109], '32': [111], 'women.': [112], 'detected': [115], 'RT-PCR.': [121], '50': [122], '(51%)': [123], 'chronic': [126], 'diseases.': [127], 'Patients': [128], 'manifestations': [131], 'fever': [133], '(82': [134], '[83%]': [135], 'patients),': [136, 140, 146, 151, 155, 159, 164, 168, 173, 177], 'cough': [137], '(81': [138], '[82%]': [139], 'shortness': [141], 'breath': [143], '(31': [144], '[31%]': [145], 'muscle': [147], 'ache': [148], '(11': [149], '[11%]': [150], 'confusion': [152], '(nine': [153], '[9%]': [154], 'headache': [156], '(eight': [157], '[8%]': [158], 'sore': [160], 'throat': [161], '(five': [162], '[5%]': [163], 'rhinorrhoea': [165], '(four': [166], '[4%]': [167], 'chest': [169], 'pain': [170], '(two': [171, 175], '[2%]': [172, 176], 'diarrhoea': [174], 'nausea': [179], 'vomiting': [181], '(one': [182], 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Polack', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stephen J. Thomas', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Stephen J. Thomas', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nicholas Kitchin', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Nicholas Kitchin', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Judith Absalon', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Judith Absalon', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Alejandra Gurtman', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Alejandra Gurtman', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stephen Lockhart', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Stephen Lockhart', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'John L. Perez', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'John L. Perez', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Gonzalo Pérez Marc', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Gonzalo Pérez Marc', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Edson Duarte Moreira', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Edson D. Moreira', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Cristiano Augusto de Freitas Zerbini', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Cristiano Zerbini', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Richard Bailey', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Ruth Bailey', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Kena A. Swanson', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Kena A. Swanson', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Satrajit Roychoudhury', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Satrajit Roychoudhury', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Kenneth Koury', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Kenneth Koury', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ping Li', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Ping Li', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Warren V. Kalina', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Warren V. Kalina', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'David A. Cooper', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'David Cooper', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Robert W. Frenck', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Robert W. Frenck', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Laura L. Hammitt', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Laura L. Hammitt', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Özlem Türeci', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Özlem Türeci', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Haylene Nell', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Haylene Nell', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Axel Schaefer', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Axel Schaefer', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Serhat Ünal', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Serhat Ünal', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Dina B. Tresnan', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Dina B. Tresnan', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Susan Mather', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Susan Mather', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Philip R. Dormitzer', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Philip R. Dormitzer', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Uğur Şahin', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Uğur Şahin', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Kathrin U. Jansen', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Kathrin U. Jansen', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'last', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'William C. Gruber', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'William C. 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[697], 'measures': [701], 'during': [702, 940], 'earliest': [704], 'stages': [705], 'outbreak.': [708], 'This': [709, 726, 825], 'publication': [711, 728, 1028], 'been': [713, 730, 821, 828, 913, 973], 'corrected.': [714, 731], 'corrected': [716, 733, 822], 'version': [717, 734, 833], 'appeared': [719, 736], '': [721, 738], 'June': [723, 740, 836], '12,': [724, 741, 837], '2020': [725, 742], 'declare': [744], 'no': [745], 'competing': [746], 'interests.': [747], 'grateful': [750], 'technical': [753], 'support': [754], 'Atlas': [759], 'Applied': [766], 'Physics': [767], 'Lab.': [768], 'Download': [769], '.pdf': [770], '(.29': [771], 'MB)': [772], 'Help': [773], 'pdf': [775], 'files': [776], 'Supplementary': [777], 'appendix': [778], 'Correction': [779], 'Lancet': [781, 802, 1031], 'Infect': [782, 803], 'Dis': [783, 804], '2020;': [784, 805], '20:': [785, 806], '533–34Dong': [786], 'E,': [787], 'Du': [788], 'H,': [789], 'Gardner': [790], 'L.': [791], 'An': [792, 1019], 'web-based': [794], '533–34—In': [807], 'Correspondence,': [809], 'y-axis': [812], 'graph': [815], 'figure': [817], 'A,': [818], '“500”': [819], '“5000”.': [824], 'correction': [826], '2020.': [838], 'Full-Text': [839, 933, 1017, 1110], 'PDF': [840, 934, 1018, 1111], 'SeroTracker:': [841], 'global': [843, 976], 'SARS-CoV-2': [844], 'seroprevalence': [845], 'dashboardAs': [846], 'initial': [848], 'phase': [849], 'pandemic': [853, 977], 'passes': [854], 'peak': [856], 'many': [858], 'countries,': [859], 'serological': [860], 'studies': [861], 'becoming': [863], 'increasingly': [864], 'important': [865], 'guiding': [867], 'responses.': [870], 'Antibody': [871], 'testing': [872, 905, 920], 'monitoring': [876], 'evolution': [878], 'pandemic,': [881], 'providing': [882], 'complete': [885], 'picture': [886], 'total': [889], 'people': [892], '(SARS-CoV-2)': [901, 1012], 'molecular': [903], 'diagnostic': [904], 'alone.1': [906], 'individuals': [908], 'SARS-CoV-2-specific': [910], 'antibodies': [911], 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236, 246, 279, 294, 317], 'SARS-CoV-2': [27, 45, 60, 139, 296, 333], 'infection': [28, 284], 'is': [29, 298, 306], 'scarce.': [30], 'We': [31], 'aimed': [32], 'to': [33, 65, 187, 193, 217, 230, 308], 'describe': [34], 'clinical': [36, 94], 'course': [37], 'and': [38, 82, 93, 104, 128, 181, 227, 272, 322], 'outcomes': [39, 95, 118], 'pneumonia.MethodsIn': [46], 'this': [47], 'single-centered,': [48], 'retrospective,': [49], 'observational': [50], 'study,': [51], 'we': [52], 'enrolled': [53], '52': [54, 141, 153], 'adult': [57, 144], 'who': [62], 'were': [63, 96, 100, 146, 162, 206], 'admitted': [64], 'intensive': [67, 189], 'care': [68, 190, 340], 'unit': [69, 191], '(ICU)': [70, 192], 'Wuhan': [72], 'Jin': [73], 'Yin-tan': [74], 'hospital': [75], '(Wuhan,': [76], 'China)': [77], 'between': [78, 102], 'late': [79], 'Jan': [83], '26,': [84], '2020.': [85, 116], 'Demographic': [86], 'data,': [87], 'symptoms,': [88], 'laboratory': [89], 'values,': [90], 'comorbidities,': [91], 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155, 231, 260, 276, 351, 375, 383, 419, 428, 430, 521, 530, 567, 572, 593, 629, 634, 724, 732, 750, 780, 786, 792, 804, 816, 826, 873, 881, 900, 926, 946, 954, 974, 986, 998, 1008, 1040, 1048, 1067, 1093, 1113, 1121, 1251, 1286, 1295, 1313], 'March': [2, 29, 33, 166, 441, 643], '12,': [3, 30], '2020,': [4], 'coronavirus': [5, 357, 636], 'disease': [6, 23, 316, 1276, 1298], '2019': [7, 24, 355], '(COVID-19)': [8], 'has': [9, 58, 603, 1213, 1235, 1326], 'been': [10, 59, 604, 1328], 'confirmed': [11, 385], 'in': [12, 229, 247, 273, 289, 358, 388, 397, 402, 512, 534, 540, 562, 606, 614, 631, 659, 1025, 1209, 1315, 1324, 1330], '125': [13], '048': [14], 'people': [15], 'worldwide,': [16], 'carrying': [17], 'a': [18, 39, 74, 83, 184, 240, 378, 524, 573, 727, 799, 876, 895, 924, 949, 981, 1026, 1043, 1062, 1091, 1116, 1138, 1236, 1243, 1249, 1304], 'mortality': [19, 40, 145, 420, 450, 561], 'approximately': [21, 274], '3·7%,1WHOCoronavirus': [22], '(COVID-19)situation': [25], 'report': [26, 1310], '–': [27], '52.': [28], '2020Date': [31, 641], 'accessed:': [32, 642], '13,': [34, 640], '2020Google': [35, 645], 'Scholar': [36, 172, 226, 257, 306, 373, 447, 510, 587, 646, 688, 744, 893, 966, 1060, 1133], 'compared': [37], 'with': [38, 78, 98, 189, 291, 314, 354, 542, 559, 565, 608, 691, 1317], 'rate': [41], 'less': [43, 796, 978], 'than': [44, 905, 1072], '1%': [45], 'from': [46, 121, 158, 377, 433, 523, 1199, 1216, 1218], 'influenza.': [47], 'There': [48], 'is': [49, 116, 127, 177, 195, 312, 515, 557, 920, 1087, 1137, 1248, 1299], 'an': [50, 151, 178, 426, 933, 1100], 'urgent': [51], 'need': [52, 106], 'for': [53, 494, 599, 624, 671, 697, 729, 752, 774, 878, 897, 913, 923, 951, 1045, 1064, 1080, 1090, 1118, 1168, 1189, 1191, 1201, 1203, 1242, 1245, 1253], 'effective': [54], 'treatment.': [55], 'Current': [56, 112], 'focus': [57], 'on': [60, 150, 425, 848, 1292], 'the': [61, 104, 109, 128, 625, 632, 713, 725, 730, 748, 874, 879, 898, 947, 952, 1041, 1046, 1065, 1114, 1119, 1143, 1165, 1181, 1219, 1254, 1284, 1288, 1293, 1311], 'development': [62, 1294, 1312], 'novel': [64, 356], 'therapeutics,': [65], 'including': [66], 'antivirals': [67], 'and': [68, 90, 118, 186, 227, 266, 339, 405, 466, 476, 611, 627, 655, 712, 722, 771, 784, 871, 910, 944, 1038, 1077, 1111, 1152, 1183, 1193, 1207, 1226, 1258, 1261, 1307], 'vaccines.': [69, 1194], 'Accumulating': [70], 'evidence': [71, 488], 'suggests': [72], 'that': [73, 449, 916, 1083], 'subgroup': [75, 749], 'patients': [77, 157, 290, 352, 432, 541, 564, 607, 690, 751, 1316], 'severe': [79, 692], 'COVID-19': [80, 115, 148, 315, 386, 423, 609, 693, 1190, 1301], 'might': [81, 451, 477], 'have': [82], 'cytokine': [84, 308, 600, 765], 'storm': [85], 'syndrome.': [86], 'We': [87], 'recommend': [88], 'identification': [89], 'treatment': [91, 493, 633, 670, 1244], 'hyperinflammation': [93, 698], 'using': [94, 699, 932, 1099], 'existing,': [95], 'approved': [96, 605], 'therapies': [97], 'proven': [99], 'safety': [100, 628], 'profiles': [101], 'to': [102, 107, 147, 244, 422, 454, 517, 746, 1147, 1157, 1230, 1239], 'address': [103], 'immediate': [105], 'reduce': [108], 'rising': [110], 'mortality.': [111, 757], 'management': [113], 'supportive,': [117], 'respiratory': [119, 123, 464, 469, 674], 'failure': [120], 'acute': [122, 463, 673], 'distress': [124], 'syndrome': [125, 181, 465], '(ARDS)': [126], 'leading': [129, 243], 'cause': [130, 1303], 'mortality.2Ruan': [132], 'Q': [133, 408], 'Yang': [134, 409], 'K': [135, 410], 'Wang': [136, 344, 411], 'W': [137, 412], 'Jiang': [138, 413], 'L': [139, 280, 414, 715, 717, 864, 866, 937, 939, 1031, 1033, 1104, 1106], 'Song': [140, 415], 'J': [141, 416], 'Clinical': [142, 417, 487, 617], 'predictors': [143, 418], 'due': [146, 421, 453], 'based': [149, 424], 'analysis': [152, 427], 'data': [154, 429, 522], '150': [156, 384, 431], 'Wuhan,': [159, 359, 389, 434], 'China.Intensive': [160, 435], 'Care': [161, 436, 578, 1256], 'Med.': [162, 437, 579], '2020;': [163, 361, 438, 498, 676], '(published': [164, 439], 'online': [165, 440, 934, 1101], '3.)DOI:10.1007/s00134-020-05991-xCrossref': [167, 442], 'PubMed': [168, 222, 253, 302, 369, 443, 506, 583, 684, 740, 889, 962, 1056, 1129], 'Scopus': [169, 223, 254, 303, 370, 444, 507, 584, 685, 741, 890, 963, 1057, 1130], '(3163)': [170, 445], 'Google': [171, 225, 256, 305, 372, 446, 509, 586, 687, 743, 892, 965, 1059, 1132], 'Secondary': [173], 'haemophagocytic': [174, 212], 'lymphohistiocytosis': [175], '(sHLH)': [176], 'under-recognised,': [179], 'hyperinflammatory': [180, 1305], 'characterised': [182, 318], 'by': [183, 199, 319, 777, 1164], 'fulminant': [185], 'fatal': [187], 'hypercytokinaemia': [188], 'multiorgan': [190], 'failure.': [191], 'In': [192], 'adults,': [193], 'sHLH': [194, 261, 311], 'most': [196], 'commonly': [197], 'triggered': [198], 'viral': [200, 657], 'infections3Ramos-Casals': [201], 'M': [202], 'Brito-Zeron': [203], 'P': [204, 661], 'Lopez-Guillermo': [205], 'A': [206, 278, 307, 588], 'Khamashta': [207], 'MA': [208], 'Bosch': [209], 'X': [210, 347], 'Adult': [211], 'syndrome.Lancet.': [213], '2014;': [214, 737, 886, 959, 1053, 1126], '383:': [215], '1503-1516Summary': [216], 'Full': [217, 219, 297, 299, 364, 366, 501, 503, 679, 681], 'Text': [218, 220, 298, 300, 365, 367, 502, 504, 680, 682], 'PDF': [221, 301, 368, 505, 683, 1334], '(803)': [224], 'occurs': [228, 272], '3·7–4·3%': [230], 'sepsis': [232, 563], 'cases.4Karakike': [233], 'E': [234, 286], 'Giamarellos-Bourboulis': [235], 'EJ': [236], 'Macrophage': [237], 'activation-like': [238], 'syndrome:': [239, 570], 'distinct': [241], 'entity': [242], 'early': [245], 'death': [246], 'sepsis.Front': [248], 'Immunol.': [249], '2019;': [250], '10:': [251], '55Crossref': [252], '(166)': [255], 'Cardinal': [258], 'features': [259, 350, 566], 'include': [262, 760], 'unremitting': [263], 'fever,': [264], 'cytopenias,': [265], 'hyperferritinaemia;': [267], 'pulmonary': [268], 'involvement': [269, 288], '(including': [270], 'ARDS)': [271], '50%': [275], 'patients.5Seguin': [277], 'Galicier': [279, 716, 865, 938, 1032, 1105], 'Boutboul': [281], 'D': [282], 'Lemiale': [283], 'V': [284], 'Azoulay': [285], 'Pulmonary': [287], 'hemophagocytic': [292, 734, 883, 956, 1050, 1123], 'lymphohistiocytosis.Chest.': [293], '2016;': [294, 580], '149:': [295], '1294-1301Summary': [296], '(113)': [304], 'profile': [309], 'resembling': [310], 'associated': [313, 558], 'severity,': [317], 'increased': [320, 545], 'interleukin': [321], '(IL)-2,': [322], 'IL-7,': [323], 'granulocyte-colony': [324], 'stimulating': [325], 'factor,': [326], 'interferon-γ': [327], 'inducible': [328], 'protein': [329, 333, 337], '10,': [330], 'monocyte': [331], 'chemoattractant': [332], '1,': [334], 'macrophage': [335, 568], 'inflammatory': [336], '1-α,': [338], 'tumour': [340], 'necrosis': [341], 'factor-α.6Huang': [342], 'C': [343, 665], 'Y': [345], 'Li': [346], 'et': [348, 553, 666, 720, 869, 942, 1036, 1109], 'al.Clinical': [349], 'infected': [353], 'China.Lancet.': [360], '395:': [362, 499, 677], '497-506Summary': [363], '(30456)': [371], 'Predictors': [374], 'fatality': [376], 'recent': [379], 'retrospective,': [380], 'multicentre': [381], 'study': [382], 'cases': [387], 'China,': [390], 'included': [391], 'elevated': [392, 612], 'ferritin': [393], '(mean': [394], '1297·6': [395], 'ng/ml': [396, 401], 'non-survivors': [398], 'vs': [399], '614·0': [400], 'survivors;': [403], 'p<0·001)': [404], 'IL-6': [406, 613], '(p<0·0001),2Ruan': [407], 'suggesting': [448], 'be': [452, 518, 695, 930, 1097], 'virally': [455], 'driven': [456], 'hyperinflammation.': [457], 'during': [459], 'previous': [460], 'pandemics': [461], '(severe': [462], 'Middle': [467], 'East': [468], 'syndrome),': [470, 602], 'corticosteroids': [471], 'are': [472, 907, 1074], 'not': [473, 490, 921, 1088], 'routinely': [474], 'recommended': [475], 'exacerbate': [478], 'COVID-19-associated': [479], 'lung': [480, 496], 'injury.7Russell': [481], 'CD': [482], 'Millar': [483], 'JE': [484], 'Baillie': [485], 'JK': [486], 'does': [489], 'support': [491], 'corticosteroid': [492], '2019-nCoV': [495, 672], 'injury.Lancet.': [497], '473-475Summary': [500], '(1476)': [508], 'However,': [511, 1319], 'hyperinflammation,': [513, 543], 'immunosuppression': [514, 754], 'likely': [516], 'beneficial.': [519], 'Re-analysis': [520], 'phase': [525, 575], '3': [526], 'randomised': [527, 590], 'controlled': [528, 591, 622], 'trial': [529, 592, 623], 'IL-1': [531], 'blockade': [532, 556, 766], '(anakinra)': [533], 'sepsis,': [535], 'showed': [536], 'significant': [537], 'survival': [538], 'benefit': [539], 'without': [544], 'adverse': [546], 'events.8Shakoory': [547], 'B': [548], 'Carcillo': [549], 'JA': [550], 'Chatham': [551], 'WW': [552], 'al.Interleukin-1': [554], 'receptor': [555, 596], 'reduced': [560], 'activation': [569], 'reanalysis': [571], 'prior': [574], 'iii': [576], 'trial.Crit': [577], '44:': [581], '275-281Crossref': [582], '(563)': [585], 'multicentre,': [589], 'tocilizumab': [594, 630], '(IL-6': [595], 'blockade,': [597], 'licensed': [598], 'release': [601], 'pneumonia': [610, 637], 'China': [615], '(ChiCTR2000029765).9Chinese': [616], 'Trial': [618], 'RegistryA': [619], 'multicenter,': [620], 'randomized': [621], 'efficacy': [626], 'new': [635, 1027], '(COVID-19).': [638], 'Feb': [639], '6,': [644], 'Janus': [647], 'kinase': [648], '(JAK)': [649], 'inhibition': [650], 'could': [651, 755], 'affect': [652], 'both': [653], 'inflammation': [654], 'cellular': [656], 'entry': [658], 'COVID-19.10Richardson': [660], 'Griffin': [662], 'I': [663], 'Tucker': [664], 'al.Baricitinib': [667], 'as': [668, 788, 970], 'potential': [669], 'disease.Lancet.': [675], 'e30-e31Summary': [678], '(1008)': [686], 'All': [689, 1266], 'should': [694], 'screened': [696], 'laboratory': [700], 'trends': [701], '(eg,': [702, 767], 'increasing': [703], 'ferritin,': [704], 'decreasing': [705], 'platelet': [706, 814, 996], 'counts,': [707], 'or': [708, 769, 782, 795, 811, 813, 822, 824, 854, 977, 993, 995, 1004, 1006, 1014], 'erythrocyte': [709], 'sedimentation': [710], 'rate)': [711], 'HScore11Fardet': [714], 'Lambotte': [718, 867, 940, 1034, 1107], 'O': [719, 868, 941, 1035, 1108], 'al.Development': [721, 870, 943, 1037, 1110], 'validation': [723, 872, 945, 1039, 1112], 'HScore,': [726, 875, 948, 1042, 1115], 'score': [728, 877, 950, 1044, 1117], 'diagnosis': [731, 880, 925, 953, 1047, 1092, 1120], 'reactive': [733, 882, 955, 1049, 1122], 'syndrome.Arthritis': [735, 884, 957, 1051, 1124], 'Rheumatol.': [736, 885, 958, 1052, 1125], '66:': [738, 887, 960, 1054, 1127], '2613-2620Crossref': [739, 888, 961, 1055, 1128], '(688)': [742, 891, 964, 1058, 1131], '(table)': [745], 'identify': [747], 'whom': [753], 'improve': [756], 'Therapeutic': [758], 'options': [759], 'steroids,': [761], 'intravenous': [762], 'immunoglobulin,': [763], 'selective': [764], 'anakinra': [768], 'tocilizumab)': [770], 'JAK': [772], 'inhibition.TableHScore': [773], 'secondary': [775, 901, 1068], 'HLH,': [776], 'clinical': [778, 1139, 1322], 'parameterNumber': [779], 'pointsTemperature<38·4°C038·4–39·4°C33>39·4°C49OrganomegalyNone0Hepatomegaly': [781], 'splenomegaly23Hepatomegaly': [783], 'splenomegaly38Number': [785], 'cytopenias*Defined': [787], 'either': [789, 971], 'haemoglobin': [790, 972], 'concentration': [791, 973], '9·2': [793, 975], 'g/dL': [794, 976], '(≤5·71': [797, 979], 'mmol/L),': [798, 980], 'white': [800, 806, 982, 988], 'blood': [801, 807, 983, 989], 'cell': [802, 984], 'count': [803, 815, 985, 997], '5000': [805, 987], 'cells': [808, 990], 'per': [809, 820, 991, 1002], 'mm3': [810, 821, 992, 1003], 'less,': [812, 823, 994, 1005], '110': [817, 999], '000': [818, 1000], 'platelets': [819, 1001], 'all': [825, 1007, 1228], 'these': [827, 1009], 'criteria': [828, 1010], 'combined.One': [829], 'lineage0Two': [830], 'lineages24Three': [831], 'lineages34Triglycerides': [832], '(mmol/L)<1·5': [833], 'mmol/L01·5–4·0': [834], 'mmol/L44>4·0': [835], 'mmol/L64Fibrinogen': [836], '(g/L)>2·5': [837], 'g/L0≤2·5': [838], 'g/L30Ferritin': [839], 'ng/ml<2000': [840], 'ng/ml02000–6000': [841], 'ng/ml35>6000': [842], 'ng/ml50Serum': [843], 'aspartate': [844], 'aminotransferase<30': [845], 'IU/L0≥30': [846], 'IU/L19Haemophagocytosis': [847], 'bone': [849, 917, 1084], 'marrow': [850, 918, 1085], 'aspirateNo0Yes35Known': [851], 'immunosuppression†HIV': [852], 'positive': [853, 1013], 'receiving': [855, 1015], 'longterm': [856, 1016], 'immunosuppressive': [857, 1017], 'therapy': [858, 1018], '(ie,': [859, 1019], 'glucocorticoids,': [860, 1020], 'cyclosporine,': [861, 1021], 'azathioprine).No0Yes18The': [862], 'Hscore11Fardet': [863, 1030], 'generates': [894, 1061], 'probability': [896, 1063], 'presence': [899, 1066], 'HLH.': [902, 914, 927, 1069, 1081, 1094], 'HScores': [903, 928, 1070, 1095], 'greater': [904, 1071], '169': [906, 1073], '93%': [908, 1075], 'sensitive': 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1185, 1252], '(NIHR)': [1171], 'University': [1172], 'College': [1173], 'London': [1174], 'Hospitals': [1175], 'Biomedical': [1176], 'Centre.': [1178], 'DFM': [1179, 1195, 1233, 1247], 'chairs': [1180], 'NIHR': [1182, 1259], 'Medical': [1184], 'Council': [1186], 'committee': [1188], 'therapeutics': [1192], 'reports': [1196], 'personal': [1197], 'fees': [1198], 'consultancy': [1200], 'ARDS': [1202], 'GlaxoSmithKline,': [1204], 'Boehringer': [1205], 'Ingelheim,': [1206], 'Bayer;': [1208], 'addition,': [1210], 'his': [1211, 1240], 'institution': [1212, 1241], 'received': [1214], 'funds': [1215], 'grants': [1217], 'UK': [1220], 'NIHR,': [1221], 'Wellcome': [1222], 'Trust,': [1223], 'Innovate': [1224], 'UK,': [1225], 'others,': [1227], 'patent': [1237], 'issued': [1238], 'ARDS.': [1246], 'Director': [1250], 'Intensive': [1255], 'Society': [1257], 'Efficacy': [1260], 'Mechanism': [1262], 'Evaluation': [1263], 'Programme': [1264], 'Director.': [1265], 'other': [1267], 'authors': [1268], 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[285], 'but': [286], '(four': [289], 'adults': [290], 'child)': [293], 'RT-PCR': [295, 325], 'positive': [296], 'genes': [298], 'encoding': [299], 'internal': [301], 'RNA-dependent': [302], 'RNA': [303], 'polymerase': [304], 'surface': [306], 'Spike': [307], 'coronavirus,': [312, 340], 'which': [313, 341], 'confirmed': [315], 'Sanger': [317], 'sequencing.': [318], "patients'": [324], 'amplicons': [326], 'full': [329], 'genomes': [330], 'next-generation': [332], 'sequencing': [333], 'showed': [334], 'that': [335], 'is': [337, 342], 'closest': [343], 'bat': [346], 'severe': [347], 'acute': [348], 'respiatory': [349], 'syndrome': [350], '(SARS)-related': [351], 'coronaviruses': [352], 'found': [353], 'Chinese': [355], 'horseshoe': [356], 'bats.Our': [357], 'are': [359], 'consistent': [360], 'settings,': [372], 'reports': [375], 'travellers': [378], 'other': [380], 'geographical': [381], 'regions.The': [382], 'Shaw': [383], 'Foundation': [384, 393], 'Kong,': [386], 'Michael': [387], 'Seak-Kan': [388], 'Tong,': [389], 'Respiratory': [390], 'Viral': [391], 'Research': [392, 418], 'Limited,': [394, 405], 'Hui': [395, 397], 'Ming,': [396], 'Hoy': [398], 'Chow': [400], 'Sin': [401], 'Lan': [402], 'Charity': [403], 'Fund': [404], 'Marina': [406], 'Man-Wai': [407], 'Lee,': [408], 'Kong': [411], 'Hainan': [412], 'Commercial': [413], 'Association': [414], 'South': [415], 'China': [416], 'Microbiology': [417], 'Fund,': [419], 'Sanming': [420], 'Project': [421], 'Medicine': [423], '(Shenzhen),': [424], 'High': [426], 'Level-Hospital': [427], 'Program': [428], '(Guangdong': [429], 'Health': [430], 'Commission).': [431]}, 'cited_by_api_url': '', 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'cited_by_count': 357}, {'year': 2022, 'cited_by_count': 905}, {'year': 2021, 'cited_by_count': 2030}, {'year': 2020, 'cited_by_count': 3443}, {'year': 2019, 'cited_by_count': 10}, {'year': 2017, 'cited_by_count': 1}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-03T21:48:13.533746', 'created_date': '2020-01-30'}]
Que es idéntico a:
[{'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China', 'display_name': 'Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China', 'publication_year': 2020, 'publication_date': '2020-02-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '3001118548', 'pmid': '', 'pmcid': ''}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': True, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': '', 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'The Lancet', 'issn_l': '0140-6736', 'issn': ['1474-547X', '0099-5355', '0140-6736'], 'is_oa': False, 'is_in_doaj': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Elsevier BV', 'host_organization_lineage': [''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Elsevier BV'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': None, 'version': 'publishedVersion', 'is_accepted': True, 'is_published': True}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': True, 'oa_status': 'bronze', 'oa_url': 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147, 185, 253, 269, 274, 306, 321], 'with': [38, 57, 70, 96, 277, 317, 354], 'suspected': [39], '2019-nCoV': [40, 59, 141, 336], 'were': [41, 68, 108, 148, 204, 223, 307], 'admitted': [42, 116, 132, 308], 'to': [43, 101, 117, 189, 259, 309, 345], 'designated': [45], 'hospital': [46, 133], 'Wuhan.': [48], 'prospectively': [50], 'collected': [51], 'analysed': [53], 'data': [54, 72], 'on': [55, 280], 'laboratory-confirmed': [58, 140], 'infection': [60, 301, 337], 'real-time': [62], 'RT-PCR': [63], 'next-generation': [65], 'sequencing.': [66], 'Data': [67], 'obtained': [69], 'standardised': [71], 'collection': [73], 'forms': [74], 'shared': [75], 'WHO': [77], 'International': [80], 'Severe': [81], 'Acute': [82], 'Respiratory': [83], 'Emerging': [85], 'Infection': [86], 'Consortium': [87], 'from': [88, 256], 'electronic': [89], 'medical': [90], 'records.': [91], 'Researchers': [92], 'also': [93, 109], 'directly': [94], 'communicated': [95], 'or': [98, 216], 'their': [99], 'families': [100], 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226, 264, 278, 307, 328, 374, 386, 411, 433, 463, 497], 'NCIP.': [40, 84], '<h3>Design,': [41], 'Setting,': [42], 'Participants</h3>': [44], 'Retrospective,': [45], 'single-center': [46, 467], 'case': [47, 468], 'series': [48, 469], '138': [51, 143, 471], 'consecutive': [52], 'hospitalized': [53, 124, 144, 182, 472], 'with': [55, 146, 343, 474], 'confirmed': [56, 475], 'NCIP': [57, 476], 'at': [58], 'Zhongnan': [59], 'Hospital': [60], 'Wuhan': [62], 'University': [63], 'China,': [66, 479], 'from': [67, 314], 'January': [68, 71], '1': [69], 'to': [70, 288, 317, 322, 329, 365, 378, 420], '28,': [72], '2020;': [73], 'final': [74], 'date': [75], 'follow-up': [77], 'was': [78, 115, 151, 167, 319, 325, 331, 457, 485, 499], 'February': [79, 426], '3,': [80, 427], '2020.': [81], '<h3>Exposures</h3>': [82], 'Documented': [83], '<h3>Main': [85], 'Outcomes': [86, 101], 'Measures</h3>': [88], 'Epidemiological,': [89], 'demographic,': [90], 'clinical,': [91], 'laboratory,': [92], 'radiological,': [93], 'treatment': [95], 'data': [96], 'were': [97, 110, 163, 286, 353, 362, 375, 418, 431], 'collected': [98], 'analyzed.': [100], 'critically': [103], 'ill': [104, 108], 'noncritically': [107], 'compared.': [111], 'Presumed': [112], 'hospital-related': [113, 481], 'transmission': [114, 166, 482], 'suspected': [116, 168, 486], 'if': [117], 'a': [118, 133], 'cluster': [119], 'health': [121, 177], 'professionals': [122, 178], 'or': [123, 246], 'same': [128], 'wards': [129], 'became': [130], 'infected': [131], 'possible': [134], 'source': [135], 'infection': [137, 174], 'could': [138], 'be': [139], 'tracked.': [140], '<h3>Results</h3>': [141], 'Of': [142, 393], 'NCIP,': [147], 'median': [149, 312, 454], 'age': [150], '56': [152], 'years': [153, 358], '(interquartile': [154], 'range,': [155, 157], '42-68;': [156], '22-92': [158], 'years)': [159], '75': [161], '(54.3%)': [162], 'men.': [164], 'Hospital-associated': [165], 'as': [169], 'presumed': [171, 480], 'mechanism': [172], 'for': [175], '(40': [179], '[29%])': [180], '(17': [184], '[12.3%]).': [185], 'Common': [186], 'symptoms': [187], 'included': [188], 'fever': [189], '(136': [190], '[98.6%]),': [191], 'fatigue': [192], '(96': [193], '[69.6%]),': [194], 'dry': [196], 'cough': [197], '(82': [198], '[59.4%]).': [199], 'Lymphopenia': [200], '(lymphocyte': [201], 'count,': [202], '0.8': [203], '×': [204], '10<sup>9</sup>/L': [205], '[interquartile': [206], 'range': [207], '{IQR},': [208], '0.6-1.1])': [209], '97': [212], '(70.3%),': [214], 'prolonged': [215], 'prothrombin': [216], 'time': [217, 313], '(13.0': [218], 'seconds': [219], '[IQR,': [220, 232], '12.3-13.7])': [221], '80': [223], '(58%),': [225], 'elevated': [227], 'lactate': [228], 'dehydrogenase': [229], '(261': [230], 'U/L': [231], '182-403])': [233], '55': [235], '(39.9%).': [237], 'Chest': [238], 'computed': [239], 'tomographic': [240], 'scans': [241], 'showed': [242], 'bilateral': [243], 'patchy': [244], 'shadows': [245], 'ground': [247], 'glass': [248], 'opacity': [249], 'lungs': [252], 'all': [254], 'patients.': [255], 'Most': [256], 'received': [258, 266, 402, 408, 414, 494], 'antiviral': [259], 'therapy': [260, 268, 280], '(oseltamivir,': [261], '124': [262], '[89.9%]),': [263], 'many': [265], 'antibacterial': [267], '(moxifloxacin,': [269], '89': [270], '[64.4%];': [271], 'ceftriaxone,': [272], '34': [273], '[24.6%];': [274], 'azithromycin,': [275], '25': [276], '[18.1%])': [277], 'glucocorticoid': [279], '(62': [281], '[44.9%]).': [282], 'Thirty-six': [283], '(26.1%)': [285], 'transferred': [287], 'intensive': [290], 'care': [291], 'unit': [292], '(ICU)': [293], 'because': [294], 'complications,': [296], 'including': [297], 'acute': [298], 'respiratory': [299], 'distress': [300], 'syndrome': [301], '(22': [302], '[61.1%]),': [303], 'arrhythmia': [304], '(16': [305], '[44.4%]),': [306], 'shock': [308], '(11': [309], '[30.6%]).': [310], 'first': [315], 'symptom': [316], 'dyspnea': [318, 380], '5.0': [320], 'days,': [321, 327], 'hospital': [323, 455], 'admission': [324], '7.0': [326], 'ARDS': [330], '8.0': [332], 'days.': [333], 'Patients': [334], 'treated': [335, 346], 'ICU': [338, 349, 495], '(n': [339, 350, 450], '=': [340, 351, 451], '36),': [341], 'compared': [342], 'not': [345], '102),': [352], 'older': [354], '(median': [355], 'age,': [356], '66': [357], 'vs': [359, 371, 383, 390], '51': [360], 'years),': [361], 'more': [363, 376], 'likely': [364, 377], 'have': [366, 379], 'underlying': [367], 'comorbidities': [368], '(26': [369], '[72.2%]': [370], '38': [372], '[37.3%]),': [373], '(23': [381], '[63.9%]': [382], '20': [384], '[19.6%]),': [385], 'anorexia': [387], '(24': [388], '[66.7%]': [389], '31': [391], '[30.4%]).': [392], '36': [395], 'ICU,': [399], '4': [400], '(11.1%)': [401], 'high-flow': [403], 'oxygen': [404], 'therapy,': [405], '15': [406], '(41.7%)': [407], 'noninvasive': [409], 'ventilation,': [410], '17': [412], '(47.2%)': [413], 'invasive': [415], 'ventilation': [416], '(4': [417], 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Polack', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stephen J. Thomas', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Stephen J. Thomas', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nicholas Kitchin', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Nicholas Kitchin', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Judith Absalon', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Judith Absalon', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Alejandra Gurtman', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Alejandra Gurtman', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stephen Lockhart', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Stephen Lockhart', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'John L. Perez', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'John L. Perez', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Gonzalo Pérez Marc', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Gonzalo Pérez Marc', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Edson Duarte Moreira', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Edson D. Moreira', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Cristiano Augusto de Freitas Zerbini', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Cristiano Zerbini', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Richard Bailey', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Ruth Bailey', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Kena A. Swanson', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Kena A. Swanson', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Satrajit Roychoudhury', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Satrajit Roychoudhury', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Kenneth Koury', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Kenneth Koury', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ping Li', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Ping Li', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Warren V. Kalina', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Warren V. Kalina', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'David A. Cooper', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'David Cooper', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Robert W. Frenck', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Robert W. Frenck', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Laura L. Hammitt', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Laura L. Hammitt', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Özlem Türeci', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Özlem Türeci', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Haylene Nell', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Haylene Nell', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Axel Schaefer', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Axel Schaefer', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Serhat Ünal', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Serhat Ünal', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Dina B. Tresnan', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Dina B. Tresnan', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Susan Mather', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Susan Mather', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Philip R. Dormitzer', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Philip R. Dormitzer', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Uğur Şahin', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Uğur Şahin', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Kathrin U. Jansen', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Kathrin U. Jansen', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['From Fundacion INFANT (F.P.P.) and iTrials-Hospital Militar Central (G.P.M.), Buenos Aires; State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse (S.J.T.), and Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Pearl River (J.A., A.G., K.A.S., K.K., W.V.K., D.C., P.R.D., K.U.J., W.C.G.) — both in New York; Vaccine Research and Development, Pfizer, Hurley, United Kingdom (N.K., S.L., R.B.); Vaccine Research and Development (J.L.P., P.L.) and Worldwide Safety, Safety Surveillance and Risk Management (S...']}, {'author_position': 'last', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'William C. Gruber', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Pfizer (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'William C. 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[697], 'measures': [701], 'during': [702, 940], 'earliest': [704], 'stages': [705], 'outbreak.': [708], 'This': [709, 726, 825], 'publication': [711, 728, 1028], 'been': [713, 730, 821, 828, 913, 973], 'corrected.': [714, 731], 'corrected': [716, 733, 822], 'version': [717, 734, 833], 'appeared': [719, 736], '': [721, 738], 'June': [723, 740, 836], '12,': [724, 741, 837], '2020': [725, 742], 'declare': [744], 'no': [745], 'competing': [746], 'interests.': [747], 'grateful': [750], 'technical': [753], 'support': [754], 'Atlas': [759], 'Applied': [766], 'Physics': [767], 'Lab.': [768], 'Download': [769], '.pdf': [770], '(.29': [771], 'MB)': [772], 'Help': [773], 'pdf': [775], 'files': [776], 'Supplementary': [777], 'appendix': [778], 'Correction': [779], 'Lancet': [781, 802, 1031], 'Infect': [782, 803], 'Dis': [783, 804], '2020;': [784, 805], '20:': [785, 806], '533–34Dong': [786], 'E,': [787], 'Du': [788], 'H,': [789], 'Gardner': [790], 'L.': [791], 'An': [792, 1019], 'web-based': [794], '533–34—In': [807], 'Correspondence,': [809], 'y-axis': [812], 'graph': [815], 'figure': [817], 'A,': [818], '“500”': [819], '“5000”.': [824], 'correction': [826], '2020.': [838], 'Full-Text': [839, 933, 1017, 1110], 'PDF': [840, 934, 1018, 1111], 'SeroTracker:': [841], 'global': [843, 976], 'SARS-CoV-2': [844], 'seroprevalence': [845], 'dashboardAs': [846], 'initial': [848], 'phase': [849], 'pandemic': [853, 977], 'passes': [854], 'peak': [856], 'many': [858], 'countries,': [859], 'serological': [860], 'studies': [861], 'becoming': [863], 'increasingly': [864], 'important': [865], 'guiding': [867], 'responses.': [870], 'Antibody': [871], 'testing': [872, 905, 920], 'monitoring': [876], 'evolution': [878], 'pandemic,': [881], 'providing': [882], 'complete': [885], 'picture': [886], 'total': [889], 'people': [892], '(SARS-CoV-2)': [901, 1012], 'molecular': [903], 'diagnostic': [904], 'alone.1': [906], 'individuals': [908], 'SARS-CoV-2-specific': [910], 'antibodies': [911], 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236, 246, 279, 294, 317], 'SARS-CoV-2': [27, 45, 60, 139, 296, 333], 'infection': [28, 284], 'is': [29, 298, 306], 'scarce.': [30], 'We': [31], 'aimed': [32], 'to': [33, 65, 187, 193, 217, 230, 308], 'describe': [34], 'clinical': [36, 94], 'course': [37], 'and': [38, 82, 93, 104, 128, 181, 227, 272, 322], 'outcomes': [39, 95, 118], 'pneumonia.MethodsIn': [46], 'this': [47], 'single-centered,': [48], 'retrospective,': [49], 'observational': [50], 'study,': [51], 'we': [52], 'enrolled': [53], '52': [54, 141, 153], 'adult': [57, 144], 'who': [62], 'were': [63, 96, 100, 146, 162, 206], 'admitted': [64], 'intensive': [67, 189], 'care': [68, 190, 340], 'unit': [69, 191], '(ICU)': [70, 192], 'Wuhan': [72], 'Jin': [73], 'Yin-tan': [74], 'hospital': [75], '(Wuhan,': [76], 'China)': [77], 'between': [78, 102], 'late': [79], 'Jan': [83], '26,': [84], '2020.': [85, 116], 'Demographic': [86], 'data,': [87], 'symptoms,': [88], 'laboratory': [89], 'values,': [90], 'comorbidities,': [91], 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155, 231, 260, 276, 351, 375, 383, 419, 428, 430, 521, 530, 567, 572, 593, 629, 634, 724, 732, 750, 780, 786, 792, 804, 816, 826, 873, 881, 900, 926, 946, 954, 974, 986, 998, 1008, 1040, 1048, 1067, 1093, 1113, 1121, 1251, 1286, 1295, 1313], 'March': [2, 29, 33, 166, 441, 643], '12,': [3, 30], '2020,': [4], 'coronavirus': [5, 357, 636], 'disease': [6, 23, 316, 1276, 1298], '2019': [7, 24, 355], '(COVID-19)': [8], 'has': [9, 58, 603, 1213, 1235, 1326], 'been': [10, 59, 604, 1328], 'confirmed': [11, 385], 'in': [12, 229, 247, 273, 289, 358, 388, 397, 402, 512, 534, 540, 562, 606, 614, 631, 659, 1025, 1209, 1315, 1324, 1330], '125': [13], '048': [14], 'people': [15], 'worldwide,': [16], 'carrying': [17], 'a': [18, 39, 74, 83, 184, 240, 378, 524, 573, 727, 799, 876, 895, 924, 949, 981, 1026, 1043, 1062, 1091, 1116, 1138, 1236, 1243, 1249, 1304], 'mortality': [19, 40, 145, 420, 450, 561], 'approximately': [21, 274], '3·7%,1WHOCoronavirus': [22], '(COVID-19)situation': [25], 'report': [26, 1310], '–': [27], '52.': [28], '2020Date': [31, 641], 'accessed:': [32, 642], '13,': [34, 640], '2020Google': [35, 645], 'Scholar': [36, 172, 226, 257, 306, 373, 447, 510, 587, 646, 688, 744, 893, 966, 1060, 1133], 'compared': [37], 'with': [38, 78, 98, 189, 291, 314, 354, 542, 559, 565, 608, 691, 1317], 'rate': [41], 'less': [43, 796, 978], 'than': [44, 905, 1072], '1%': [45], 'from': [46, 121, 158, 377, 433, 523, 1199, 1216, 1218], 'influenza.': [47], 'There': [48], 'is': [49, 116, 127, 177, 195, 312, 515, 557, 920, 1087, 1137, 1248, 1299], 'an': [50, 151, 178, 426, 933, 1100], 'urgent': [51], 'need': [52, 106], 'for': [53, 494, 599, 624, 671, 697, 729, 752, 774, 878, 897, 913, 923, 951, 1045, 1064, 1080, 1090, 1118, 1168, 1189, 1191, 1201, 1203, 1242, 1245, 1253], 'effective': [54], 'treatment.': [55], 'Current': [56, 112], 'focus': [57], 'on': [60, 150, 425, 848, 1292], 'the': [61, 104, 109, 128, 625, 632, 713, 725, 730, 748, 874, 879, 898, 947, 952, 1041, 1046, 1065, 1114, 1119, 1143, 1165, 1181, 1219, 1254, 1284, 1288, 1293, 1311], 'development': [62, 1294, 1312], 'novel': [64, 356], 'therapeutics,': [65], 'including': [66], 'antivirals': [67], 'and': [68, 90, 118, 186, 227, 266, 339, 405, 466, 476, 611, 627, 655, 712, 722, 771, 784, 871, 910, 944, 1038, 1077, 1111, 1152, 1183, 1193, 1207, 1226, 1258, 1261, 1307], 'vaccines.': [69, 1194], 'Accumulating': [70], 'evidence': [71, 488], 'suggests': [72], 'that': [73, 449, 916, 1083], 'subgroup': [75, 749], 'patients': [77, 157, 290, 352, 432, 541, 564, 607, 690, 751, 1316], 'severe': [79, 692], 'COVID-19': [80, 115, 148, 315, 386, 423, 609, 693, 1190, 1301], 'might': [81, 451, 477], 'have': [82], 'cytokine': [84, 308, 600, 765], 'storm': [85], 'syndrome.': [86], 'We': [87], 'recommend': [88], 'identification': [89], 'treatment': [91, 493, 633, 670, 1244], 'hyperinflammation': [93, 698], 'using': [94, 699, 932, 1099], 'existing,': [95], 'approved': [96, 605], 'therapies': [97], 'proven': [99], 'safety': [100, 628], 'profiles': [101], 'to': [102, 107, 147, 244, 422, 454, 517, 746, 1147, 1157, 1230, 1239], 'address': [103], 'immediate': [105], 'reduce': [108], 'rising': [110], 'mortality.': [111, 757], 'management': [113], 'supportive,': [117], 'respiratory': [119, 123, 464, 469, 674], 'failure': [120], 'acute': [122, 463, 673], 'distress': [124], 'syndrome': [125, 181, 465], '(ARDS)': [126], 'leading': [129, 243], 'cause': [130, 1303], 'mortality.2Ruan': [132], 'Q': [133, 408], 'Yang': [134, 409], 'K': [135, 410], 'Wang': [136, 344, 411], 'W': [137, 412], 'Jiang': [138, 413], 'L': [139, 280, 414, 715, 717, 864, 866, 937, 939, 1031, 1033, 1104, 1106], 'Song': [140, 415], 'J': [141, 416], 'Clinical': [142, 417, 487, 617], 'predictors': [143, 418], 'due': [146, 421, 453], 'based': [149, 424], 'analysis': [152, 427], 'data': [154, 429, 522], '150': [156, 384, 431], 'Wuhan,': [159, 359, 389, 434], 'China.Intensive': [160, 435], 'Care': [161, 436, 578, 1256], 'Med.': [162, 437, 579], '2020;': [163, 361, 438, 498, 676], '(published': [164, 439], 'online': [165, 440, 934, 1101], '3.)DOI:10.1007/s00134-020-05991-xCrossref': [167, 442], 'PubMed': [168, 222, 253, 302, 369, 443, 506, 583, 684, 740, 889, 962, 1056, 1129], 'Scopus': [169, 223, 254, 303, 370, 444, 507, 584, 685, 741, 890, 963, 1057, 1130], '(3163)': [170, 445], 'Google': [171, 225, 256, 305, 372, 446, 509, 586, 687, 743, 892, 965, 1059, 1132], 'Secondary': [173], 'haemophagocytic': [174, 212], 'lymphohistiocytosis': [175], '(sHLH)': [176], 'under-recognised,': [179], 'hyperinflammatory': [180, 1305], 'characterised': [182, 318], 'by': [183, 199, 319, 777, 1164], 'fulminant': [185], 'fatal': [187], 'hypercytokinaemia': [188], 'multiorgan': [190], 'failure.': [191], 'In': [192], 'adults,': [193], 'sHLH': [194, 261, 311], 'most': [196], 'commonly': [197], 'triggered': [198], 'viral': [200, 657], 'infections3Ramos-Casals': [201], 'M': [202], 'Brito-Zeron': [203], 'P': [204, 661], 'Lopez-Guillermo': [205], 'A': [206, 278, 307, 588], 'Khamashta': [207], 'MA': [208], 'Bosch': [209], 'X': [210, 347], 'Adult': [211], 'syndrome.Lancet.': [213], '2014;': [214, 737, 886, 959, 1053, 1126], '383:': [215], '1503-1516Summary': [216], 'Full': [217, 219, 297, 299, 364, 366, 501, 503, 679, 681], 'Text': [218, 220, 298, 300, 365, 367, 502, 504, 680, 682], 'PDF': [221, 301, 368, 505, 683, 1334], '(803)': [224], 'occurs': [228, 272], '3·7–4·3%': [230], 'sepsis': [232, 563], 'cases.4Karakike': [233], 'E': [234, 286], 'Giamarellos-Bourboulis': [235], 'EJ': [236], 'Macrophage': [237], 'activation-like': [238], 'syndrome:': [239, 570], 'distinct': [241], 'entity': [242], 'early': [245], 'death': [246], 'sepsis.Front': [248], 'Immunol.': [249], '2019;': [250], '10:': [251], '55Crossref': [252], '(166)': [255], 'Cardinal': [258], 'features': [259, 350, 566], 'include': [262, 760], 'unremitting': [263], 'fever,': [264], 'cytopenias,': [265], 'hyperferritinaemia;': [267], 'pulmonary': [268], 'involvement': [269, 288], '(including': [270], 'ARDS)': [271], '50%': [275], 'patients.5Seguin': [277], 'Galicier': [279, 716, 865, 938, 1032, 1105], 'Boutboul': [281], 'D': [282], 'Lemiale': [283], 'V': [284], 'Azoulay': [285], 'Pulmonary': [287], 'hemophagocytic': [292, 734, 883, 956, 1050, 1123], 'lymphohistiocytosis.Chest.': [293], '2016;': [294, 580], '149:': [295], '1294-1301Summary': [296], '(113)': [304], 'profile': [309], 'resembling': [310], 'associated': [313, 558], 'severity,': [317], 'increased': [320, 545], 'interleukin': [321], '(IL)-2,': [322], 'IL-7,': [323], 'granulocyte-colony': [324], 'stimulating': [325], 'factor,': [326], 'interferon-γ': [327], 'inducible': [328], 'protein': [329, 333, 337], '10,': [330], 'monocyte': [331], 'chemoattractant': [332], '1,': [334], 'macrophage': [335, 568], 'inflammatory': [336], '1-α,': [338], 'tumour': [340], 'necrosis': [341], 'factor-α.6Huang': [342], 'C': [343, 665], 'Y': [345], 'Li': [346], 'et': [348, 553, 666, 720, 869, 942, 1036, 1109], 'al.Clinical': [349], 'infected': [353], 'China.Lancet.': [360], '395:': [362, 499, 677], '497-506Summary': [363], '(30456)': [371], 'Predictors': [374], 'fatality': [376], 'recent': [379], 'retrospective,': [380], 'multicentre': [381], 'study': [382], 'cases': [387], 'China,': [390], 'included': [391], 'elevated': [392, 612], 'ferritin': [393], '(mean': [394], '1297·6': [395], 'ng/ml': [396, 401], 'non-survivors': [398], 'vs': [399], '614·0': [400], 'survivors;': [403], 'p<0·001)': [404], 'IL-6': [406, 613], '(p<0·0001),2Ruan': [407], 'suggesting': [448], 'be': [452, 518, 695, 930, 1097], 'virally': [455], 'driven': [456], 'hyperinflammation.': [457], 'during': [459], 'previous': [460], 'pandemics': [461], '(severe': [462], 'Middle': [467], 'East': [468], 'syndrome),': [470, 602], 'corticosteroids': [471], 'are': [472, 907, 1074], 'not': [473, 490, 921, 1088], 'routinely': [474], 'recommended': [475], 'exacerbate': [478], 'COVID-19-associated': [479], 'lung': [480, 496], 'injury.7Russell': [481], 'CD': [482], 'Millar': [483], 'JE': [484], 'Baillie': [485], 'JK': [486], 'does': [489], 'support': [491], 'corticosteroid': [492], '2019-nCoV': [495, 672], 'injury.Lancet.': [497], '473-475Summary': [500], '(1476)': [508], 'However,': [511, 1319], 'hyperinflammation,': [513, 543], 'immunosuppression': [514, 754], 'likely': [516], 'beneficial.': [519], 'Re-analysis': [520], 'phase': [525, 575], '3': [526], 'randomised': [527, 590], 'controlled': [528, 591, 622], 'trial': [529, 592, 623], 'IL-1': [531], 'blockade': [532, 556, 766], '(anakinra)': [533], 'sepsis,': [535], 'showed': [536], 'significant': [537], 'survival': [538], 'benefit': [539], 'without': [544], 'adverse': [546], 'events.8Shakoory': [547], 'B': [548], 'Carcillo': [549], 'JA': [550], 'Chatham': [551], 'WW': [552], 'al.Interleukin-1': [554], 'receptor': [555, 596], 'reduced': [560], 'activation': [569], 'reanalysis': [571], 'prior': [574], 'iii': [576], 'trial.Crit': [577], '44:': [581], '275-281Crossref': [582], '(563)': [585], 'multicentre,': [589], 'tocilizumab': [594, 630], '(IL-6': [595], 'blockade,': [597], 'licensed': [598], 'release': [601], 'pneumonia': [610, 637], 'China': [615], '(ChiCTR2000029765).9Chinese': [616], 'Trial': [618], 'RegistryA': [619], 'multicenter,': [620], 'randomized': [621], 'efficacy': [626], 'new': [635, 1027], '(COVID-19).': [638], 'Feb': [639], '6,': [644], 'Janus': [647], 'kinase': [648], '(JAK)': [649], 'inhibition': [650], 'could': [651, 755], 'affect': [652], 'both': [653], 'inflammation': [654], 'cellular': [656], 'entry': [658], 'COVID-19.10Richardson': [660], 'Griffin': [662], 'I': [663], 'Tucker': [664], 'al.Baricitinib': [667], 'as': [668, 788, 970], 'potential': [669], 'disease.Lancet.': [675], 'e30-e31Summary': [678], '(1008)': [686], 'All': [689, 1266], 'should': [694], 'screened': [696], 'laboratory': [700], 'trends': [701], '(eg,': [702, 767], 'increasing': [703], 'ferritin,': [704], 'decreasing': [705], 'platelet': [706, 814, 996], 'counts,': [707], 'or': [708, 769, 782, 795, 811, 813, 822, 824, 854, 977, 993, 995, 1004, 1006, 1014], 'erythrocyte': [709], 'sedimentation': [710], 'rate)': [711], 'HScore11Fardet': [714], 'Lambotte': [718, 867, 940, 1034, 1107], 'O': [719, 868, 941, 1035, 1108], 'al.Development': [721, 870, 943, 1037, 1110], 'validation': [723, 872, 945, 1039, 1112], 'HScore,': [726, 875, 948, 1042, 1115], 'score': [728, 877, 950, 1044, 1117], 'diagnosis': [731, 880, 925, 953, 1047, 1092, 1120], 'reactive': [733, 882, 955, 1049, 1122], 'syndrome.Arthritis': [735, 884, 957, 1051, 1124], 'Rheumatol.': [736, 885, 958, 1052, 1125], '66:': [738, 887, 960, 1054, 1127], '2613-2620Crossref': [739, 888, 961, 1055, 1128], '(688)': [742, 891, 964, 1058, 1131], '(table)': [745], 'identify': [747], 'whom': [753], 'improve': [756], 'Therapeutic': [758], 'options': [759], 'steroids,': [761], 'intravenous': [762], 'immunoglobulin,': [763], 'selective': [764], 'anakinra': [768], 'tocilizumab)': [770], 'JAK': [772], 'inhibition.TableHScore': [773], 'secondary': [775, 901, 1068], 'HLH,': [776], 'clinical': [778, 1139, 1322], 'parameterNumber': [779], 'pointsTemperature<38·4°C038·4–39·4°C33>39·4°C49OrganomegalyNone0Hepatomegaly': [781], 'splenomegaly23Hepatomegaly': [783], 'splenomegaly38Number': [785], 'cytopenias*Defined': [787], 'either': [789, 971], 'haemoglobin': [790, 972], 'concentration': [791, 973], '9·2': [793, 975], 'g/dL': [794, 976], '(≤5·71': [797, 979], 'mmol/L),': [798, 980], 'white': [800, 806, 982, 988], 'blood': [801, 807, 983, 989], 'cell': [802, 984], 'count': [803, 815, 985, 997], '5000': [805, 987], 'cells': [808, 990], 'per': [809, 820, 991, 1002], 'mm3': [810, 821, 992, 1003], 'less,': [812, 823, 994, 1005], '110': [817, 999], '000': [818, 1000], 'platelets': [819, 1001], 'all': [825, 1007, 1228], 'these': [827, 1009], 'criteria': [828, 1010], 'combined.One': [829], 'lineage0Two': [830], 'lineages24Three': [831], 'lineages34Triglycerides': [832], '(mmol/L)<1·5': [833], 'mmol/L01·5–4·0': [834], 'mmol/L44>4·0': [835], 'mmol/L64Fibrinogen': [836], '(g/L)>2·5': [837], 'g/L0≤2·5': [838], 'g/L30Ferritin': [839], 'ng/ml<2000': [840], 'ng/ml02000–6000': [841], 'ng/ml35>6000': [842], 'ng/ml50Serum': [843], 'aspartate': [844], 'aminotransferase<30': [845], 'IU/L0≥30': [846], 'IU/L19Haemophagocytosis': [847], 'bone': [849, 917, 1084], 'marrow': [850, 918, 1085], 'aspirateNo0Yes35Known': [851], 'immunosuppression†HIV': [852], 'positive': [853, 1013], 'receiving': [855, 1015], 'longterm': [856, 1016], 'immunosuppressive': [857, 1017], 'therapy': [858, 1018], '(ie,': [859, 1019], 'glucocorticoids,': [860, 1020], 'cyclosporine,': [861, 1021], 'azathioprine).No0Yes18The': [862], 'Hscore11Fardet': [863, 1030], 'generates': [894, 1061], 'probability': [896, 1063], 'presence': [899, 1066], 'HLH.': [902, 914, 927, 1069, 1081, 1094], 'HScores': [903, 928, 1070, 1095], 'greater': [904, 1071], '169': [906, 1073], '93%': [908, 1075], 'sensitive': 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1185, 1252], '(NIHR)': [1171], 'University': [1172], 'College': [1173], 'London': [1174], 'Hospitals': [1175], 'Biomedical': [1176], 'Centre.': [1178], 'DFM': [1179, 1195, 1233, 1247], 'chairs': [1180], 'NIHR': [1182, 1259], 'Medical': [1184], 'Council': [1186], 'committee': [1188], 'therapeutics': [1192], 'reports': [1196], 'personal': [1197], 'fees': [1198], 'consultancy': [1200], 'ARDS': [1202], 'GlaxoSmithKline,': [1204], 'Boehringer': [1205], 'Ingelheim,': [1206], 'Bayer;': [1208], 'addition,': [1210], 'his': [1211, 1240], 'institution': [1212, 1241], 'received': [1214], 'funds': [1215], 'grants': [1217], 'UK': [1220], 'NIHR,': [1221], 'Wellcome': [1222], 'Trust,': [1223], 'Innovate': [1224], 'UK,': [1225], 'others,': [1227], 'patent': [1237], 'issued': [1238], 'ARDS.': [1246], 'Director': [1250], 'Intensive': [1255], 'Society': [1257], 'Efficacy': [1260], 'Mechanism': [1262], 'Evaluation': [1263], 'Programme': [1264], 'Director.': [1265], 'other': [1267], 'authors': [1268], 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'Seak-Kan': [388], 'Tong,': [389], 'Respiratory': [390], 'Viral': [391], 'Research': [392, 418], 'Limited,': [394, 405], 'Hui': [395, 397], 'Ming,': [396], 'Hoy': [398], 'Chow': [400], 'Sin': [401], 'Lan': [402], 'Charity': [403], 'Fund': [404], 'Marina': [406], 'Man-Wai': [407], 'Lee,': [408], 'Kong': [411], 'Hainan': [412], 'Commercial': [413], 'Association': [414], 'South': [415], 'China': [416], 'Microbiology': [417], 'Fund,': [419], 'Sanming': [420], 'Project': [421], 'Medicine': [423], '(Shenzhen),': [424], 'High': [426], 'Level-Hospital': [427], 'Program': [428], '(Guangdong': [429], 'Health': [430], 'Commission).': [431]}, 'cited_by_api_url': '', 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'cited_by_count': 357}, {'year': 2022, 'cited_by_count': 905}, {'year': 2021, 'cited_by_count': 2030}, {'year': 2020, 'cited_by_count': 3443}, {'year': 2019, 'cited_by_count': 10}, {'year': 2017, 'cited_by_count': 1}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-03T21:48:13.533746', 'created_date': '2020-01-30'}]
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[{'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Crystallography & NMR System: A New Software Suite for Macromolecular Structure Determination', 'display_name': 'Crystallography & NMR System: A New Software Suite for Macromolecular Structure Determination', 'publication_year': 1998, 'publication_date': '1998-09-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '1995017064', 'pmid': ''}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': False, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': None, 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Acta Crystallographica Section D-biological Crystallography', 'issn_l': '0907-4449', 'issn': ['0907-4449', '1399-0047'], 'is_oa': False, 'is_in_doaj': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Wiley-Blackwell', 'host_organization_lineage': ['', ''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Wiley-Blackwell', 'Wiley'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': None, 'version': None, 'is_accepted': False, 'is_published': False}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': False, 'oa_status': 'closed', 'oa_url': None, 'any_repository_has_fulltext': False}, 'authorships': [{'author_position': 'first', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A.T. Brünger', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Yale University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Howard Hughes Medical Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A.T. Brünger', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA; The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA', 'The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paul D. Adams', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Yale University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P.D. Adams', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 06511, USA.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 06511, USA.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'G. Marius Clore', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institutes of Health', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'G.M. Clore', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520, USA.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520, USA.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Warren L. DeLano', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of California, San Francisco', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'W.L. DeLano', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Graduate Group in Biophysics, Box 0448, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Graduate Group in Biophysics, Box 0448, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Piet Gros', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P. Gros', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Crystal and Structural Chemistry, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research; Utrecht University, Padualaan 8; 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Crystal and Structural Chemistry, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research; Utrecht University, Padualaan 8; 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ralf W. 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'previous': [50], 'analysis': [51], 'assessed': [53], 'changes': [54, 477, 492, 497, 507], 'attributable': [57, 85, 158, 183], 'over': [61], 'time.': [62], 'Methods': [63], 'We': [64, 106, 134, 169], 'estimated': [65, 107], 'deaths': [66, 143], 'disability-adjusted': [68], 'life': [69, 82], 'years': [70, 74, 80], '(DALYs;': [71], 'sum': [72], 'lived': [75], 'with': [76, 139, 165, 270, 310, 458, 561], 'disability': [77], '[YLD]': [78], 'lost': [83], '[YLL])': [84], 'independent': [88], 'effects': [89], '67': [91], 'clusters': [95], 'for': [99, 110, 193, 260, 316, 464, 471], '21': [100], 'regions': [101], '1990': [103, 307], '2010.': [105, 323], 'exposure': [108, 124, 163], 'distributions': [109], 'each': [111, 160], 'year,': [112], 'region,': [113], 'sex,': [114], 'age': [116], 'group,': [117], 'relative': [119, 175], 'per': [121], 'unit': [122], 'systematically': [126], 'reviewing': [127], 'synthesising': [129], 'published': [130], 'unpublished': [132], 'data.': [133], 'used': [135], 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[214], '[5·5–7·0]),': [215], 'household': [217, 235], 'air': [218, 236], 'pollution': [219, 237], 'solid': [221, 239], 'fuels': [222, 240], '(4·3%': [223], '[3·4–5·3]).': [224], '1990,': [226], 'childhood': [231, 291, 300, 330], 'underweight': [232], '(7·9%': [233], '[6·8–9·4]),': [234], '(HAP;': [241], '6·8%': [242], '[5·5–8·0]),': [243], '(6·1%': [250], '[5·4–6·8]).': [251], 'Dietary': [252], 'physical': [256], 'inactivity': [257], 'collectively': [258], 'accounted': [259], '10·0%': [261], '(95%': [262], 'UI': [263], '9·2–10·8)': [264], 'most': [272, 326, 373, 376], 'prominent': [273], 'dietary': [274], 'being': [276], 'diets': [277], 'low': [278], 'fruits': [280], 'those': [282, 470, 559, 564], 'sodium.': [285], 'Several': [286], 'primarily': [289], 'affect': [290, 566], 'communicable': [292, 465], 'diseases,': [293], 'unimproved': [295, 311, 515], 'water': [296, 312, 516], 'sanitation': [298, 314], 'micronutrient': [301], 'deficiencies,': [302, 523], 'fell': [303], 'rank': [305], 'between': [306], 'accounting': [315], '0·9%': [317], '(0·4–1·6)': [318], 'However,': [324], 'sub-Saharan': [328, 365, 552], 'Africa': [329, 366, 381, 438], 'underweight,': [331], 'HAP,': [332], 'non-exclusive': [334], 'discontinued': [336], 'breastfeeding': [337], 'while': [344], 'HAP': [345], 'was': [346, 369, 389], 'south': [351], 'Asia.': [352], 'The': [353, 529], 'Eastern': [358], 'Europe,': [359], 'Andean': [360], 'Latin': [361, 378, 427], 'America,': [362, 379, 428], 'southern': [364, 426], '2010': [368], 'alcohol': [370], 'use;': [371], 'Asia,': [375], 'North': [380, 437], 'Middle': [383, 440], 'East,': [384, 441], 'central': [386], 'Europe': [387], 'it': [388, 418], 'pressure.': [392], 'Despite': [393], 'declines,': [394], 'remained': [400], 'high-income': [405, 435], 'north': [406], 'America': [407], 'western': [409], 'Europe.': [410], 'High': [411], 'body-mass': [412], 'index': [413], 'increased': [415], 'globally': [416], 'is': [419], 'Australasia': [424], 'also': [430], 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Witwer', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Elena Aikawa', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Brigham and Women's Hospital", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Harvard University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Elena Aikawa', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Center for Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Sciences, Boston, MA, USA; Harvard Medical School, Cardiovascular Medicine, Boston, MA, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Center for Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Sciences, Boston, MA, USA', 'Harvard Medical School, Cardiovascular Medicine, Boston, MA, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Marı́a José Alcaraz', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Universitat Politècnica de València', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Maria Jose Alcaraz', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Interuniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Interuniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Johnathon D. 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Bauer', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University of South Alabama, Department of Pharmacology, Center for Lung Biology, Mobile, AL, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University of South Alabama, Department of Pharmacology, Center for Lung Biology, Mobile, AL, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Amy A. Baxter', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'La Trobe University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['AU'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Amy A. Baxter', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Mary Bebawy', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Technology Sydney', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['AU'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Mary Bebawy', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University of Technology Sydney, Discipline of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Health, Sydney, Australia', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University of Technology Sydney, Discipline of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Health, Sydney, Australia']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Carla Beckham', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Rochester', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Carla Beckham', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Apolonija Bedina Zavec', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute of Chemistry', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SI', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['SI'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Apolonija Bedina Zavec', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'National Institute of Chemistry, Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology, Ljubljana, Slovenia', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['National Institute of Chemistry, Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology, Ljubljana, Slovenia']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Abderrahim Benmoussa', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Centre hospitalier de l'Université Laval", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CA'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Abderrahim Benmoussa', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Université Laval, Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec, Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, Quebec City, Canada', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Université Laval, Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec, Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, Quebec City, Canada']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Anna C. Berardi', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ospedale di Santo Spirito', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Anna C. Berardi', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Ospedale Santo Spirito, Pescara, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Ospedale Santo Spirito, Pescara, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paolo Bergese', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Brescia', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Paolo Bergese', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CSGI - Research Center for Colloids and Nanoscience, Florence, Italy; INSTM - National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology, Florence, Italy; 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Borràs', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Autonomous University of Barcelona', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Francesc E. Borràs', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Can Ruti Campus, REMAR-IVECAT Group, Badalona, Spain; Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Nephrology Service, Badalona, Spain; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Department of Cell Biology, Physiology & Immunology, Barcelona, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Can Ruti Campus, REMAR-IVECAT Group, Badalona, Spain', 'Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Nephrology Service, Badalona, Spain', 'Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Department of Cell Biology, Physiology & Immunology, Barcelona, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Steffi Bosch', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Bretagne Loire', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Oniris', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Steffi Bosch', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Université Bretagne Loire, Oniris, INRA, IECM, Nantes, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Université Bretagne Loire, Oniris, INRA, IECM, Nantes, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Chantal M. 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Boulanger', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INSERM UMR-S 970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, Paris, France; Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INSERM UMR-S 970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, Paris, France', 'Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Xandra O. 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'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'related_works': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'ngrams_url': '', 'abstract_inverted_index': {'A': [0, 80, 1407, 1660, 1991, 2050, 2605, 3278, 3545, 3656], 'remarkable': [1, 81], 'interdisciplinary': [2, 82], 'effort': [3, 83], 'has': [4, 84, 691, 1019, 1348, 2333, 2817, 3981, 4133], 'unraveled': [5, 85], 'the': [6, 15, 57, 72, 86, 95, 137, 152, 181, 202, 212, 216, 230, 304, 312, 328, 343, 350, 360, 373, 393, 412, 435, 476, 511, 537, 547, 563, 580, 586, 609, 638, 696, 744, 790, 838, 936, 968, 991, 1007, 1011, 1061, 1066, 1086, 1089, 1110, 1122, 1133, 1165, 1194, 1198, 1206, 1212, 1220, 1231, 1236, 1294, 1303, 1306, 1309, 1439, 1456, 1470, 1537, 1630, 1638, 1649, 1668, 1691, 1732, 1747, 1822, 1902, 1995, 2054, 2086, 2207, 2313, 2317, 2357, 2367, 2381, 2400, 2417, 2452, 2500, 2520, 2542, 2553, 2608, 2638, 2646, 2664, 2677, 2713, 2744, 2823, 2833, 2867, 2890, 2923, 3008, 3053, 3107, 3185, 3190, 3246, 3250, 3363, 3368, 3389, 3434, 3468, 3480, 3567, 3570, 3577, 3583, 3596, 3603, 3612, 3677, 3749, 3763, 3773, 3786, 3792, 3865, 3892, 3912, 3926, 3935, 3939, 3942, 3951, 3968, 4007, 4018, 4021, 4041, 4070, 4085, 4091, 4097, 4118, 4124, 4148, 4172, 4178, 4185, 4197, 4200, 4203, 4261, 4292, 4316, 4321, 4327, 4338, 4356, 4362, 4381], 'WNT': [7, 87, 3833], '(Wingless': [8, 88], 'and': [9, 43, 64, 74, 89, 123, 144, 154, 173, 192, 256, 266, 357, 376, 445, 472, 503, 525, 528, 595, 602, 628, 684, 694, 729, 760, 821, 924, 1014, 1053, 1205, 1218, 1247, 1257, 1259, 1266, 1288, 1290, 1317, 1339, 1388, 1461, 1493, 1558, 1608, 1655, 1677, 1689, 1751, 1782, 1794, 1864, 2072, 2132, 2134, 2219, 2224, 2239, 2325, 2346, 2561, 2588, 2666, 2675, 2715, 2721, 2795, 2895, 2897, 2926, 2929, 2983, 3055, 3092, 3135, 3165, 3210, 3287, 3300, 3313, 3325, 3388, 3401, 3418, 3552, 3663, 3729, 3791, 3799, 3801, 3820, 3840, 3886, 3928, 3986, 4061, 4066, 4082, 4094, 4105, 4143, 4154, 4226, 4289, 4291, 4340], 'INT-1)': [10, 90], 'signal': [11, 91, 417, 502, 747, 1337, 1773, 2192, 3461, 3514, 3622, 3711], 'transduction': [12, 92, 418], 'cascade': [13, 93, 419, 3752], 'over': [14, 94], 'last': [16, 96, 762], 'two': [17, 97, 2627, 3793], 'decades.': [18, 98], 'Wnt': [19, 32, 58, 99, 112, 138, 589, 610, 746, 832, 1012, 1029, 1038, 1062, 1081, 1101, 1126, 1166, 1191, 1233, 1265, 1284, 1296, 1311, 1319, 1332, 1362, 1384, 1476, 1603, 1687, 1695, 1710, 1740, 1756, 1761, 1789, 1907, 2022, 2155, 2191, 2339, 2358, 2373, 2446, 2476, 2532, 2544, 2635, 2746, 2761, 2899, 2950, 3062, 3095, 3138, 3167, 3194, 3255, 3285, 3308, 3320, 3348, 3353, 3392, 3437, 3460, 3509, 3549, 3629, 3660, 3681, 3706, 3751, 3819, 3936, 4071, 4119, 4188, 4201, 4225, 4398], 'genes': [20, 100, 378, 410, 884, 921, 1127, 1921, 2901], 'encode': [21, 101, 236, 1469], 'small': [22, 102], 'secreted': [23, 103, 238, 831, 1028, 1289, 2790, 2945, 2981, 3061, 3241, 3280], 'proteins': [24, 104, 1285, 1320, 1333, 1385, 1541, 2027, 2189, 2630, 2918, 2948, 2982, 3035, 3239, 3286, 4287], 'that': [25, 105, 240, 408, 588, 748, 1022, 1079, 1096, 1125, 1433, 1449, 1472, 1501, 1599, 1620, 1640, 1667, 1731, 1821, 1924, 2019, 2338, 2392, 2631, 2742, 2763, 2884, 3039, 3282, 3383, 3467, 3607, 3925, 4014, 4025, 4089, 4101, 4136, 4246, 4323, 4358, 4392], 'are': [26, 67, 106, 147, 1185, 1286, 1321, 1340, 1343, 1386, 1466, 1635, 1816, 1860, 1883, 1959, 2632, 2749, 2752, 2919, 3036, 3240, 3302, 3563, 3619, 3836, 4000, 4033, 4345], 'found': [27, 107, 942, 2819], 'in': [28, 36, 48, 56, 108, 116, 128, 136, 169, 186, 211, 268, 342, 372, 389, 404, 475, 480, 510, 540, 566, 612, 668, 700, 732, 752, 799, 819, 846, 922, 1047, 1065, 1105, 1129, 1169, 1299, 1313, 1438, 1455, 1594, 1648, 1663, 1674, 1716, 1737, 1780, 1792, 1890, 1901, 1914, 1920, 1931, 1940, 2018, 2092, 2136, 2157, 2190, 2217, 2221, 2246, 2316, 2323, 2380, 2653, 2663, 2681, 2712, 2880, 2985, 3225, 3311, 3323, 3399, 3459, 3479, 3606, 3611, 3748, 3804, 3818, 3934, 3950, 3967, 4011, 4108, 4123, 4184, 4199, 4224, 4243], 'all': [29, 109, 3783], 'animal': [30, 110, 1134], 'genomes.': [31, 111], 'signaling': [33, 113, 430, 478, 590, 698, 793, 827, 1234, 1245, 1297, 1543, 1790, 1942, 2156, 2238, 2523, 2545, 2574, 2679, 2747, 2794, 2951, 3168, 3321, 3346, 3370, 3393, 4110, 4130, 4189, 4317, 4341], 'is': [34, 114, 241, 309, 335, 363, 1215, 1219, 1238, 1359, 1473, 1494, 1600, 1621, 1683, 1730, 1735, 1762, 1776, 1810, 1819, 2210, 2353, 2370, 2474, 2645, 2651, 2759, 2788, 2796, 2973, 3160, 3446, 3452, 3600, 3609, 3676, 3753, 3760, 3861, 3884, 3908, 3972, 4027, 4138, 4205, 4255, 4324, 4330, 4334, 4359, 4376, 4385, 4393], 'involved': [35, 115, 1673, 1736], 'virtually': [37, 117], 'every': [38, 118], 'aspect': [39, 119], 'of': [40, 51, 71, 77, 120, 131, 151, 157, 215, 283, 303, 327, 330, 401, 414, 438, 514, 536, 546, 562, 570, 577, 608, 626, 632, 641, 654, 664, 835, 881, 918, 967, 990, 1060, 1068, 1088, 1100, 1164, 1223, 1308, 1327, 1409, 1453, 1539, 1571, 1632, 1693, 1906, 1936, 1994, 2053, 2085, 2204, 2241, 2290, 2312, 2319, 2329, 2350, 2443, 2481, 2607, 2629, 2642, 2792, 2825, 2835, 2863, 2893, 2976, 2980, 3005, 3057, 3094, 3189, 3193, 3213, 3249, 3253, 3386, 3396, 3410, 3436, 3483, 3569, 3573, 3579, 3633, 3775, 3848, 3873, 3941, 3984, 4009, 4020, 4059, 4069, 4096, 4114, 4128, 4145, 4171, 4177, 4180, 4187, 4196, 4251, 4264, 4319, 4343, 4361], 'embryonic': [41, 121, 548, 2292], 'development': [42, 122, 254, 1793, 2711, 3324], 'also': [44, 124, 617, 1684, 2551, 3065, 3344], 'controls': [45, 125, 249, 2377, 3394, 3630], 'homeostatic': [46, 126], 'self-renewal': [47, 127], 'a': [49, 75, 129, 155, 176, 208, 237, 280, 396, 415, 560, 600, 629, 661, 824, 847, 1069, 1097, 1170, 1324, 1352, 1434, 1451, 1490, 1499, 1531, 1576, 1616, 1670, 1694, 1739, 1752, 1767, 1771, 1893, 1916, 2002, 2020, 2061, 2081, 2213, 2310, 2361, 2475, 2509, 2531, 2656, 2723, 2760, 2789, 2829, 2974, 2977, 3089, 3161, 3166, 3215, 3223, 3380, 3441, 3755, 3846, 3871, 3874, 3881, 3909, 3982, 4193, 4208, 4240, 4249, 4299, 4348], 'number': [50, 130, 265, 1326], 'adult': [52, 132], 'tissues.': [53, 79, 133, 159], 'Germline': [54, 134], 'mutations': [55, 66, 135, 146, 371, 388, 1913, 2322], 'pathway': [59, 139, 479, 611, 794, 1013, 1214, 1246, 1298, 1312, 1750, 1791, 2555, 2680, 2748, 3322, 3371, 4120], 'cause': [60, 140, 392], 'several': [61, 141], 'hereditary': [62, 142, 848], 'diseases,': [63, 143], 'somatic': [65, 145], 'associated': [68, 148, 4162], 'with': [69, 149, 366, 945, 972, 996, 1412, 1658, 1963, 2080, 2309, 2344, 2512, 2670, 2765, 2889, 3243, 3378, 3472, 3782, 3991, 3995, 4302], 'cancer': [70, 150, 849, 926, 1249, 4012], 'intestine': [73, 153], 'variety': [76, 156, 1452], 'other': [78, 158, 1232, 3784, 4109, 4169], 'The': [160, 300, 815, 1613, 1643, 1788, 2013, 2202, 2944, 3319, 3407, 3745, 3766, 4057, 4283], 'mouse': [161, 203, 305, 571, 2291], 'wnt1': [162], 'gene,': [163], 'originally': [164], 'named': [165, 1605], 'Int-1,': [166], 'was': [167, 233, 276, 591, 616, 754, 844, 941, 1103], 'identified': [168, 755], '1982': [170], 'by': [171, 201, 340, 619, 758, 830, 1323, 1880, 2556, 2615, 2660, 2719, 2952, 3067, 3347, 3351, 3359, 3680, 3737, 3762, 3864, 3891, 4160, 4380, 4397], 'Nusse': [172, 298, 469, 1382, 1786, 1989, 2048, 2565, 3272, 3317], 'Varmus': [174, 196, 722, 2603], 'as': [175, 338, 660, 756, 1051, 1391, 1744, 1766, 2001, 2060, 2090, 2508, 3105, 3306, 3772, 3778, 3947, 3956, 4248, 4268], 'preferential': [177], 'integration': [178], 'site': [179], 'for': [180, 796, 1361, 1414, 1475, 1602, 1686, 1690, 1862, 1895, 2121, 2236, 2288, 2459, 2479, 2798, 2922, 3163, 3548, 3621, 3659, 3888, 3911, 3965, 4140, 4168, 4260, 4369], 'Mouse': [182, 2915], 'Mammary': [183], 'Tumor': [184], 'Virus': [185], 'virally': [187], 'induced': [188, 200, 618], 'breast': [189], 'tumors': [190, 199], '(Nusse': [191], 'Varmus,': [193], '1982Nusse': [194], 'R.': [195, 299, 470, 1383, 1787, 1990, 2049, 2177, 2566, 3087, 3273, 3318, 3406, 3538, 3649, 3906, 4052, 4054], 'H.E.': [197, 723], 'Many': [198], 'mammary': [204, 306], 'tumor': [205, 993, 3767, 3787], 'virus': [206], 'contain': [207], 'provirus': [209], 'integrated': [210], 'same': [213], 'region': [214], 'host': [217], 'genome.Cell.': [218], '1982;': [219], '31:': [220], '99-109Abstract': [221], 'Full': [222, 320, 452, 553, 805, 807, 1422, 1424, 1548, 1550, 1583, 1585, 2251, 2253, 2297, 2299, 2487, 2489, 2730, 2732, 2805, 2807], 'Text': [223, 321, 453, 554, 806, 808, 1423, 1425, 1549, 1551, 1584, 1586, 2252, 2254, 2298, 2300, 2488, 2490, 2731, 2733, 2806, 2808], 'PDF': [224, 322, 454, 555, 809, 1426, 1552, 1587, 2255, 2301, 2491, 2734, 2809], 'PubMed': [225, 273, 323, 455, 485, 519, 556, 678, 708, 738, 810, 891, 931, 977, 1001, 1176, 1275, 1399, 1427, 1509, 1553, 1588, 1722, 1803, 1870, 1948, 2008, 2067, 2127, 2162, 2197, 2256, 2302, 2424, 2492, 2583, 2620, 2735, 2810, 2873, 2939, 2991, 3046, 3100, 3145, 3175, 3233, 3294, 3334, 3424, 3519, 3557, 3668, 3716, 3827, 3919, 4077, 4233, 4310], 'Google': [226, 274, 324, 458, 488, 520, 557, 681, 711, 739, 813, 892, 932, 978, 1002, 1179, 1255, 1278, 1402, 1430, 1512, 1556, 1591, 1725, 1806, 1873, 1951, 2011, 2070, 2130, 2165, 2200, 2259, 2305, 2427, 2495, 2586, 2623, 2738, 2813, 2876, 2942, 2994, 3049, 3103, 3148, 3178, 3236, 3297, 3337, 3427, 3522, 3560, 3671, 3719, 3830, 3922, 4080, 4236, 4313], 'Scholar).': [227, 325, 521, 740, 814, 933, 1003, 1180, 1403, 1513, 1726, 1807, 1874, 1952, 2012, 2201, 2306, 2428, 2624, 2739, 2814, 2877, 2943, 2995, 3179, 3237, 3298, 3428, 3561, 3720, 3923, 4314], 'When': [228, 3721, 3832], 'sequenced,': [229], 'Wnt1': [231, 284, 572], 'proto-oncogene': [232, 538], 'seen': [234], 'to': [235, 278, 311, 349, 383, 442, 544, 605, 943, 1187, 1240, 1351, 1446, 1468, 1496, 1536, 1626, 1681, 1755, 1764, 1838, 2206, 2355, 2518, 2540, 2634, 2673, 2767, 2820, 2955, 3002, 3069, 3133, 3219, 3245, 3284, 3304, 3438, 3512, 3565, 3595, 3709, 3723, 4039, 4207, 4326, 4395], 'protein': [239, 940, 995, 1354, 1534, 1619, 1645, 2119, 2153, 2234, 2569, 2610, 2648, 3217, 3281, 3382, 3414, 3757, 3769, 3789, 3869, 4375], 'cysteine': [242, 1329, 1356], 'rich.': [243], 'Subsequently,': [244], 'Drosophila': [245, 301, 436, 820, 1052, 1435, 1487, 1595, 1891, 1999, 2058, 2093, 2218, 2375, 2418, 2501, 3220, 4293], 'wingless': [246, 477, 1928, 2237], '(wg),': [247], 'which': [248, 353, 1031, 1358, 1882, 1958, 2650, 2751, 2831, 3992, 4164, 4365], 'segment': [250, 264, 313, 4294], 'polarity': [251, 267, 314, 1202, 4295], 'during': [252, 1085, 1943], 'larval': [253], '(Nüsslein-Volhard': [255], 'Wieschaus,': [257], '1980Nüsslein-Volhard': [258], 'C.': [259, 770, 1144, 1519, 1523, 1664, 1855, 2179, 2275, 2699, 2784, 2969, 2971, 3032, 3503, 3700], 'Wieschaus': [260, 499, 4279], 'E.': [261, 293, 424, 500, 1372, 1853, 2110, 2857, 4048, 4280], 'Mutations': [262, 917], 'affecting': [263], 'Drosophila.Nature.': [269, 481], '1980;': [270], '287:': [271], '795-801Crossref': [272], 'Scholar),': [275, 3050, 3104], 'shown': [277], 'be': [279, 1033, 1188, 1836, 1878, 2457, 4040, 4084, 4158], 'fly': [281, 333], 'homolog': [282, 302, 437, 625, 640, 1464, 2503], '(Rijsewijk': [285], 'et': [286, 421, 461, 491, 645, 714, 765, 857, 879, 895, 948, 981, 1137, 1365, 1479, 1516, 1560, 1698, 1846, 1971, 2030, 2095, 2139, 2168, 2262, 2403, 2462, 2591, 2686, 2771, 2838, 2860, 2903, 2958, 3011, 3033, 3072, 3113, 3151, 3197, 3258, 3486, 3525, 3636, 3683, 3895, 4045, 4271], 'al.,': [287, 422, 462, 492, 646, 715, 766, 858, 896, 949, 982, 1138, 1366, 1480, 1517, 1561, 1699, 1847, 1972, 2031, 2096, 2140, 2169, 2263, 2404, 2463, 2592, 2687, 2772, 2839, 2904, 2959, 3012, 3073, 3114, 3152, 3198, 3259, 3487, 3526, 3637, 3684, 3896, 4046, 4272], '1987Rijsewijk': [288], 'F.': [289, 2183], 'Schuermann': [290], 'M.': [291, 494, 498, 774, 780, 1146, 1243, 1569, 1976, 2035, 2098, 2173, 2410, 2843, 2851, 3022, 3154, 3203, 4274], 'Wagenaar': [292], 'Parren': [294], 'P.': [295, 876, 916, 965, 1525, 1974, 2033, 2782, 2859, 3030, 3124, 3499, 3696], 'Weigel': [296], 'D.': [297, 496, 778, 878, 1484, 1521, 1567, 1849, 1986, 2045, 2108, 2471, 3028, 3130], 'oncogene': [307], 'int-1': [308, 539], 'identical': [310], 'gene': [315, 843, 970, 1167, 1436, 1598, 1614, 2932, 4296], 'wingless.Cell.': [316], '1987;': [317], '50:': [318], '649-657Abstract': [319], 'Segmentation': [326], 'epidermis': [329], 'wg': [331, 361, 384], 'mutant': [332, 385], 'embryos': [334, 369, 542, 578], 'severely': [336], 'impaired': [337], 'evidenced': [339], 'abnormalities': [341, 382, 2662], 'overlying': [344], 'ventral': [345, 575], 'cuticle.': [346, 398], 'In': [347, 522, 1055, 1629, 2075, 2756, 4347], 'contrast': [348], 'wild-type': [351], 'cuticle,': [352], 'exhibits': [354], 'alternating': [355], 'denticle': [356], 'naked': [358, 397], 'belts,': [359], 'cuticle': [362, 381, 402], 'completely': [364], 'covered': [365], 'denticles.': [367], 'Fly': [368], 'carrying': [370, 1912], 'porcupine,': [374, 1443], 'dishevelled,': [375], 'armadillo': [377, 473, 4297], 'display': [379], 'similar': [380, 4303], 'embryos,': [386], 'whereas': [387, 3586, 3949], 'shaggy/zeste-white': [390, 642], '3': [391, 505, 636, 643, 658], 'opposite': [394], 'phenotype,': [395], 'Epistatic': [399], 'analysis': [400, 1120, 4068], 'structure': [403, 3209], 'double': [405], 'mutants': [406, 1929], 'indicated': [407, 3466], 'these': [409, 836, 1210, 1813, 2643, 4003, 4129, 4181], 'constituted': [411], 'core': [413], 'new': [416, 1992, 2051, 2978, 3279], '(Siegfried': [420], '1992Siegfried': [423], 'Chou': [425], 'T.B.': [426], 'Perrimon': [427, 467], 'N.': [428, 468, 1565, 3075], 'Wingless': [429, 501, 1865, 2003, 2062, 2122], 'acts': [431, 3066, 3771], 'through': [432, 2432, 3474, 3614, 3739], 'zeste-white': [433], '3,': [434], 'glycogen': [439, 633, 655], 'synthase': [440, 634, 656, 727], 'kinase-3,': [441], 'regulate': [443, 3040], 'engrailed': [444], 'establish': [446], 'cell': [447, 1201, 1393, 1639, 1941, 2208, 3416, 3419], 'fate.Cell.': [448], '1992;': [449, 4307], '71:': [450], '1167-1179Abstract': [451], 'Scopus': [456, 486, 679, 709, 811, 1177, 1276, 1400, 1428, 1510, 1554, 1589, 1723, 1804, 1871, 1949, 2009, 2068, 2128, 2163, 2198, 2257, 2303, 2425, 2493, 2584, 2621, 2736, 2811, 2874, 2940, 2992, 3047, 3101, 3146, 3176, 3234, 3295, 3335, 3425, 3520, 3558, 3669, 3717, 3828, 3920, 4078, 4234, 4311], '(243)': [457], 'Scholar,': [459, 489, 682, 712, 893, 979, 2166, 2260, 3149, 3523], 'Noordermeer': [460], '1994Noordermeer': [463], 'J.': [464, 466, 786, 912, 1148, 1988, 2047, 2144, 2227, 2600, 2697, 2709, 2845, 3020, 3126, 3277, 3493, 3495, 3542, 3653, 3690, 3692, 3902, 3915], 'Klingensmith': [465], 'Dishevelled': [471, 620, 2517], 'act': [474, 1390, 1765, 3946, 3955], '1994;': [482, 516], '367:': [483], '80-83Crossref': [484], '(224)': [487], 'Peifer': [490], '1994Peifer': [493], 'Sweeton': [495], 'Casey': [497], 'Zeste-white': [504], 'kinase': [506, 635, 657, 2364, 2454, 2527, 3390, 3505, 3588, 3678, 3702, 3794, 3814, 4220], 'trigger': [507], 'opposing': [508], 'changes': [509, 4122, 4165], 'intracellular': [512, 1675], 'distribution': [513, 3212], 'Armadillo.Development.': [515], '120:': [517, 803], '369-380Crossref': [518], '1989,': [523], 'McMahon': [524], 'Moon': [526, 532, 1263], '(McMahon': [527], 'Moon,': [529, 1260], '1989McMahon': [530], 'A.P.': [531, 2967], 'R.T.': [533, 1264], 'Ectopic': [534], 'expression': [535, 2349, 4008], 'Xenopus': [541, 567, 669, 701, 733, 753, 800, 822, 2799], 'leads': [543], 'duplication': [545, 561, 615], 'axis.Cell.': [549], '1989;': [550], '58:': [551], '1075-1084Abstract': [552], 'Scholar)': [558, 2071, 2131, 2587, 3338, 3672, 4081, 4237], 'observed': [559], 'body': [564], 'axis': [565, 666, 750, 797, 2613], 'following': [568], 'injection': [569], 'mRNA': [573], 'into': [574, 1035], 'blastomeres': [576], 'at': [579, 1057, 3845], '4-cell': [581], 'stage.': [582], 'This': [583, 1004, 1076, 1280, 1346], 'observation': [584, 1005], 'supported': [585], 'notion': [587], 'shared': [592], 'between': [593, 1010, 1746, 4002], 'vertebrates': [594, 2137], 'invertebrates': [596], 'and,': [597], 'moreover,': [598], 'provided': [599, 1006], 'rapid': [601, 3889, 4092], 'convenient': [603], 'assay': [604], 'study': [606], 'components': [607, 4170], 'vertebrates.': [613], 'Axis': [614], '(Dsh),': [621], 'β-catenin': [622, 946, 2769, 2836, 3387, 3844, 3860, 3883, 4146, 4238, 4344, 4353, 4374], '(the': [623, 1071], 'vertebrate': [624, 639, 4284], 'armadillo),': [627], 'dominant-negative': [630], 'version': [631], '(GSK3),': [637], '(Dominguez': [644], '1995Dominguez': [647], 'I.': [648, 898, 955, 2602, 2780], 'Itoh': [649], 'K.': [650, 910, 1142, 1368, 1406, 1529, 1563, 2102, 2171, 2273, 2707, 3156, 3530, 3641], 'Sokol': [651], 'S.Y.': [652], 'Role': [653], 'beta': [659], 'negative': [662], 'regulator': [663], 'dorsoventral': [665, 730], 'formation': [667, 798, 1712], 'embryos.Proc.': [670], 'Natl.': [671], 'Acad.': [672], 'Sci.': [673, 1418], 'USA.': [674], '1995;': [675, 705, 735], '92:': [676], '8498-8502Crossref': [677], '(240)': [680], 'Guger': [683], 'Gumbiner,': [685], '1995Guger': [686], 'K.A.': [687, 2841], 'Gumbiner': [688, 4281], 'B.M.': [689, 3024, 4282], 'Beta-Catenin': [690], 'Wnt-like': [692], 'activity': [693, 1775, 4019, 4127], 'mimics': [695], 'Nieuwkoop': [697], 'center': [699], 'dorsal-ventral': [702], 'patterning.Dev.': [703], 'Biol.': [704, 1504, 1799, 2579, 2934, 3140, 3170, 3228, 3330, 4073, 4306], '172:': [706], '115-125Crossref': [707], '(112)': [710], 'He': [713, 2186, 3157, 3543, 3654], '1995He': [716], 'X.': [717, 784, 1934, 2187, 2594, 3116, 3158, 3528, 3544, 3639, 3655], 'Saint-Jeannet': [718, 2184, 2595], 'J.P.': [719, 1984, 2043, 2185, 2596], 'Woodgett': [720, 3541, 3652], 'J.R.': [721, 1381], 'Dawid': [724, 2601, 3274], 'I.B.': [725, 3275], 'Glycogen': [726], 'kinase-3': [728], 'patterning': [731, 1131], 'embryos.Nature.': [734], '374:': [736], '617-622Crossref': [737], 'Although': [741, 1331, 2331, 3958], 'long': [742], 'elusive,': [743], 'specific': [745, 3977], 'triggers': [749], 'induction': [751, 2614], 'Wnt11': [757], 'Heasman': [759, 785], 'colleagues': [761], 'year': [763], '(Tao': [764], '2005Tao': [767], 'Q.': [768, 2689], 'Yokota': [769], 'Puck': [771], 'H.': [772, 906, 1851, 2604, 2965, 3026, 3120, 3536, 3540, 3647, 3651, 3898], 'Kofron': [773], 'Birsoy': [775], 'B.': [776, 866, 951, 953, 986, 1157, 2469, 2855, 3014, 3200, 3532, 3643], 'Yan': [777], 'Asashima': [779], 'Wylie': [781], 'C.C.': [782], 'Lin': [783], 'Maternal': [787], 'wnt11': [788], 'activates': [789, 2570, 2676, 3367], 'canonical': [791, 1195, 1213, 1295, 1310, 2521, 2543, 2554, 2678, 2745, 3137, 3369, 3750], 'wnt': [792, 1415, 1540, 1572], 'required': [795, 1437, 1861, 2235, 2354, 2478, 2797, 4139], 'embryos.Cell.': [801], '2005;': [802, 1173, 1252, 1272, 1867, 2870, 3142, 3172, 3421, 3516, 3554, 3665, 3713], '857-871Abstract': [804], '(263)': [812], 'combined': [816], 'observations': [817, 3960], 'made': [818], 'delineated': [823], 'highly': [825, 3849, 4331, 4389], 'conserved': [826, 1037, 1328, 1532, 1577, 1597, 1622, 1678, 3850], 'pathway,': [828, 1204, 2546, 4202], 'activated': [829, 1189], 'proteins.': [833, 1908, 2755], 'Independent': [834], 'studies,': [837], 'adenomatous': [839, 853], 'polyposis': [840, 854], 'coli': [841], '(APC)': [842], 'discovered': [845], 'syndrome': [850], 'termed': [851, 1442], 'familial': [852], '(FAP)': [855], '(Kinzler': [856], '1991Kinzler': [859], 'K.W.': [860, 988], 'Nilbert': [861], 'M.C.': [862, 1705], 'Su': [863, 980], 'L.K.': [864, 984], 'Vogelstein': [865, 985], 'Bryan': [867], 'T.M.': [868], 'Levy': [869], 'D.B.': [870], 'Smith': [871, 2909, 3084], 'K.J.': [872, 4278], 'Preisinger': [873], 'A.C.': [874], 'Hedge': [875, 915], 'McKechnie': [877], 'al.Identification': [880], 'FAP': [882, 923], 'locus': [883], 'from': [885, 1542, 1623, 1679, 1828, 1998, 2057, 2366, 4064, 4121], 'chromosome': [886, 919], '5q21.Science.': [887], '1991;': [888, 928], '253:': [889, 929], '661-665Crossref': [890], 'Nishisho': [894], '1991Nishisho': [897], 'Nakamura': [899], 'Y.': [900, 902, 904, 1982, 2041, 2175, 2181, 2598, 2691, 2853, 3118], 'Miyoshi': [901], 'Miki': [903], 'Ando': [905], 'Horii': [907], 'A.': [908, 1140, 1155, 2112, 2693, 2776, 2961, 3081, 3267, 3501, 3698, 3900, 3904, 4050], 'Koyama': [909], 'Utsunomiya': [911], 'Baba': [913], 'S.': [914, 963, 1486, 1857, 2106, 2114, 2146, 2271, 2406, 2912, 3079, 3205, 3534, 3645], '5q21': [920], 'colorectal': [925], 'patients.Science.': [927], '665-669Crossref': [930], 'Soon': [934], 'after,': [935], 'large': [937], 'cytoplasmic': [938, 3381, 3481, 3513, 3571, 3710, 3756, 4149, 4262, 4373], 'APC': [939, 969, 992, 3966, 3980, 4016, 4026, 4060, 4137, 4153, 4382], 'interact': [944, 2888, 3377], '(Rubinfeld': [947], '1993Rubinfeld': [950], 'Souza': [952], 'Albert': [954], 'Muller': [956], 'O.': [957, 1707, 2774], 'Chamberlain': [958], 'S.H.': [959], 'Masiarz': [960], 'F.R.': [961], 'Munemitsu': [962], 'Polakis': [964], 'Association': [966, 989], 'product': [971], 'beta-catenin.Science.': [973], '1993;': [974, 998], '262:': [975, 999], '1731-1734Crossref': [976], '1993Su': [983], 'Kinzler': [987], 'suppressor': [994, 3768, 3788], 'catenins.Science.': [997], '1734-1737Crossref': [1000], 'first': [1008, 4354], 'connection': [1009], 'human': [1015, 1248, 2864], 'cancer.': [1016, 1318], 'Genome': [1017], 'sequencing': [1018], 'since': [1020], 'revealed': [1021, 1666], 'mammalian': [1023, 2505], 'species': [1024], 'have': [1025, 1045, 3465], 'roughly': [1026], '20': [1027, 3987], 'proteins,': [1030, 1957], 'can': [1032, 1389, 2023, 2537, 2550, 2886, 3375, 4156], 'divided': [1034], '12': [1036], 'subfamilies.': [1039], 'Of': [1040, 1209], 'these,': [1041], 'only': [1042, 4028, 4386], '6': [1043], 'subfamilies': [1044, 1063, 1082], 'counterparts': [1046], 'ecdysozoan': [1048, 1090], 'animals': [1049, 1107], 'such': [1050, 4267], 'Caenorhabditis.': [1054], 'contrast,': [1056], 'least': [1058, 2626], '11': [1059], 'occur': [1064], 'genome': [1067], 'cnidarian': [1070], 'sea': [1072, 1171], 'anemone': [1073], 'Nematostella': [1074], 'vectensis).': [1075], 'finding': [1077], 'suggests': [1078], 'some': [1080], 'were': [1083], 'lost': [1084], 'evolution': [1087], 'lineage': [1091], 'but': [1092], 'more': [1093, 3810, 4216], 'importantly': [1094], 'reveals': [1095], 'complex': [1098, 1672, 1734, 3366, 3777, 3953], 'inventory': [1099], 'factors': [1102, 2636, 2644, 2741], 'present': [1104], 'multicellular': [1106], 'well': [1108], 'before': [1109], 'Cambrian': [1111], 'explosion': [1112], '(550': [1113], 'million': [1114], 'years': [1115], 'ago).': [1116], 'Thus,': [1117, 1459, 1833], 'comparative': [1118], 'genomic': [1119], 'underscores': [1121], 'crucial': [1123], 'role': [1124, 1894, 2311, 3224, 3964, 4242], 'play': [1128], 'organismal': [1130], 'throughout': [1132], 'kingdom': [1135], '(Kusserow': [1136], '2005Kusserow': [1139], 'Pang': [1141], 'Sturm': [1143], 'Hrouda': [1145], 'Lentferm': [1147], 'Schmidt': [1149], 'H.A.': [1150], 'Technau': [1151], 'U.': [1152, 3497, 3694], 'von': [1153], 'Haeseler': [1154], 'Hobmayer': [1156], 'Martindale': [1158], 'M.Q.': [1159], 'Holstein': [1160], 'T.W.': [1161], 'Unexpected': [1162], 'complexity': [1163], 'family': [1168, 1997, 2056, 2088, 2244, 2611, 2917, 2979, 3109, 3192, 3605, 3816, 4222, 4301], 'anemone.Nature.': [1172], '433:': [1174], '156-160Crossref': [1175], '(262)': [1178], 'Currently,': [1181], 'three': [1182], 'different': [1183], 'pathways': [1184], 'believed': [1186, 1467, 3303], 'upon': [1190], 'receptor': [1192, 1742, 2243, 2365, 2447, 2577, 3510, 3707, 3834], 'activation:': [1193], 'Wnt/β-catenin': [1196, 2522], 'cascade,': [1197], 'noncanonical': [1199], 'planar': [1200], '(PCP)': [1203], 'Wnt/Ca2+': [1207], 'pathway.': [1208, 2524, 3937], 'three,': [1211], 'best': [1216], 'understood': [1217], 'primary': [1221], 'subject': [1222, 4394], 'this': [1224, 2444, 2997, 3776, 4387], 'review.': [1225], 'For': [1226, 1909, 4192], 'recent': [1227, 4209], 'comprehensive': [1228, 4194], 'overviews': [1229], 'on': [1230, 2212, 2576, 2866, 3341, 3975], 'pathways,': [1235, 4111], 'reader': [1237, 4204], 'referred': [1239, 4206], 'Katoh,': [1241], '2005Katoh': [1242], 'WNT/PCP': [1244], '(review).Oncol.': [1250], 'Rep.': [1251], '14:': [1253], '1583-1588PubMed': [1254], 'Scholar': [1256, 1431, 1557, 1592, 2496], 'Kohn': [1258], '2005Kohn': [1261], 'A.D.': [1262], 'calcium': [1267], 'signaling:': [1268], 'β-Catenin-independent': [1269], 'pathways.Cell': [1270], 'Calcium.': [1271], '38:': [1273], '439-446Crossref': [1274], '(286)': [1277], 'Scholar.': [1279], 'review': [1281, 1304, 4210], 'discusses': [1282], 'how': [1283, 1291, 1812, 3449, 3455], 'produced': [1287], 'they': [1292, 1342, 2394, 3945, 3954], 'activate': [1293, 2519, 2552, 2637, 2743, 2768, 2898, 2930], 'recipient': [1300], 'cells.': [1301], 'Further,': [1302], 'examines': [1305], 'roles': [1307, 3933, 4058], 'development,': [1314], 'tissue': [1315, 3211], 'self-renewal,': [1316], 'characterized': [1322, 2659], 'high': [1325, 2671], 'residues.': [1330], 'carry': [1334], 'an': [1335, 1964, 2117, 2231, 2284, 2371, 2682, 3412, 3962, 4256], 'N-terminal': [1336, 1966], 'peptide': [1338], 'secreted,': [1341], 'relatively': [1344], 'insoluble.': [1345], 'insolubility': [1347], 'been': [1349, 2335, 2818, 4134], 'attributed': [1350], 'particular': [1353], 'modification,': [1355], 'palmitoylation,': [1357], 'essential': [1360, 1601, 1685, 2120, 2287, 3620, 3963, 4029, 4257], 'function': [1363, 1715, 3305], '(Willert': [1364], '2003Willert': [1367], 'Brown': [1369, 2272], 'J.D.': [1370], 'Danenberg': [1371], 'Duncan': [1373], 'A.W.': [1374], 'Weissman': [1375], 'I.L.': [1376], 'Reya': [1377], 'T.': [1378, 2279, 2847, 2849], 'Yates': [1379], '3rd,': [1380], 'lipid-modified': [1387], 'stem': [1392], 'growth': [1394], 'factors.Nature.': [1395], '2003;': [1396, 2248, 2294, 2421, 3097, 4074], '423:': [1397], '448-452Crossref': [1398], '(1088)': [1401], 'Hofmann,': [1404], '2000Hofmann': [1405], 'superfamily': [1408], 'membrane-bound': [1410], 'O-acyltransferases': [1411], 'implications': [1413], 'signaling.Trends': [1416], 'Biochem.': [1417], '2000;': [1419, 2124, 2159, 2194], '25:': [1420], '111-112Abstract': [1421], '(215)': [1429], 'reported': [1432], 'Wnt-secreting': [1440], 'cell,': [1441], 'displays': [1444], 'homology': [1445], 'acyl-transferases,': [1447], 'enzymes': [1448, 1923], 'acylate': [1450], 'substrates': [1454], 'endoplasmic': [1457, 2232], 'reticulum.': [1458], 'porcupine': [1460], 'its': [1462, 2433, 3854, 3976], 'worm': [1463], 'mom-1': [1465], 'enzyme': [1471], 'responsible': [1474], 'palmitoylation': [1477], '(Zhai': [1478], '2004Zhai': [1481], 'L.': [1482, 2104, 2267, 2269, 2703, 3263], 'Chaturvedi': [1483], 'Cumberledge': [1485], 'wnt-1': [1488], 'undergoes': [1489], 'hydrophobic': [1491], 'modification': [1492], 'targeted': [1495, 3887], 'lipid': [1497, 1831], 'rafts,': [1498], 'process': [1500, 2830], 'requires': [1502, 1574, 1713], 'porcupine.J.': [1503], 'Chem.': [1505, 2935, 3141, 3171, 3229], '2004;': [1506, 1800, 1945, 2484, 2727, 2802, 3331], '279:': [1507], '33220-33227Crossref': [1508], '(116)': [1511], 'Recently,': [1514], 'Banziger': [1515], '2006Banziger': [1518], 'Soldini': [1520], 'Schutt': [1522], 'Zipperlen': [1524], 'Hausmann': [1526], 'G.': [1527, 1703, 3018, 3489, 3686], 'Basler': [1528], 'Wntless,': [1530], 'membrane': [1533, 3613, 3726], 'dedicated': [1535, 1754, 3875], 'secretion': [1538, 1688, 1757, 3354], 'cells.Cell.': [1544], '2006;': [1545, 1580, 1719, 2580, 2936, 3824, 4230], '125:': [1546, 1581], '509-522Abstract': [1547], '(182)': [1555], 'Bartscherer': [1559], '2006Bartscherer': [1562], 'Pelte': [1564], 'Ingelfinger': [1566], 'Boutros': [1568], 'Secretion': [1570], 'ligands': [1573, 2921], 'evi,': [1575], 'transmembrane': [1578, 1618, 1961, 2083, 2362, 3006, 3254], 'protein.Cell.': [1579], '523-533Abstract': [1582], '(185)': [1590], 'uncovered': [1593], 'another': [1596, 3003], 'secretion,': [1604], 'wntless': [1606], '(wls)': [1607], 'evenness': [1609], 'interrupted': [1610], '(evi),': [1611], 'respectively.': [1612], 'encodes': [1615, 2116, 2283], 'seven-pass': [1617, 1960], 'worms': [1624], '(mom-3)': [1625], 'man': [1627], '(hWLS).': [1628], 'absence': [1631], 'Wls/evi,': [1633], 'Wnts': [1634, 1834, 1876, 1953, 2766, 3562], 'retained': [1636], 'inside': [1637], 'produces': [1641], 'them.': [1642], 'Wntless': [1644], 'resides': [1646], 'primarily': [1647], 'Golgi': [1650], 'apparatus,': [1651], 'where': [1652], 'it': [1653, 1809, 2332, 3430, 3447, 3608, 3779, 3993], 'colocalizes': [1654], 'physically': [1656, 2887, 3376], 'interacts': [1657, 3471, 3781, 3994], 'Wnts.': [1659], 'genetic': [1661, 3959], 'screen': [1662], 'elegans': [1665], 'retromer,': [1669], 'multiprotein': [1671], 'trafficking': [1676, 2240], 'yeast': [1680], 'man,': [1682], 'generation': [1692], 'gradient': [1696, 1711], '(Coudreuse': [1697], '2006Coudreuse': [1700], 'D.Y.': [1701], 'Roel': [1702], 'Betist': [1704], 'Destree': [1706], 'Korswagen': [1708], 'H.C.': [1709], 'retromer': [1714, 1733], 'Wnt-producing': [1717], 'cells.Science.': [1718], '312:': [1720], '921-924Crossref': [1721], '(132)': [1724, 2941], 'An': [1727, 2151, 3059], 'attractive': [1728], 'hypothesis': [1729], 'recycling': [1738], 'cargo': [1741], '(such': [1743], 'Wntless)': [1745], 'default': [1748], 'secretory': [1749], 'compartment': [1753], '(see': [1758], 'Figure': [1759], '1).': [1760], 'thought': [1763, 3564], 'morphogen': [1768], '(that': [1769], 'is,': [1770, 2393, 4247], 'long-range': [1772, 1814], 'whose': [1774, 3758], 'concentration': [1777], 'dependent)': [1778], '(reviewed': [1779, 1930, 3310, 3398], 'Logan': [1781, 3312], 'Nusse,': [1783, 2562, 3314], '2004Logan': [1784, 3315], 'C.Y.': [1785, 3316], 'disease.Annu.': [1795, 3326], 'Rev.': [1796, 3327], 'Cell': [1797, 3328, 4305], 'Dev.': [1798, 3329, 3823, 4229], '20:': [1801, 3332, 3825, 4231], '781-810Crossref': [1802, 3333], '(2105)': [1805, 3336], 'However,': [1808, 3429], 'unclear': [1811, 3432, 4336], 'gradients': [1815], 'generated.': [1817], 'It': [1818, 3624, 4132, 4254, 4333, 4384], 'conceivable': [1820], 'palmitoyl': [1823], 'moiety': [1824], 'constrains': [1825], 'movement': [1826], 'away': [1827], 'membranes': [1829], 'or': [1830, 1842, 1904, 1919, 2571, 3350, 3355, 3454, 3673, 4126], 'particles.': [1832], 'may': [1835, 1877, 2456, 3343, 3731, 4083, 4116], 'tethered': [1837], 'intercellular': [1839], 'transport': [1840, 1903, 2203, 2318], 'vesicles': [1841], 'lipoprotein': [1843], 'particles': [1844, 1859], '(Panakova': [1845], '2005Panakova': [1848], 'Sprong': [1850], 'Marois': [1852], 'Thiele': [1854], 'Eaton': [1856], 'Lipoprotein': [1858], 'Hedgehog': [1863, 3821, 4227], 'signaling.Nature.': [1866, 2123, 3042], '435:': [1868], '58-65Crossref': [1869], '(276)': [1872], 'Alternatively,': [1875], 'transported': [1879], 'cytonemes,': [1881], 'long,': [1884], 'thin': [1885], 'filopodial': [1886], 'processes.': [1887], 'Additionally,': [1888], 'studies': [1889, 2879, 3464], 'suggest': [1892, 3222], 'extracellular': [1896, 1965, 2434, 2891, 3247, 3307], 'heparan': [1897, 1937], 'sulfate': [1898, 1938], 'proteoglycans': [1899, 1939], '(HSPG)': [1900], 'stabilization': [1905, 2834, 3349], 'instance,': [1910], 'flies': [1911], 'Dally,': [1915], 'GPI-anchored': [1917], 'HSPG,': [1918], 'encoding': [1922], 'modify': [1925], 'HSPGs': [1926], 'resemble': [1927, 2327, 2388, 3184], 'Lin,': [1932], '2004Lin': [1933], 'Functions': [1935], 'development.Development.': [1944], '131:': [1946], '6009-6021Crossref': [1947], '(316)': [1950], 'bind': [1954, 2024], 'Frizzled': [1955, 2026, 2609, 3191], '(Fz)': [1956], 'receptors': [1962, 2352, 2928, 3038, 3195, 3256], 'cysteine-rich': [1967], 'domain': [1968, 2455, 3188], '(CRD)': [1969], '(Bhanot': [1970], '1996Bhanot': [1973, 2032], 'Brink': [1975, 2034], 'Samos': [1977, 2036, 3270], 'C.H.': [1978, 2037, 3271], 'Hsieh': [1979, 2038, 2261], 'J.C.': [1980, 2039, 2265, 3085, 3261], 'Wang': [1981, 2040, 2597, 2690], 'Macke': [1983, 2042], 'Andrew': [1985, 2044], 'Nathans': [1987, 2046, 2599, 2708, 3276], 'member': [1993, 2052, 2606, 2975, 3110], 'frizzled': [1996, 2055, 2924], 'functions': [2000, 2059, 2507, 2984, 3384, 3458], 'receptor.Nature.': [2004, 2063, 2420], '1996;': [2005, 2064, 3230], '382:': [2006, 2065], '225-230Crossref': [2007, 2066], '(931)': [2010, 2069], 'Wnt-Fz': [2014], 'interaction': [2015], 'appears': [2016, 4038], 'promiscuous,': [2017], 'single': [2021], 'multiple': [2025, 3592], '(e.g.,': [2028], 'Bhanot': [2029], 'vice': [2073], 'versa.': [2074], 'binding': [2076, 2533, 2954, 3068, 3435, 4258], 'Wnt,': [2077], 'Fzs': [2078], 'cooperate': [2079], 'single-pass': [2082], 'molecule': [2084, 4088], 'LRP': [2087, 3070, 3484, 3943], 'known': [2089, 3448], 'Arrow': [2091, 2115], '(Wehrli': [2094], '2000Wehrli': [2097], 'Dougan': [2099], 'S.T.': [2100], 'Caldwell': [2101], "O'Keefe": [2103], 'Schwartz': [2105], 'Vaizel-Ohayon': [2107], 'Schejter': [2109], 'Tomlinson': [2111], 'DiNardo': [2113], 'LDL-receptor-related': [2118, 2152, 2188], '407:': [2125, 2160, 2195], '527-530Crossref': [2126], '(547)': [2129], 'LRP5': [2133], '-6': [2135], '(Pinson': [2138], '2000Pinson': [2141], ...}, 'cited_by_api_url': '', 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'cited_by_count': 151}, {'year': 2022, 'cited_by_count': 226}, {'year': 2021, 'cited_by_count': 253}, {'year': 2020, 'cited_by_count': 297}, {'year': 2019, 'cited_by_count': 291}, {'year': 2018, 'cited_by_count': 291}, {'year': 2017, 'cited_by_count': 308}, {'year': 2016, 'cited_by_count': 308}, {'year': 2015, 'cited_by_count': 348}, {'year': 2014, 'cited_by_count': 332}, {'year': 2013, 'cited_by_count': 368}, {'year': 2012, 'cited_by_count': 401}], 'updated_date': '2023-09-29T23:13:03.087063', 'created_date': '2016-06-24'}, {'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces', 'display_name': 'Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces', 'publication_year': 1996, 'publication_date': '1996-01-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '2128990851'}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': False, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': None, 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation', 'issn_l': '1042-296X', 'issn': ['1042-296X', '2374-958X'], 'is_oa': False, 'is_in_doaj': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers', 'host_organization_lineage': [''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': None, 'version': None, 'is_accepted': False, 'is_published': False}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': True, 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[24], 'In': [25, 66, 175], 'the': [26, 67, 77, 85, 87, 124, 127, 134, 138, 165, 168, 172, 178], 'phase,': [28, 69], 'probabilistic': [30], 'roadmap': [31, 88], 'constructed': [33], 'stored': [35], 'as': [36], 'graph': [38], 'whose': [39, 46, 130], 'nodes': [40, 83], 'correspond': [41, 48], 'to': [42, 49, 81, 105, 111, 148, 152, 171, 182], 'collision-free': [43], 'configurations': [44, 75], 'edges': [47], 'feasible': [50], 'paths': [51, 56], 'between': [52], 'these': [53, 96, 144], 'configurations.': [54], 'These': [55], 'are': [57, 79], 'computed': [58], 'using': [59], 'simple': [61], 'fast': [63], 'local': [64, 169], 'planner.': [65], 'any': [70, 113], 'given': [71], 'start': [72], 'goal': [74], 'of': [76, 84, 115, 126, 164, 189, 203, 219], 'robot': [78, 139], 'connected': [80], 'roadmap;': [86], 'then': [90], 'searched': [91], 'path': [94, 195], 'joining': [95], 'nodes.': [98], 'The': [99], 'general': [102], 'easy': [104, 151], 'implement.': [106], 'It': [107, 118], 'can': [108, 156, 197], 'be': [109, 149, 158, 198], 'applied': [110, 181], 'virtually': [112], 'type': [114], 'holonomic': [116], 'robot.': [117], 'requires': [119], 'selecting': [120], 'certain': [121], 'parameters': [122], '(e.g.,': [123, 167], 'duration': [125], 'phase)': [129], 'values': [131, 145], 'depend': [132], 'on': [133, 206], 'scene,': [135], 'that': [136, 194], 'its': [141], 'workspace.': [142], 'But': [143], 'turn': [146], 'out': [147], 'relatively': [150, 216], 'choose,': [153], 'Increased': [154], 'efficiency': [155], 'also': [157], 'achieved': [159], 'by': [160], 'tailoring': [161], 'some': [162], 'components': [163], 'planner)': [170], 'considered': [173], 'robots.': [174], 'this': [176], 'paper': [177], 'planar': [183], 'articulated': [184], 'with': [186], 'many': [187], 'degrees': [188], 'freedom.': [190], 'Experimental': [191], 'results': [192], 'show': [193], 'done': [199], 'fraction': [202], 'second': [205], 'contemporary': [208], 'workstation': [209], '(/spl': [210], 'ap/150': [211], 'MIPS),': [212], 'after': [213], 'short': [217], 'periods': [218], 'time': [220], '(a': [221], 'few': [222], 'dozen': [223], 'seconds).': [224]}, 'cited_by_api_url': '', 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'cited_by_count': 212}, {'year': 2022, 'cited_by_count': 317}, {'year': 2021, 'cited_by_count': 405}, {'year': 2020, 'cited_by_count': 383}, {'year': 2019, 'cited_by_count': 319}, {'year': 2018, 'cited_by_count': 271}, {'year': 2017, 'cited_by_count': 253}, {'year': 2016, 'cited_by_count': 245}, {'year': 2015, 'cited_by_count': 227}, {'year': 2014, 'cited_by_count': 233}, {'year': 2013, 'cited_by_count': 258}, {'year': 2012, 'cited_by_count': 176}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-01T11:01:26.209752', 'created_date': '2016-06-24'}, {'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Interobserver agreement for the assessment of handicap in stroke patients.', 'display_name': 'Interobserver agreement for the assessment of handicap in stroke patients.', 'publication_year': 1988, 'publication_date': '1988-05-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '1969661146', 'pmid': ''}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': True, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': None, 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stroke', 'issn_l': '0039-2499', 'issn': ['1524-4628', '0039-2499'], 'is_oa': False, 'is_in_doaj': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Lippincott Williams & Wilkins', 'host_organization_lineage': ['', ''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Lippincott Williams & Wilkins', 'Wolters Kluwer'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': None, 'version': 'publishedVersion', 'is_accepted': True, 'is_published': True}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': True, 'oa_status': 'closed', 'oa_url': '', 'any_repository_has_fulltext': False}, 'authorships': [{'author_position': 'first', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'John van Swieten', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J C van Swieten', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University Department of Neurology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University Department of Neurology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Peter J. Koudstaal', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P J Koudstaal', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University Department of Neurology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University Department of Neurology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Marieke C. 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199], '2015': [38], 'at': [39, 63], 'global,': [40], 'regional,': [41], 'country': [43], 'levels.MethodsWe': [44], 'estimated': [45, 91], 'population-weighted': [47], 'mean': [48], 'concentrations': [49], 'particle': [51], 'mass': [52], 'with': [53, 72], 'aerodynamic': [54], 'diameter': [55], 'less': [56], 'than': [57], '2·5': [58], 'μm': [59], '(PM2·5)': [60], 'ozone': [62, 212], 'an': [64, 214], 'approximate': [65], '11': [66, 69], 'km': [67, 70], '×': [68], 'resolution': [71], 'satellite-based': [73], 'estimates,': [74], 'chemical': [75], 'transport': [76], 'models,': [77], 'ground-level': [79], 'measurements.': [80], 'Using': [81], 'integrated': [82], 'exposure–response': [83, 118], 'functions': [84, 119], 'for': [85, 301], 'each': [86], 'cause': [87], 'death,': [89], 'we': [90], 'the': [92, 121, 128, 248, 258, 287], 'relative': [93], 'risk': [94, 131], 'ischaemic': [98], 'heart': [99], 'disease,': [100, 102, 106], 'cerebrovascular': [101], 'chronic': [103, 237], 'obstructive': 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Kinzler, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, 424 North Bond Street, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['A. B. Sparks and K. W. Kinzler, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, 424 North Bond Street, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Vladimír Kořínek', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Vladimir Korinek', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'V. Korinek, N. Barker, H. Clevers, Department of Immunology, University Hospital, 35008 GA, Utrecht, The Netherlands.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['V. Korinek, N. Barker, H. Clevers, Department of Immunology, University Hospital, 35008 GA, Utrecht, The Netherlands.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nick Barker', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Nick Barker', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'V. Korinek, N. Barker, H. Clevers, Department of Immunology, University Hospital, 35008 GA, Utrecht, The Netherlands.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['V. Korinek, N. Barker, H. 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H. Heegaard', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Southern Denmark', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DK', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Odense University Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DK', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Statens Serum Institut', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DK', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['DK'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Niels H. H. 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and Transfusion Medicine, Universitätsklinikum, Salzburger Landeskliniken GesmbH (SALK), Salzburg, Austria; Spinal Cord Injury & Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Salzburg, Austria', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine, Universitätsklinikum, Salzburger Landeskliniken GesmbH (SALK), Salzburg, Austria', 'Spinal Cord Injury & Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Salzburg, Austria']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Erzsébet Ligeti', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Semmelweis University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'HU', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['HU'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Erzsébet Ligeti', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Aija Linē', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'LV', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['LV'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Aija Linē', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Riga, Latvia', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Riga, Latvia']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Georg Lipps', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CH', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CH'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Georg Lipps', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute of 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Norway']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jan Lötvall', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Gothenburg', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['SE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Jan Lötvall', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Krefting Research Centre, Institute of Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Krefting Research Centre, Institute of Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Mateja Manček-Keber', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute of Chemistry', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SI', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'EN-FIST Centre of Excellence (Slovenia)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SI', 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Parasitologia, Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Marı́a Mittelbrunn', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Maria Mittelbrunn', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Irina Nazarenko', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Freiburg', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['DE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Irina Nazarenko', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute for Environmental Health Sciences and Hospital Infection Control Medical Center – University of Freiburg Freiburg im Breisgau Germany', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institute for Environmental Health Sciences and Hospital Infection Control Medical Center – University of Freiburg Freiburg im Breisgau Germany']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Esther N. M. Nolte‐‘t Hoen', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Esther N.M. Nolte-‘t Hoen', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Tuula A. Nyman', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Helsinki', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FI', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FI'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Tuula A. 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(CRESIB), Hospital Clínic – Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain', 'Institució Catalana de Recerca I Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jaume Reventós', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Autonomous University of Barcelona', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Jaume Reventós', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Departament de Ciències Bàsiques, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, and Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain; Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology, Vall Hebron Institute of Research and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Departament de Ciències Bàsiques, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, and Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain', 'Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology, Vall Hebron Institute of Research and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Marina Rigau', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Autonomous University of Barcelona', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Marina Rigau', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology, Vall Hebron Institute of Research and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology, Vall Hebron Institute of Research and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Eva Rohde', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paracelsus Medical University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Salzburger Landeskliniken', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AT', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['AT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Eva Rohde', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine, Universitätsklinikum, Salzburger Landeskliniken GesmbH (SALK), Salzburg, Austria; Spinal Cord Injury & Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Salzburg, Austria', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine, Universitätsklinikum, Salzburger Landeskliniken GesmbH (SALK), Salzburg, Austria', 'Spinal Cord Injury & Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Salzburg, Austria']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Marei Sammar', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'ORT Braude College', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Marei Sammar', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Biotechnology Engineering, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Biotechnology Engineering, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Francisco Sánchez-Madrid', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Hospital Universitario de La Princesa', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Francisco Sánchez-Madrid', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain; Servicio de Inmunología, Hospital de la Princesa, Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias Princesa (IIS-IP), Madrid, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain', 'Servicio de Inmunología, Hospital de la Princesa, Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias Princesa (IIS-IP), Madrid, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nuno Santarém', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'PT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Porto', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'PT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['PT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'N. 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[74], 'woke': [76], 'sobbing': [77], 'for': [78], 'joy.”': [79], '1': [80], 'Cathy’s': [81, 418, 525], 'soul': [82, 103], 'cannot': [83, 603], 'live': [84], 'Christian': [87, 346, 411, 668], 'heaven.': [88], 'For': [89], 'her': [90, 128, 157, 168, 286, 432, 454], 'soul,': [91, 99], 'explains,': [93], 'is': [94, 106, 144, 355, 420, 457, 581, 591, 659], 'same': [96], 'as': [97, 107, 124, 296, 374, 491, 528], 'Heathcliff’s': [98], 'heavenly': [102], 'Linton': [105, 138], 'different': [108, 502], 'from': [109, 114, 118, 236, 386, 406, 438, 471], 'theirs': [110], '“as': [111], 'a': [112, 223, 281, 304, 356, 362, 425, 469, 472, 481, 495, 501, 534, 548, 563, 567, 607, 633], 'moonbeam': [113], 'lightning,': [115], 'or': [116, 643], 'frost': [117], 'fire”': [119], '(p.': [120, 578], '95).': [121], 'Much': [122], 'later,': [123], 'lies': [126], 'deathbed,': [129], 'now': [130], 'wife': [132], 'Edgar': [134, 598], 'Linton,': [135, 599], 'thinking': [136], 'thought': [139, 239], 'what': [141], 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'crossref': '501100000272', 'doi': ''}, 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'works_count': 1887, 'cited_by_count': 100389}, {'year': 2022, 'works_count': 2758, 'cited_by_count': 130256}, {'year': 2021, 'works_count': 3173, 'cited_by_count': 113590}, {'year': 2020, 'works_count': 2910, 'cited_by_count': 75136}, {'year': 2019, 'works_count': 2677, 'cited_by_count': 45924}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 2119, 'cited_by_count': 31025}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 1869, 'cited_by_count': 20418}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 1695, 'cited_by_count': 12061}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 1098, 'cited_by_count': 6356}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 425, 'cited_by_count': 3282}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 230, 'cited_by_count': 1967}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 122, 'cited_by_count': 1049}], 'roles': [{'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 14239}, {'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 21099}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T05:43:14.045632', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, 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'cited_by_count': 34733}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 1460, 'cited_by_count': 24550}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 1287, 'cited_by_count': 17289}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 1081, 'cited_by_count': 11447}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 782, 'cited_by_count': 6650}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 439, 'cited_by_count': 4390}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 213, 'cited_by_count': 2950}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 160, 'cited_by_count': 2273}], 'roles': [{'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 19874}, {'role': 'publisher', 'id': '', 'works_count': 38547}, {'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 14176}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T06:49:01.025369', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare', 'alternate_titles': ['MHLW', 'Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan'], 'country_code': 'JP', 'description': 'ministry of Japan', 'homepage_url': '', 'image_url': '', 'image_thumbnail_url': '', 'relevance_score': 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'cited_by_count': 10626}], 'roles': [{'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 9338}, {'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 1069}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T06:53:46.099556', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Foundation for the National Institutes of Health', 'alternate_titles': ['FNIH', 'Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, Inc.', 'Foundation for the NIH', 'Foundation for NIH', 'Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Inc', 'The Foundation for the NIH', 'The Foundation for the National Institutes of Health'], 'country_code': 'US', 'description': 'non-profit organization in the USA', 'homepage_url': '', 'image_url': None, 'image_thumbnail_url': None, 'relevance_score': 4618.2017, 'grants_count': 15950, 'works_count': 12834, 'cited_by_count': 296046, 'summary_stats': {'2yr_mean_citedness': 6.461077844311378, 'h_index': 162, 'i10_index': 7194}, 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'ror': '', 'wikidata': '', 'crossref': '100000009', 'doi': ''}, 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'works_count': 742, 'cited_by_count': 57909}, {'year': 2022, 'works_count': 1135, 'cited_by_count': 71244}, {'year': 2021, 'works_count': 1557, 'cited_by_count': 65143}, {'year': 2020, 'works_count': 2621, 'cited_by_count': 44152}, {'year': 2019, 'works_count': 2515, 'cited_by_count': 24038}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 1602, 'cited_by_count': 14740}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 868, 'cited_by_count': 9669}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 682, 'cited_by_count': 5792}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 877, 'cited_by_count': 2098}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 194, 'cited_by_count': 367}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 17, 'cited_by_count': 236}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 12, 'cited_by_count': 168}], 'roles': [{'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 12834}, {'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 1064}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T05:50:24.890761', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'U.S. Public Health 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1732}], 'roles': [{'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 11417}, {'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 22814}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T06:26:50.265932', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Health Technology Assessment Programme', 'alternate_titles': ['HTA', 'NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme'], 'country_code': 'GB', 'description': 'research and expert organisation in health and care in the United Kingdom', 'homepage_url': '', 'image_url': ' National Institute for Health and Care Research logo.png', 'image_thumbnail_url': ' National Institute for Health and Care Research logo.png&width=300', 'relevance_score': 3786.355, 'grants_count': 1853, 'works_count': 2827, 'cited_by_count': 121846, 'summary_stats': {'2yr_mean_citedness': 4.317738791423002, 'h_index': 163, 'i10_index': 1587}, 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'ror': '', 'wikidata': '', 'crossref': '501100000664', 'doi': ''}, 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'works_count': 104, 'cited_by_count': 8100}, {'year': 2022, 'works_count': 208, 'cited_by_count': 10786}, {'year': 2021, 'works_count': 242, 'cited_by_count': 10499}, {'year': 2020, 'works_count': 271, 'cited_by_count': 9788}, {'year': 2019, 'works_count': 266, 'cited_by_count': 7838}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 297, 'cited_by_count': 6635}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 269, 'cited_by_count': 6018}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 247, 'cited_by_count': 5664}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 115, 'cited_by_count': 5651}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 11, 'cited_by_count': 5766}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 2, 'cited_by_count': 5591}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 52, 'cited_by_count': 5250}], 'roles': [{'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 2827}, {'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 14239}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T06:03:14.190093', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ministry of Health and Welfare', 'alternate_titles': ['Ministry of Health, Welfare and 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'works_count': 711, 'cited_by_count': 6716}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 609, 'cited_by_count': 5195}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 537, 'cited_by_count': 3708}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 254, 'cited_by_count': 2869}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 223, 'cited_by_count': 2204}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 101, 'cited_by_count': 1927}], 'roles': [{'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 623}, {'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 7781}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T05:49:16.741787', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development', 'alternate_titles': ['NIH Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development', 'NIH Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development', 'Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health', 'NICHD', 'National Institutes of Health/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development', 'Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development', 'Instituto Nacional de Salud Infantil y Desarrollo Humano Eunice Kennedy Shriver', 'NIH/NICHD', 'Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health', 'NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development'], 'country_code': 'US', 'description': 'human development research institute of the U.S. National Institutes of Health', 'homepage_url': '', 'image_url': ' NICHD Master Logo 2Color.svg', 'image_thumbnail_url': ' NICHD Master Logo 2Color.svg&width=300', 'relevance_score': 3518.427, 'grants_count': 8575, 'works_count': 15312, 'cited_by_count': 285957, 'summary_stats': {'2yr_mean_citedness': 4.831079717457114, 'h_index': 172, 'i10_index': 6183}, 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'ror': '', 'wikidata': '', 'crossref': '100009633', 'doi': ''}, 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'works_count': 1942, 'cited_by_count': 53506}, {'year': 2022, 'works_count': 2497, 'cited_by_count': 62342}, {'year': 2021, 'works_count': 2774, 'cited_by_count': 50814}, {'year': 2020, 'works_count': 2190, 'cited_by_count': 36477}, {'year': 2019, 'works_count': 1895, 'cited_by_count': 22316}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 1553, 'cited_by_count': 13787}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 1124, 'cited_by_count': 8607}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 338, 'cited_by_count': 7538}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 126, 'cited_by_count': 6572}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 115, 'cited_by_count': 5960}, {'year': 2013, 'works_count': 99, 'cited_by_count': 5029}, {'year': 2012, 'works_count': 88, 'cited_by_count': 4088}], 'roles': [{'role': 'funder', 'id': '', 'works_count': 15312}, {'role': 'institution', 'id': '', 'works_count': 22814}], 'updated_date': '2023-10-04T06:51:55.981271', 'created_date': '2023-02-13'}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'World Health 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None, 'homepage_url': '', 'image_url': None, 'image_thumbnail_url': None, 'relevance_score': 3069.9365, 'grants_count': 2139, 'works_count': 5034, 'cited_by_count': 68888, 'summary_stats': {'2yr_mean_citedness': 4.257398485891259, 'h_index': 89, 'i10_index': 1709}, 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'ror': '', 'wikidata': '', 'crossref': '100006545', 'doi': ''}, 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'works_count': 712, 'cited_by_count': 14632}, {'year': 2022, 'works_count': 877, 'cited_by_count': 16377}, {'year': 2021, 'works_count': 843, 'cited_by_count': 13093}, {'year': 2020, 'works_count': 609, 'cited_by_count': 9408}, {'year': 2019, 'works_count': 511, 'cited_by_count': 6124}, {'year': 2018, 'works_count': 484, 'cited_by_count': 4216}, {'year': 2017, 'works_count': 362, 'cited_by_count': 2676}, {'year': 2016, 'works_count': 331, 'cited_by_count': 1455}, {'year': 2015, 'works_count': 176, 'cited_by_count': 555}, {'year': 2014, 'works_count': 76, 'cited_by_count': 223}, {'year': 2013, 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[{'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'PROTEIN MEASUREMENT WITH THE FOLIN PHENOL REAGENT', 'display_name': 'PROTEIN MEASUREMENT WITH THE FOLIN PHENOL REAGENT', 'publication_year': 1951, 'publication_date': '1951-11-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '1775749144', 'pmid': ''}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': True, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': None, 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Journal of Biological Chemistry', 'issn_l': '0021-9258', 'issn': ['1083-351X', '0021-9258', '1067-8816'], 'is_oa': True, 'is_in_doaj': True, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Elsevier BV', 'host_organization_lineage': [''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Elsevier BV'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': 'cc-by', 'version': 'publishedVersion', 'is_accepted': True, 'is_published': True}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': True, 'oa_status': 'hybrid', 'oa_url': '', 'any_repository_has_fulltext': True}, 'authorships': [{'author_position': 'first', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Oliver H. 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Referencia de OpenAlex: listas de entidades de muestra.
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[214], '[5·5–7·0]),': [215], 'household': [217, 235], 'air': [218, 236], 'pollution': [219, 237], 'solid': [221, 239], 'fuels': [222, 240], '(4·3%': [223], '[3·4–5·3]).': [224], '1990,': [226], 'childhood': [231, 291, 300, 330], 'underweight': [232], '(7·9%': [233], '[6·8–9·4]),': [234], '(HAP;': [241], '6·8%': [242], '[5·5–8·0]),': [243], '(6·1%': [250], '[5·4–6·8]).': [251], 'Dietary': [252], 'physical': [256], 'inactivity': [257], 'collectively': [258], 'accounted': [259], '10·0%': [261], '(95%': [262], 'UI': [263], '9·2–10·8)': [264], 'most': [272, 326, 373, 376], 'prominent': [273], 'dietary': [274], 'being': [276], 'diets': [277], 'low': [278], 'fruits': [280], 'those': [282, 470, 559, 564], 'sodium.': [285], 'Several': [286], 'primarily': [289], 'affect': [290, 566], 'communicable': [292, 465], 'diseases,': [293], 'unimproved': [295, 311, 515], 'water': [296, 312, 516], 'sanitation': [298, 314], 'micronutrient': [301], 'deficiencies,': [302, 523], 'fell': [303], 'rank': [305], 'between': [306], 'accounting': [315], '0·9%': [317], '(0·4–1·6)': [318], 'However,': [324], 'sub-Saharan': [328, 365, 552], 'Africa': [329, 366, 381, 438], 'underweight,': [331], 'HAP,': [332], 'non-exclusive': [334], 'discontinued': [336], 'breastfeeding': [337], 'while': [344], 'HAP': [345], 'was': [346, 369, 389], 'south': [351], 'Asia.': [352], 'The': [353, 529], 'Eastern': [358], 'Europe,': [359], 'Andean': [360], 'Latin': [361, 378, 427], 'America,': [362, 379, 428], 'southern': [364, 426], '2010': [368], 'alcohol': [370], 'use;': [371], 'Asia,': [375], 'North': [380, 437], 'Middle': [383, 440], 'East,': [384, 441], 'central': [386], 'Europe': [387], 'it': [388, 418], 'pressure.': [392], 'Despite': [393], 'declines,': [394], 'remained': [400], 'high-income': [405, 435], 'north': [406], 'America': [407], 'western': [409], 'Europe.': [410], 'High': [411], 'body-mass': [412], 'index': [413], 'increased': [415], 'globally': [416], 'is': [419], 'Australasia': [424], 'also': [430], 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Elms', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'National Astronomical Observatory, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan; Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['National Astronomical Observatory, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan', 'Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Michael L. Evans', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Washington', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Michael L. Evans', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Xiaohui Fan', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Princeton University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Xiaohui Fan', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Glenn R. 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Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Larry Fiscelli', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Chicago', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Larry Fiscelli', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. D. 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Frieman', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637', 'Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Fukugita', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institute for Advanced Study', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'The University of Tokyo', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'JP', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['JP', 'US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Masataka Fukugita', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540-0631; Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, 3-2-1 Midori, Tanashi, Tokyo 188-8502, Japan', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540-0631', 'Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, 3-2-1 Midori, Tanashi, Tokyo 188-8502, Japan']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Bruce Gillespie', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': [], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Bruce Gillespie', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'James E. Gunn', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Princeton University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'James E. Gunn', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Princeton University Observatory, Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1001']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Vijay K. Gurbani', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Fermilab', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Vijay K. 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Box 1149, Flagstaff, AZ 86002']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. J. E. Hayes', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': [], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. Hayes', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Timothy M. Heckman', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Timothy M. 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Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Chi Huang', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Fermilab', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Chi Hao Huang', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Charles L. H. 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Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. 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Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Nitta Kleinman', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': [], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. N. Kleinman', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. J. Kleinman', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': [], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'S. Kleinman', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Apache Point Observatory, P.O. Box 59, Sunspot, NM 88349']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'G. R. 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Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Richard G. Krön', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Chicago', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Fermilab', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Richard G. Kron', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637', 'Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Péter Z. Kunszt', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Peter Z. Kunszt', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-2686', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-2686']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'D. Q. Lamb', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Chicago', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'D. Q. 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Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 Eighth Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590', 'Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'R. C. Nichol', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Carnegie Mellon University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'R. C. 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Bernard', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France; Université de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France', 'Université de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Bersanelli', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Milan', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. Bersanelli', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria, 16, 20133 Milano, Italy; INAF/IASF Milano, via E. Bassini 15, Milano, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria, 16, 20133 Milano, Italy', 'INAF/IASF Milano, via E. Bassini 15, Milano, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'P. Bielewicz', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'PL', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Roche (France)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR', 'IT', 'PL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P. Bielewicz', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France; Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Bartycka 18, 00-716Warsaw, Poland; SISSA, Astrophysics Sector, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France', 'Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Bartycka 18, 00-716Warsaw, Poland', 'SISSA, Astrophysics Sector, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. J. Bock', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'California Institute of Technology', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. J. Bock', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA', 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Bonaldi', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Manchester', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Bonaldi', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'L. Bonavera', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institute of Physics of Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Universidad de Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'L. Bonavera', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. R. Bond', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Toronto', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CA'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. R. Bond', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CITA, University of Toronto, 60 St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 3H8, Canada', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['CITA, University of Toronto, 60 St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 3H8, Canada']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. Borrill', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of California, Berkeley', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. Borrill', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Computational Cosmology Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA; Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Computational Cosmology Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA', 'Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'F. R. Bouchet', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'F. R. Bouchet', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France; Sorbonne Université-UPMC, UMR7095, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'Sorbonne Université-UPMC, UMR7095, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'F. Boulanger', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Saclay', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Sud', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut Polytechnique de Paris', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'F. Boulanger', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Bucher', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. Bucher', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'C. Burigana', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Ferrara', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'INFN Sezione di Bologna', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'C. Burigana', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra, Università di Ferrara, via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy; INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy; INFN, Sezione di Bologna, viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra, Università di Ferrara, via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy', 'INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy', 'INFN, Sezione di Bologna, viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'R. C. Butler', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'R. C. Butler', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'E. Calabrese', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Oxford', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'E. Calabrese', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Sub-Department of Astrophysics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Sub-Department of Astrophysics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J.-F. Cardoso', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Télécom Paris', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J.-F. Cardoso', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France; Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France; Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information, CNRS (UMR 5141) and Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault, 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France', 'Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l’Information, CNRS (UMR 5141) and Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault, 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Catalano', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Grenoble Alpes University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paris Observatory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Laboratory for Studies of Radiation and Matter in Astrophysics and Atmospheres', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Catalano', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'LERMA, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 61 Avenue de l’Observatoire, Paris, France; Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, 53 rue des Martyrs, 38026 Grenoble Cedex, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['LERMA, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 61 Avenue de l’Observatoire, Paris, France', 'Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, 53 rue des Martyrs, 38026 Grenoble Cedex, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Challinor', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Challinor', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK; Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK; Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK', 'Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK', 'Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Chamballu', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Délégation Paris 7', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'CEA Saclay', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Astrophysique, Instrumentation et Modélisation', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Saclay', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Sud', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut Polytechnique de Paris', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Chamballu', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France; Laboratoire AIM, IRFU/Service d’Astrophysique−CEA/DSM−CNRS−Université Paris Diderot, Bât. 709, CEA-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France', 'Laboratoire AIM, IRFU/Service d’Astrophysique−CEA/DSM−CNRS−Université Paris Diderot, Bât. 709, CEA-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'R.-R. Chary', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Infrared Processing and Analysis Center', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'California Institute of Technology', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'R.-R. Chary', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'H. C. Chiang', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Princeton University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of KwaZulu-Natal', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ZA', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US', 'ZA'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'H. C. Chiang', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Astrophysics & Cosmology Research Unit, School of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus, Private Bag X54001, 4000 Durban, South Africa; Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, NJ 08540, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Astrophysics & Cosmology Research Unit, School of Mathematics, Statistics &', 'Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus, Private Bag X54001, 4000 Durban, South Africa', 'Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, NJ 08540, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jens Chluba', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Bloomberg (United States)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB', 'US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. Chluba', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg Center 435, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, USA; Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg Center 435, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, USA', 'Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'P. R. Christensen', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['DK'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P. R. Christensen', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Discovery Center, Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, 1165 Copenhagen, Denmark; Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Discovery Center, Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, 1165 Copenhagen, Denmark', 'Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. Church', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stanford University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'S. Church', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Stanford University, Dept of Physics, Varian Physics Bldg, 382 via Pueblo Mall, Stanford, California, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Stanford University, Dept of Physics, Varian Physics Bldg, 382 via Pueblo Mall, Stanford, California, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'D. L. Clements', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Imperial College London', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'D. L. Clements', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Imperial College London, Astrophysics group, Blackett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Imperial College London, Astrophysics group, Blackett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. Colombi', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'S. Colombi', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France; UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7095, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7095, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'L. P. L. Colombo', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Southern California', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'L. P. L. Colombo', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dana and David Dornsife College of Letter, Arts and Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dana and David Dornsife College of Letter, Arts and Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA', 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'C. Combet', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Grenoble Alpes University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'C. Combet', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, 53 rue des Martyrs, 38026 Grenoble Cedex, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, 53 rue des Martyrs, 38026 Grenoble Cedex, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Coulais', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paris Observatory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Laboratory for Studies of Radiation and Matter in Astrophysics and Atmospheres', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Coulais', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'LERMA, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 61 Avenue de l’Observatoire, Paris, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['LERMA, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, 61 Avenue de l’Observatoire, Paris, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'B. P. Crill', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'California Institute of Technology', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'B. P. Crill', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA', 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Curto', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institute of Physics of Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Universidad de Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES', 'GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Curto', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK; Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain; Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK', 'Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain', 'Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'F. Cuttaia', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'F. Cuttaia', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'L. Danese', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'L. Danese', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'SISSA, Astrophysics Sector, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['SISSA, Astrophysics Sector, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'R. D. Davies', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Manchester', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'R. D. Davies', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'R. J. Davis', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Manchester', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'R. J. Davis', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'P. de Bernardis', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sapienza University of Rome', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P. de Bernardis', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza, P. le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza, P. le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. De Rosa', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. de Rosa', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'G. de Zotti', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'G. de Zotti', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, 35131 Padova, Italy; SISSA, Astrophysics Sector, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, 35131 Padova, Italy', 'SISSA, Astrophysics Sector, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. Delabrouille', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. Delabrouille', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'F.‐X. Désert', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Grenoble Alpes University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'F.-X. Désert', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CNRS, IPAG, 38000 Grenoble, France; IPAG: Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, IPAG', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['CNRS, IPAG, 38000 Grenoble, France', 'IPAG: Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, IPAG']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Eleonora Di Valentino', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'E. Di Valentino', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France; Sorbonne Université-UPMC, UMR7095, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'Sorbonne Université-UPMC, UMR7095, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'C. Dickinson', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Manchester', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'C. Dickinson', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. M. Diego', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institute of Physics of Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Universidad de Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. M. Diego', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'K. Dolag', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['DE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'K. Dolag', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85741 Garching, Germany; University Observatory, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Scheinerstrasse 1, 81679 Munich, Germany', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85741 Garching, Germany', 'University Observatory, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Scheinerstrasse 1, 81679 Munich, Germany']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'H. Dole', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Saclay', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Sud', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut Polytechnique de Paris', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut Universitaire de France', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'H. Dole', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut Universitaire de France, 103, bd Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris, France; Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut Universitaire de France, 103, bd Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris, France', 'Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. Donzelli', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'S. Donzelli', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF/IASF Milano, via E. Bassini 15, Milano, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF/IASF Milano, via E. Bassini 15, Milano, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'O. Doré', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'California Institute of Technology', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'O. Doré', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA', 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Douspis', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Saclay', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Sud', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut Polytechnique de Paris', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. Douspis', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Ducout', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Imperial College London', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR', 'GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Ducout', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Imperial College London, Astrophysics group, Blackett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, UK; Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Imperial College London, Astrophysics group, Blackett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, UK', 'Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Joanna Dunkley', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Oxford', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. Dunkley', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Sub-Department of Astrophysics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Sub-Department of Astrophysics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'X. Dupac', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'European Space Astronomy Centre', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'X. Dupac', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'European Space Agency, ESAC, Planck Science Office, Camino bajo del Castillo, s/n, Urbanización Villafranca del Castillo, Villanueva de la Cañada, 28691 Madrid, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['European Space Agency, ESAC, Planck Science Office, Camino bajo del Castillo, s/n, Urbanización Villafranca del Castillo, Villanueva de la Cañada, 28691 Madrid, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'G. Efstathiou', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'G. Efstathiou', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK; Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK', 'Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'F. Elsner', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University College London', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR', 'GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'F. Elsner', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK; Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France; UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7095, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK', 'Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS (UMR 7095), 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France', 'UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7095, 98bis boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'T. A. Enßlin', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['DE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'T. A. Enßlin', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85741 Garching, Germany', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85741 Garching, Germany']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'H. K. Eriksen', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Oslo', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NO', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NO'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'H. K. Eriksen', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Blindern, 0371 Oslo, Norway', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Blindern, 0371 Oslo, Norway']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Farhang', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Toronto', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Shahid Beheshti University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CA', 'IR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. Farhang', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CITA, University of Toronto, 60 St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 3H8, Canada; Physics Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['CITA, University of Toronto, 60 St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 3H8, Canada', 'Physics Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. Fergusson', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. Fergusson', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'F. Finelli⋆', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'INFN Sezione di Bologna', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'F. Finelli', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy; INFN, Sezione di Bologna, viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy', 'INFN, Sezione di Bologna, viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'O. Forni', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université de Toulouse', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Roche (France)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'O. Forni', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France; Université de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France', 'Université de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Frailis', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Trieste Astronomical Observatory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. Frailis', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, via G.B. Tiepolo 11, Trieste, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, via G.B. Tiepolo 11, Trieste, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. A. Fraisse', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Princeton University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. A. Fraisse', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, NJ 08540, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, NJ 08540, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'E. Franceschi', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'E. Franceschi', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Frejsel', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['DK'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Frejsel', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. Galeotta', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Trieste Astronomical Observatory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'S. Galeotta', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, via G.B. Tiepolo 11, Trieste, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, via G.B. Tiepolo 11, Trieste, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. Galli', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Chicago', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'S. Galli', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'K. Ganga', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'K. Ganga', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'C. Gauthier', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Taiwan University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'TW', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR', 'TW'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'C. Gauthier', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France; Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University, 10617 Taipei, Taiwan', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France', 'Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University, 10617 Taipei, Taiwan']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Martina Gerbino', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stockholm University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'AlbaNova', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sapienza University of Rome', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT', 'SE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. Gerbino', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza, P. le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy; Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Roslagstullsbacken 23, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, Department of Physics,Stockholm University, AlbaNova, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza, P. le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy', 'Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Roslagstullsbacken 23, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden', 'The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, Department of Physics,Stockholm University, AlbaNova, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'T. Ghosh', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Saclay', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Paris-Sud', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut Polytechnique de Paris', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'T. Ghosh', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Bât. 121, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Giard', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université de Toulouse', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Roche (France)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. Giard', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France; Université de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['CNRS, IRAP, 9 Av. colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France', 'Université de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Y. Giraud‐Héraud', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sorbonne Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Paris Cité', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'French National Centre for Scientific Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Y. Giraud-Héraud', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['APC, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, CEA/lrfu, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Elena Giusarma', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sapienza University of Rome', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'E. Giusarma', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza, P. le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza, P. le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'E. Gjerløw', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Oslo', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NO', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NO'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'E. Gjerløw', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Blindern, 0371 Oslo, Norway', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Blindern, 0371 Oslo, Norway']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. González‐Nuevo', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Oviedo', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institute of Physics of Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Universidad de Cantabria', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. González-Nuevo', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Departamento de Física, Universidad de Oviedo, Avda. Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo, Spain; Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Departamento de Física, Universidad de Oviedo, Avda. Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo, Spain', 'Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avda. de los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'K. M. Górski', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Warsaw', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'PL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['PL', 'US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'K. M. Górski', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA; Warsaw University Observatory, Aleje Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warszawa, Poland', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, USA', 'Warsaw University Observatory, Aleje Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warszawa, Poland']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'S. Gratton', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'S. Gratton', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK; Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK', 'Kavli Institute for Cosmology Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Gregorio', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Trieste', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Trieste Astronomical Observatory', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'INFN Sezione di Trieste', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Nuclear Physics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Gregorio', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Trieste, via A. Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy; INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, via G.B. Tiepolo 11, Trieste, Italy; INFN/National Institute for Nuclear Physics, via Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Trieste, via A. Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy', 'INAF−Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, via G.B. Tiepolo 11, Trieste, Italy', 'INFN/National Institute for Nuclear Physics, via Valerio 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A. Gruppuso', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute for Astrophysics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A. Gruppuso', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['INAF/IASF Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. E. Gudmundsson', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stockholm University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'AlbaNova', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Princeton University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['SE', 'US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. E. Gudmundsson', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, NJ 08540, USA; Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Roslagstullsbacken 23, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, Department of Physics,Stockholm University, AlbaNova, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, NJ 08540, USA', 'Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Roslagstullsbacken 23, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden', 'The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, Department of Physics,Stockholm University, AlbaNova, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jan Hamann', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'European Organization for Nuclear Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CH', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Sydney', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['AU', 'CH'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. 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Jacobs', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Pathology, University Hospital Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Pathology, University Hospital Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'M. Michele Manos', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M. M. Manos', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'F. Xavier Bosch', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut Català d'Oncologia", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'F. X. Bosch', 'raw_affiliation_string': "Institute Catala d'Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain", 'raw_affiliation_strings': ["Institute Catala d'Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain"]}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'J. Alain Kummer', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. A. 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Alexandrov', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Ludmil B. Alexandrov', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Serena Nik-Zainal', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "Addenbrooke's Hospital", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Serena Nik-Zainal', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,; Department of Medical Genetics, Box 134, Addenbrooke’s Hospital NHS Trust, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'Department of Medical Genetics, Box 134, Addenbrooke’s Hospital NHS Trust, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'David C. Wedge', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'David C. Wedge', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Samuel Aparicio', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'BC Cancer Agency', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of British Columbia', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CA', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CA'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Samuel A. J. R. Aparicio', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Centre for Translational and Applied Genomics, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, 675 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver V5Z 1L3, Canada.,; Department of Pathology, University of British Columbia, G227-2211 Wesbrook Mall, British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 2B5, Canada.,; Molecular Oncology, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, 675 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver V5Z 1L3, Canada.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Centre for Translational and Applied Genomics, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, 675 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver V5Z 1L3, Canada.,', 'Department of Pathology, University of British Columbia, G227-2211 Wesbrook Mall, British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 2B5, Canada.,', 'Molecular Oncology, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, 675 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver V5Z 1L3, Canada.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sam Behjati', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Sam Behjati', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,; Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Andrew V. Biankin', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Glasgow', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Glasgow Royal Infirmary', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Garvan Institute of Medical Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'The Kinghorn Cancer Centre', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'South Western Sydney Local Health District', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'UNSW Sydney', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'AU', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['AU', 'GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Andrew V. Biankin', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Surgery, Bankstown Hospital, Eldridge Road, Bankstown, Sydney, New South Wales 2200, Australia.,; South Western Sydney Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Liverpool, New South Wales 2170, Australia.,; The Kinghorn Cancer Centre, 370 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, and the Cancer Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia.,; West of Scotland Pancreatic Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 0SF, UK.,; Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1BD, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Surgery, Bankstown Hospital, Eldridge Road, Bankstown, Sydney, New South Wales 2200, Australia.,', 'South Western Sydney Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Liverpool, New South Wales 2170, Australia.,', 'The Kinghorn Cancer Centre, 370 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, and the Cancer Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, 384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia.,', 'West of Scotland Pancreatic Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 0SF, UK.,', 'Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1BD, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Graham R. Bignell', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Graham R. Bignell', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Niccolò Bolli', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "Addenbrooke's Hospital", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Niccolò Bolli', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,; Department of Haematology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.,; Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'Department of Haematology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.,', 'Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Åke Borg', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Lund University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['SE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Ake Borg', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Oncology, Lund University, SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Oncology, Lund University, SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Anne‐Lise Børresen‐Dale', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Norwegian Cancer Society', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NO', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Oslo University Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NO', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Oslo', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NO', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NO'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Genetics, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, 0310 Oslo, Norway.,; The K.G. Jebsen Center for Breast Cancer Research, Institute for Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, N-0310 Oslo, Norway.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Genetics, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, 0310 Oslo, Norway.,', 'The K.G. Jebsen Center for Breast Cancer Research, Institute for Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, N-0310 Oslo, Norway.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sandrine Boyault', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Centre Léon Bérard', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Sandrine Boyault', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Plateforme de Bioinformatique Synergie Lyon Cancer, Centre Léon Bérard, 28 rue Laennec, 69373 Lyon Cedex 08, France.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Plateforme de Bioinformatique Synergie Lyon Cancer, Centre Léon Bérard, 28 rue Laennec, 69373 Lyon Cedex 08, France.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Birgit Burkhardt', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University Hospital Münster', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "University Children's Hospital Tübingen", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['DE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Birgit Burkhardt', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'NHL-BFM Study Center and Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, University Children’s Hospital, 35392 Giessen, Germany.,; NHL-BFM Study Center and Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, University Children’s Hospital, 48149 Münster, Germany.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['NHL-BFM Study Center and Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, University Children’s Hospital, 35392 Giessen, Germany.,', 'NHL-BFM Study Center and Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, University Children’s Hospital, 48149 Münster, Germany.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Adam Butler', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Adam P. Butler', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Carlos Caldas', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Cancer Research UK', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Cambridge', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Carlos Caldas', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, Li Ka Shing Centre, Cambridge CB2 0RE, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, Li Ka Shing Centre, Cambridge CB2 0RE, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Helen Davies', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Helen R. Davies', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Christine Desmedt', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Université Libre de Bruxelles', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'BE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institut Jules Bordet', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'BE', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['BE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Christine Desmedt', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Breast Cancer Translational Res Lab -BCTL, Université Libre de Bruxelles—Institut Jules Bordet, Boulevard de Waterloo, 125, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Breast Cancer Translational Res Lab -BCTL, Université Libre de Bruxelles—Institut Jules Bordet, Boulevard de Waterloo, 125, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Roland Eils', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'German Cancer Research Center', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Heidelberg University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['DE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Roland Eils', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Theoretical Bioinformatics (B080), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Theoretical Bioinformatics (B080), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jórunn E. 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W. Jones', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Division of Pediatric Neurooncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Division of Pediatric Neurooncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'David R. 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Lakhani', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research, School of Medicine and Pathology Queensland, The Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Herston 4029, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research, School of Medicine and Pathology Queensland, The Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Herston 4029, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Carlos López‐Otín', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Oviedo', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Carlos López-Otín', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Departamento Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, IUOPA-Universidad de Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Spain.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Departamento Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, IUOPA-Universidad de Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Spain.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Sancha Martin', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Sancha Martin', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nikhil C. 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Northcott', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'German Cancer Research Center', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Heidelberg University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['DE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Paul A. Northcott', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Division of Pediatric Neurooncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Division of Pediatric Neurooncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Marina Pajic', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Glasgow', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Marina Pajic', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1BD, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Garscube Estate, Switchback Road, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 1BD, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Elli Papaemmanuil', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Elli Papaemmanuil', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Angelo Paradiso', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Angelo Paradiso', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Clinical Experimental Oncology Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, Via Amendola, 209, 70126 Bari, Italy.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Clinical Experimental Oncology Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, Via Amendola, 209, 70126 Bari, Italy.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'John V. 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Richardson', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Dana-Farber Cancer Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Boston University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Harvard University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': "Brigham and Women's Hospital", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Andrea L. 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Schumacher', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Oncode Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Ton N. Schumacher', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Division of Immunology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Division of Immunology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paul N. Span', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Paul N. Span', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Radiation Oncology and department of Laboratory Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, PO Box 9101, 6500HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.,', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Radiation Oncology and department of Laboratory Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, PO Box 9101, 6500HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.,']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jon W. Teague', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Wellcome Sanger Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Jon W. 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Geǐm', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Manchester', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'GB', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'RU', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['GB', 'RU'], 'is_corresponding': True, 'raw_author_name': 'Andre K. Geim', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physics, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK.; Institute for Microelectronics Technology, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physics, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK.', 'Institute for Microelectronics Technology, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'С. В. 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OpenAlex ofrece dos métodos de paginación: paginación básica y paginación del cursor. Ambos métodos son compatibles con PyAlex, aunque la paginación del cursor parece ser más fácil de implementar y menos propensa a errores.
paginación básica
Consulte las limitaciones de la paginación básica en la documentación de OpenAlex. Es relativamente fácil implementar la paginación básica con PyAlex; sin embargo, se recomienda utilizar el buscapersonas integrado basado en la paginación del cursor.
paginación del cursor
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(25 por defecto). De forma predeterminada, el argumento de paginación
está establecido en 10000. Utilice None
para recuperar todos los resultados.
from pyalex import Authors
pager = Authors().search_filter(display_name="einstein").paginate(per_page=200)
for page in pager:
200 200 200 146
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from itertools import chain
from pyalex import Authors
query = Authors().search_filter(display_name="einstein")
for record in chain(*query.paginate(per_page=200)):
Obtener N-gramos
Referencia de OpenAlex: Obtener N-gramas.
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INTRODUCTION Interest in calculation', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'calculation of the correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'e here report a new', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Salvetti formula for calculate correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula for calculate correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy from the Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order density matrix be convert', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock electron density and p2', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, 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pi", 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= t x pi r', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'pi r be the local', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r be the local Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'V p recommend for inclusion', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy in term of density', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'function of Snyder and Basch', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'complete agreement with the result', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'result of Colle and Salvetti', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'system in a state describe', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'state describe by a general', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'describe by a general single', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density difFers from the p', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin orbital in the closed', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin orbital in the rest', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy density in the sense', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'result obtain from the formula', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'lack of be pure density', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'depend on individual orbital density', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell gradient expansion of thf', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansion of thf give', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'functional formula by use gradient', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula by use gradient expansions"whereby', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'expansions"whereby t HF be expand', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correspond formula be readily derive', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy formula of Eqs', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1 E. = a f,/', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p+2bp 2 C p +2', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2 C p +2 C', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p +2 C p13ptt', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p +2 C p13ptt /3', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+2 C p13ptt /3 +', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p13ptt /3 + 9(pa', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p13ptt /3 + 9(pa Pv+Pt3', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '/3 + 9(pa Pv+Pt3 s', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+ is(pa ~ p~+pp ~', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'is(pa ~ p~+pp ~ Pp', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be obtain by strike', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be obtain by replace', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table -PRON- give numerical result', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'result obtain from these formula', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order gradient formula be hardly', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient formula be hardly distinguishable', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'hardly distinguishable from the original', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'distinguishable from the original Eqs', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'provide excellent representation of actual', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'excellent representation of actual correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'representation of actual correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient formula and the zero', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation potential be the functional', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'potential be the functional derivative', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'derivative of Ec with respect', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Ec with respect to p(r', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'see to provide a good', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'good way to calculate correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'way to calculate correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'calculate correlation energy from elec', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'error in correlation energy determine', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy determine from various density', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tabulate as value of E""(expt', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table -PRON- a sllllllal table', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order gradient expansion be see', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'excellent approximation to the Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'good as the other extant', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'computational advantage of the present', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'advantage of the present formula', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'exchange potential contain no term', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'potential contain no term include', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'term include the computationally awkward', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "include the computationally awkward V'~V", 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "awkward V'~V p~. the good", 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "V'~V p~. the good numerical", 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p~. the good numerical accuracy', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'numerical accuracy of the Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'datum on helium and theoretical', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'commend -PRON- for further improvement', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'predictive power can be improve', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'improve by reparametrization use datum', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'note for example that multiply', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'example that multiply the parameter', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'research grant from the National', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'grant from the National Institute', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Health and the National Science', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Science Foundation to the University', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Rev. 8 33 , 8822', 'ngram_tokens': 5, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'development of the Colic', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula into a functional', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'functional of the electron', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'electron density a correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula due to Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'energy density be express', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'term of the electron', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'density and a Laplacian', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Laplacian of the second', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'restate as a formula', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'formula involve the density', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'density and local kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'insertion of gradient expansion', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'expansion for the 1ocal', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'formula for the correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy and correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'energy and correlation potential', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'potential be then obtain', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'calculation on a number', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'demonstrate that these formula', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'like the original Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'INTRODUCTION Interest in calculation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'calculation of the correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy continue unabated', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'report a new development', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Salvetti formula for calculate', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula for calculate correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy from the Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density matrix be convert', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'convert into a density', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'electron density and p2', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'element of the second', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock reduce density matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1«2 d ~ tv«3dr4', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'term of interparticle coordinate', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Salvetti formula for correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula for correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy then be r', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'FORMULAS INVOLVING LOCAL KINETIC', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ENERGY DKNSITIKS first consider', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell atom or molecule', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'have an even number', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order reduced density matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r"rl)=N f f 1I1', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'dr2dr3 note that p', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'interparticle coordinate of Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density and -PRON- ~', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "-l~'P = t x", 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= t x pi', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't x pi r', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r be the local', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p recommend for inclusion', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'inclusion in other connection', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 's = 0 limit', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'obtain the correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy in term', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'wave function of Snyder', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'agreement with the result', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'follow directly from Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'consider next a system', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'system in a state', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'describe by a general', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin electron density difFers', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'difFers from the p', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'orbital in the closed', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'orbital in the rest', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density in the sense', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'obtain from the formula', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be very good', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'lack of be pure', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'depend on individual orbital', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'adopt that the orbital', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'orbital be the Kohn', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'quantity too be functional', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'functional of the density', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'view for the present"one', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'present"one can turn Eqs', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansion of thf', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'expansion of thf give', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula by use gradient', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansions"whereby t HF', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't HF be expand', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'expand about the Thomas', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy density be give', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'alternative formula be provide', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'provide by the mean', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correspond formula be readily', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be readily derive', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy formula of Eqs', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'E. = a f,/', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p+2bp 2 C p', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2 C p +2', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p +2 C', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p +2 C p13ptt', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+2 C p13ptt /3', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p13ptt /3 +', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p13ptt /3 + 9(pa', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '/3 + 9(pa Pv+Pt3', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+ 9(pa Pv+Pt3 s', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+ is(pa ~ p~+pp', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'is(pa ~ p~+pp ~', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ p~+pp ~ Pp', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order gradient expansion formula', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'closed and open shell', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order formula be obtain', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'strike out the term', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'term within the parenthesis', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'parenthesis in each case', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'path formula be obtain', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table -PRON- give numerical', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'give numerical result obtain', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'obtain from these formula', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient formula be hardly', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be hardly distinguishable', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'distinguishable from the original', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'excellent representation of actual', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'representation of actual correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula and the zero', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'potential be the functional', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'functional derivative of Ec', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'provide a good way', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'good way to calculate', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'way to calculate correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy from elec', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'error in correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'determine from various density', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-E""(calc)for the various method', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table -PRON- a sllllllal', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'sllllllal table 111 Rcf', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansion be see', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'approximation to the Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'advantage of the present', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Sham exchange potential contain', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'potential contain no term', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'contain no term include', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'term include the computationally', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'include the computationally awkward', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "computationally awkward V'~V p~.", 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "V'~V p~. the good", 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p~. the good numerical', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'accuracy of the Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'helium and theoretical argument', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'power can be improve', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'datum on more system', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'greatly improve the zero', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'prove possible to correct', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correct for the deficiency', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'deficiency in the derivation', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'work have be aid', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'aid by research grant', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'grant from the National', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Health and the National', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Foundation to the University', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Hartree - Fock electron', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Hartree - Fock 6rst', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "C~= - , '", 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'elec - table II', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Kohn - Sham exchange', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'National Institute of Health', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'University of North Carolina', 'ngram_tokens': 4, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density a correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Colle and Salvetti', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'density be express', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'express in term', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'Fock density matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'involve the density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'density and local', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'insertion of gradient', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'energy and correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'number of atom', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'like the original', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Interest in calculation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy continue', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy continue unabated', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'e here report', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'report a new', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula for calculate', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'calculate correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'order density matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'matrix be convert', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock electron density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density and p2', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock reduce density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'reduce density matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ri ~ ir2~2', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1«2 d ~', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'd ~ tv«3dr4', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'term of interparticle', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ri+r2 f 2', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 's = r', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula for correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'FORMULAS INVOLVING LOCAL', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'INVOLVING LOCAL KINETIC', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'DKNSITIKS first consider', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'consider a closed', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'atom or molecule', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'number of electron', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'rl r2)= p(rl)p(r2', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order reduced density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'reduced density matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r"rl)=N f f', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'f f 1I1', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r 2tr 2', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'note that p', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'coordinate of Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~. P«i r2}l', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "-l~'P = t", 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= t x', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't x pi', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'x pi r', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'note that ta', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'define include term', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'V p recommend', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'recommend for inclusion', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 's = 0', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= 0 limit', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'obtain the correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy in term', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'term of density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Clementi wave function', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'function of Snyder', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Snyder and Basch', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'result of Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'directly from Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'general single determinant', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin electron density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'electron density difFers', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell restrict Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'excess of lx', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'replace by p2', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)thf(r)+ptl(r)t ~ hf(r', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin and p', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't ~ z"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'sense of Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2p1,pp(rl r2)p1,pp(r2 rl', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'numerical result obtain', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'pure density functional', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Pock local kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy density thf', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'depend on individual', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'individual orbital density', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'view be adopt', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'pure densityfunctional expression', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'eschew that view', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'present"one can turn', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tT"(r)=C ~ p(r)\'i', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell gradient expansion', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'expansion of thf', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'l functional formula', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansions"whereby t', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'expansions"whereby t HF', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'HF be expand', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fermi local kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy density tTF', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density be give', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be provide', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be readily', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't ~ h"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy formula', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula of Eqs', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= a f,/', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p+2bp 2 C', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2 C p', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p +2', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p +2 C', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+2 C p13ptt', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p13ptt /3', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p13ptt /3 +', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '/3 + 9(pa', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+ 9(pa Pv+Pt3', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '9(pa Pv+Pt3 s', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+ is(pa ~', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'is(pa ~ p~+pp', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ p~+pp ~', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p~+pp ~ Pp', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'j as write', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order gradient expansion', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansion formula', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'closed and open', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'formula be obtain', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'obtain by strike', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'obtain by replace', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table -PRON- give', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'give numerical result', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order gradient formula', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'formula be hardly', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'provide excellent representation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'representation of actual', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'actual correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'derivative of Ec', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Ec with respect', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'respect to p(r', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'form here derive', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'see to provide', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'provide a good', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'way to calculate', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy from elec', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'error in correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy determine', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tabulate as value', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'value of E""(expt', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'value see table', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'sllllllal table 111', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table 111 Rcf', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'thc present second', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'expansion be see', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'extant densityfunctional formula', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'considerable computational advantage', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Sham exchange potential', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'exchange potential contain', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'contain no term', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'include the computationally', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "computationally awkward V'~V", 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "awkward V'~V p~.", 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p~. the good', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'good numerical accuracy', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'datum on helium', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'helium and theoretical', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'improvement and analysis', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'improve by reparametrization', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'reparametrization use datum', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'note for example', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'example that multiply', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'multiply the parameter', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'improve the zero', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'possible to correct', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ACKNOWLEDGMENT this work', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'aid by research', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Institute of Health', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'University of North', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Rev. 8 33', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Hartree - Fock', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'Colle - Salvetti', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'I. INTRODUCTION Interest', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'HF N(N -1', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'HF HF -Pl', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= -a y(r)dr', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table I. III', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'GRADIENT EXPANSION FGRMUI', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Kohn - Sham', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Thomas - Fermi', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': '1 E. =', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'National Science Foundation', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'J. P. Perdew', 'ngram_tokens': 3, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'present second', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Salvetti correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 4, 'term_frequency': 0.0021810250817884407}, {'ngram': 'electron density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 7, 'term_frequency': 0.003816793893129771}, {'ngram': "Acta 3'7", 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'correlation energy', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 14, 'term_frequency': 0.007633587786259542}, {'ngram': 'energy density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 12, 'term_frequency': 0.006543075245365322}, {'ngram': 'order Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'Fock density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'density matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': 'formula involve', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'local kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 4, 'term_frequency': 0.0021810250817884407}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansion', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': '1ocal kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Salvetti formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'functional formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': 'correlation potential', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'numerical calculation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'positive ion', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'openand closed', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'shell type', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'original Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'I. INTRODUCTION', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'INTRODUCTION Interest', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy continue', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'continue unabated', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'new development', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'calculate correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Fock second', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'let p(r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock electron', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'diagonal element', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock reduce', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'reduce density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'HF N(N', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'N(N -1', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ri ~', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ ir2~2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1«2 d', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'd ~', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ tv«3dr4', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'x p2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'interparticle coordinate', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'ri+r2 f', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'f 2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 's =', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': '= r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r P2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'FORMULAS INVOLVING', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'INVOLVING LOCAL', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'LOCAL KINETIC', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ENERGY DKNSITIKS', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell atom', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'rl r2)=', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r2)= p(rl)p(r2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'rl r2)P1', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r2 rl', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Fock 6rst', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order reduced', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'reduced density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r"rl)=N f', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'f f', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'f 1I1', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r tr', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r 2tr', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'dr2dr3 note', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ p', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~. P«i', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'P«i r2}l', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "-l~'P =", 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= t', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't x', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'x pi', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'pi r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'local Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'define include', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'include term', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'V p', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p recommend', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'prove Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= 0', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '0 limit', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Clementi wave', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'wave function', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'complete agreement', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'follow directly', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'state describe', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'general single', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'single determinant', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin electron', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'density difFers', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell restrict', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'restrict Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fock case', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'primary concern', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin orbital', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'r 1', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'T p', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '0 --2[p', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)thf(r)+ptl(r)t ~', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ hf(r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't ~', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': '~ z"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correspond kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'HF HF', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'HF -Pl', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ri r2)Pl', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2p1,pp(rl r2)p1,pp(r2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r2)p1,pp(r2 rl', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-1/3 p(r)+2bp(r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)t H"(r)+ptl(r)t~~"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)-]e E', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '= -a', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-a y(r)dr', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'numerical result', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'result obtain', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'table I.', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'I. III', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'GRADIENT EXPANSION', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'EXPANSION FGRMUI', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'pure density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density functional', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Pock local', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density thf', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't HF', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'individual orbital', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'orbital density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Sham orbital', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'pure densityfunctional', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'densityfunctional expression', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'turn Eqs', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'explicit density', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tT"(r)=C ~', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "~ p(r)'i", 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'conventional closed', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell gradient', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'thf give', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'zero order', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'second order', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'l functional', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient expansions"whereby', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'expansions"whereby t', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fermi local', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'density tTF', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Fermi kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'alternative formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'path approximation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'shell case', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correspond formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'readily derive', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ h"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1 E.', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'E. =', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tCt p', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p+2bp 2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2 C', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p +2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+2 C', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'C p13ptt', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p13ptt /3', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '/3 +', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+ 9(pa', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '9(pa Pv+Pt3', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Pv+Pt3 s', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '+ is(pa', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'is(pa ~', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ p~+pp', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p~+pp ~', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~ Pp', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'conventional second', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order gradient', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 4, 'term_frequency': 0.0021810250817884407}, {'ngram': 'expansion formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'open shell', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order mean', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'excellent approximation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'extant densityfunctional', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'densityfunctional formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'considerable computational', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'computational advantage', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'present formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'resultant Kohn', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Sham exchange', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'exchange potential', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'potential contain', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'term include', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'computationally awkward', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "awkward V'~V", 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "V'~V p~.", 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'good numerical', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'numerical accuracy', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'theoretical argument', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'predictive power', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'greatly improve', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'order result', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'prove possible', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'research grant', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'National Institute', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'National Science', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Science Foundation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'North Carolina', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'J. P.', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'P. Perdew', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Rev. 8', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '8 33', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'path formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'give numerical', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'gradient formula', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'hardly distinguishable', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'original Eqs', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'provide excellent', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'excellent representation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'actual correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'conventional zero', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'functional derivative', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'good way', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table II', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'energy determine', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'sllllllal table', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table 111', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '111 Rcf', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'thc present', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'few percent', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': '2tr 2', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Inserting Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'y(r)=2 1p', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'as Equations', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Phys .', 'ngram_tokens': 2, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'development', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Colic', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Salvetti', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 10, 'term_frequency': 0.0054525627044711015}, {'ngram': 'correlation', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 20, 'term_frequency': 0.010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'energy', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 27, 'term_frequency': 0.014721919302071973}, {'ngram': 'formula', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 31, 'term_frequency': 0.016902944383860415}, {'ngram': 'functional', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 9, 'term_frequency': 0.004907306434023991}, {'ngram': 'electron', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 8, 'term_frequency': 0.004362050163576881}, {'ngram': 'density', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 35, 'term_frequency': 0.019083969465648856}, {'ngram': 'Theor', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Chim', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'Acta', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'express', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'term', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 9, 'term_frequency': 0.004907306434023991}, {'ngram': 'second', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 8, 'term_frequency': 0.004362050163576881}, {'ngram': 'order', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 16, 'term_frequency': 0.008724100327153763}, {'ngram': 'Hartree', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 9, 'term_frequency': 0.004907306434023991}, {'ngram': 'Fock', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 8, 'term_frequency': 0.004362050163576881}, {'ngram': 'matrix', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': 'restate', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'involve', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'local', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'kinetic', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 10, 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'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'ion', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'molecule', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 4, 'term_frequency': 0.0021810250817884407}, {'ngram': 'openand', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'closed', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'shell', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 8, 'term_frequency': 0.004362050163576881}, {'ngram': 'type', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'demonstrate', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'like', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'original', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'Colle', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 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'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'convert', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'let', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 4, 'term_frequency': 0.0021810250817884407}, {'ngram': 'p2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 24, 'term_frequency': 0.013086150490730643}, {'ngram': 'diagonal', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'element', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'reduce', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'HF', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': 'N(N', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-1', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ri', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': '~', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 9, 'term_frequency': 0.004907306434023991}, {'ngram': 'ir2~2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1«2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'd', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tv«3dr4', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'x', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'interparticle', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'coordinate', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 's', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': 'ri+r2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'f', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': '=', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 12, 'term_frequency': 0.006543075245365322}, {'ngram': '-r2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'P2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'II', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'FORMULAS', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'INVOLVING', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'LOCAL', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'KINETIC', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ENERGY', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'DKNSITIKS', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'consider', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'have', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'rl', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': 'r2)=', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p(rl)p(r2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Pl', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r2)P1', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 4, 'term_frequency': 0.0021810250817884407}, {'ngram': 'p', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 18, 'term_frequency': 0.009814612868047983}, {'ngram': '6rst', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'reduced', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r"rl)=N', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1I1', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'rlcr', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tr', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'X%\'""(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'o', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2tr', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': "gdO'IdO'2", 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'dr2dr3', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'note', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'r)=p(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)=', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'lq', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'eizsacker', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "tHF(r)=-,'[~.", 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '~.', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'P«i', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': "-l~'P", 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 't', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 7, 'term_frequency': 0.003816793893129771}, {'ngram': 'pi', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ta', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'tH"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'define', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'include', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'V', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'recommend', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'inclusion', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'connection', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'prove', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'operate', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'v"-v', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'limit', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Inserting', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Eq', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 10, 'term_frequency': 0.0054525627044711015}, {'ngram': '7', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 't"F(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ts', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'table', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'wave', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'function', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'complete', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'agreement', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'result', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 4, 'term_frequency': 0.0021810250817884407}, {'ngram': 'follow', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'directly', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'system', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'state', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'describe', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'general', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'single', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'determinant', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'spin', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 7, 'term_frequency': 0.003816793893129771}, {'ngram': 'difFers', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'open', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'restrict', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'case', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': 'primary', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'concern', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'orbital', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 6, 'term_frequency': 0.003271537622682661}, {'ngram': 'excess', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'lx', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'rest', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'equation', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'replace', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 3, 'term_frequency': 0.0016357688113413304}, {'ngram': "p'(r", 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)+pp(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'T', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)+ptt(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'y(r)=2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '1p', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '0', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': '--2[p', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)thf(r)+ptl(r)t', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'hf(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'ptl(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'z"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'correspond', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'sense', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-Pl', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r2)Pl', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r2)p1,pp(r2', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-p(r)tll', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-1/3', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p(r)+2bp(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)t', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'H"(r)+ptl(r)t~~"(r', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'p(r)ts', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'r)-]e', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'E', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': '-a', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'y(r)dr', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'good', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 5, 'term_frequency': 0.0027262813522355507}, {'ngram': 'III', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'GRADIENT', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'EXPANSION', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'FGRMUI', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Equations', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'lack', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'pure', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'appearance', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Pock', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'depend', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'individual', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'view', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 0.0010905125408942203}, {'ngram': 'adopt', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 1, 'term_frequency': 0.0005452562704471102}, {'ngram': 'Kohn', 'ngram_tokens': 1, 'ngram_count': 2, 'term_frequency': 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Publicaciones citadas (obras referenciadas)
from pyalex import Works
# El trabajo para extraer las obras referenciadas de
w = Works()["W2741809807"]
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Consigue obras de un solo autor
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1061, 1090], 'altmetrics': [43, 61, 307, 393, 764, 796, 973, 1059, 1071], 'the': [45, 54, 58, 134, 222, 233, 259, 267, 273, 344, 365, 386, 390, 460, 503, 536, 549, 572, 583, 586, 596, 632, 639, 652, 672, 684, 687, 694, 704, 718, 882, 948, 952, 977, 980, 986, 989, 1000, 1056, 1067], 'place': [46], 'start.': [48], 'In': [49, 381, 506], 'this': [50, 91, 322, 382, 508, 912, 1039], 'article,': [51, 235, 383], 'describe': [53, 79, 385, 410], 'current': [55, 387, 417], 'state': [56, 388], 'art': [59, 391], 'in': [60, 324, 392, 525, 614, 717, 809, 936, 954], 'its': [63, 395, 512], 'effects': [64, 396], 'on': [65, 196, 397, 451, 939], 'publishing,': [66, 398, 454, 692], 'Impactstory’s': [69], 'plan': [70, 401], 'build': [72, 403, 895], 'an': [73, 310, 404, 615, 1073, 1078], 'open': [74, 212, 225, 264, 331, 405, 697, 1079], 'infrastructure': [75, 199, 265, 406, 1081], 'for': [76, 93, 142, 173, 221, 252, 314, 371, 407, 441, 457, 482, 502, 571, 861, 876, 881], 'altmetrics,': [77, 408], 'our': [80, 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[747], '[]': [748], 'Figshare': [750], '[]': [751], '(data-sharing': [752], 'Kudos': [755], '[]': [756], '(an': [757], 'marketing': [759], 'service)': [760], 'debuted.': [762], 'And': [763], '[]': [768], ',': [769, 772, 775], 'Altmetric': [770], '[]': [771], 'PlumX': [773], '[]': [774], 'PLOS': [777], 'ALMs': [778], '[]': [779], 'starting': [782], 'widely': [785], 'adopted,': [786], 'both': [788], 'alike.': [792], 'rise': [794], 'solution': [800], 'plagues': [806], 'scholars:': [807], 'even': [808], 'situations': [810], 'may': [813, 1019], 'best': [815], 'served': [816, 835], 'dataset,': [821], 'blog': [822], 'post,': [823], 'product,': [828], 'one’s': [829], 'own': [830], 'career': [831], 'often': [833], 'instead': [837], 'putting': [838], 'effort': [840], 'into': [841], 'article-writing.': [843], 'want': [846], 'move': [848], 'more': [851], 'efficient,': [852, 1042], 'must': [856, 878, 894], '2': [865], 'dilemma': [871], 'disappear:': [872], 'good': [875, 880], 'become': [879], 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Publicaciones de conjuntos de datos en el sur global
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# El trabajo para extraer las obras referenciadas de
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Publicaciones más citadas en su organización
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[{'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Crystallography & NMR System: A New Software Suite for Macromolecular Structure Determination', 'display_name': 'Crystallography & NMR System: A New Software Suite for Macromolecular Structure Determination', 'publication_year': 1998, 'publication_date': '1998-09-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '1995017064', 'pmid': ''}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': False, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': None, 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Acta Crystallographica Section D-biological Crystallography', 'issn_l': '0907-4449', 'issn': ['0907-4449', '1399-0047'], 'is_oa': False, 'is_in_doaj': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Wiley-Blackwell', 'host_organization_lineage': ['', ''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Wiley-Blackwell', 'Wiley'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': None, 'version': None, 'is_accepted': False, 'is_published': False}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': False, 'oa_status': 'closed', 'oa_url': None, 'any_repository_has_fulltext': False}, 'authorships': [{'author_position': 'first', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'A.T. Brünger', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Yale University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Howard Hughes Medical Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'A.T. Brünger', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA; The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA', 'The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paul D. Adams', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Yale University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P.D. Adams', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 06511, USA.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 06511, USA.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'G. Marius Clore', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institutes of Health', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'G.M. Clore', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520, USA.', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Laboratory of Chemical Physics, Building 5, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-0520, USA.']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Warren L. DeLano', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of California, San Francisco', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'W.L. DeLano', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Graduate Group in Biophysics, Box 0448, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Graduate Group in Biophysics, Box 0448, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Piet Gros', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P. Gros', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Crystal and Structural Chemistry, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research; Utrecht University, Padualaan 8; 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Crystal and Structural Chemistry, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research; Utrecht University, Padualaan 8; 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ralf W. 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Jiang', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Protein Data Bank, Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973–5000, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Protein Data Bank, Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973–5000, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'John Kuszewski', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institutes of Health', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J. 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[214], '[5·5–7·0]),': [215], 'household': [217, 235], 'air': [218, 236], 'pollution': [219, 237], 'solid': [221, 239], 'fuels': [222, 240], '(4·3%': [223], '[3·4–5·3]).': [224], '1990,': [226], 'childhood': [231, 291, 300, 330], 'underweight': [232], '(7·9%': [233], '[6·8–9·4]),': [234], '(HAP;': [241], '6·8%': [242], '[5·5–8·0]),': [243], '(6·1%': [250], '[5·4–6·8]).': [251], 'Dietary': [252], 'physical': [256], 'inactivity': [257], 'collectively': [258], 'accounted': [259], '10·0%': [261], '(95%': [262], 'UI': [263], '9·2–10·8)': [264], 'most': [272, 326, 373, 376], 'prominent': [273], 'dietary': [274], 'being': [276], 'diets': [277], 'low': [278], 'fruits': [280], 'those': [282, 470, 559, 564], 'sodium.': [285], 'Several': [286], 'primarily': [289], 'affect': [290, 566], 'communicable': [292, 465], 'diseases,': [293], 'unimproved': [295, 311, 515], 'water': [296, 312, 516], 'sanitation': [298, 314], 'micronutrient': [301], 'deficiencies,': [302, 523], 'fell': [303], 'rank': [305], 'between': [306], 'accounting': [315], '0·9%': [317], '(0·4–1·6)': [318], 'However,': [324], 'sub-Saharan': [328, 365, 552], 'Africa': [329, 366, 381, 438], 'underweight,': [331], 'HAP,': [332], 'non-exclusive': [334], 'discontinued': [336], 'breastfeeding': [337], 'while': [344], 'HAP': [345], 'was': [346, 369, 389], 'south': [351], 'Asia.': [352], 'The': [353, 529], 'Eastern': [358], 'Europe,': [359], 'Andean': [360], 'Latin': [361, 378, 427], 'America,': [362, 379, 428], 'southern': [364, 426], '2010': [368], 'alcohol': [370], 'use;': [371], 'Asia,': [375], 'North': [380, 437], 'Middle': [383, 440], 'East,': [384, 441], 'central': [386], 'Europe': [387], 'it': [388, 418], 'pressure.': [392], 'Despite': [393], 'declines,': [394], 'remained': [400], 'high-income': [405, 435], 'north': [406], 'America': [407], 'western': [409], 'Europe.': [410], 'High': [411], 'body-mass': [412], 'index': [413], 'increased': [415], 'globally': [416], 'is': [419], 'Australasia': [424], 'also': [430], 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246, 256, 263, 276, 289, 309, 313], 'atrial': [9, 40, 264], 'fibrillation': [10, 41], 'but': [11, 321], 'increases': [12], 'hemorrhage': [16], 'and': [17, 42, 129, 181, 219, 252, 280, 318], 'is': [18, 23], 'difficult': [19], 'to': [20, 47, 124, 148, 286], 'use.': [21], 'Dabigatran': [22, 299], 'a': [24, 43, 50, 269, 302], 'new': [25], 'oral': [26], 'direct': [27], 'thrombin': [28], 'inhibitor.In': [29], 'this': [30], 'noninferiority': [31], 'trial,': [32], 'we': [33], 'randomly': [34], 'assigned': [35], '18,113': [36], 'who': [38], 'had': [39], 'receive,': [48], 'blinded': [51], 'fashion,': [52, 66], 'fixed': [53], 'doses': [54], 'dabigatran--110': [56], 'mg': [57, 60, 111, 139, 177, 190, 215, 225, 248, 258, 273], 'or': [58, 84], '150': [59, 138, 189, 224, 257, 305], 'twice': [61], 'daily--or,': [62], 'an': [64], 'unblinded': [65], 'adjusted-dose': [67], 'warfarin.': [68], 'The': [69, 79, 153, 194, 229], 'median': [70], 'duration': [71], 'follow-up': [74], 'period': [75], 'was': [76, 82, 158, 199, 232, 274, 311], '2.0': [77], 'years.': [78], 'primary': [80, 89], 'outcome': [81, 90], 'systemic': [85, 281, 319], 'embolism.Rates': [86], 'were': [91, 284], '1.69%': [92], 'per': [93, 103, 131, 160, 170, 183, 201, 211, 221, 234, 244, 254], 'year': [94, 104, 132, 161, 171, 184, 202, 212, 222, 235, 245, 255], 'warfarin': [97, 164, 205, 238], 'group,': [98, 165, 206, 239], 'as': [99, 166, 207, 240, 291, 293, 307], 'compared': [100, 167, 208, 241, 308], '1.53%': [102], 'group': [107, 135, 174, 187], 'that': [108, 136, 283], 'received': [109, 137], '110': [110, 176, 214, 247, 272], 'dabigatran': [113, 141, 179, 192, 217, 227, 250, 260, 266], '(relative': [114, 142], 'dabigatran,': [117], '0.91;': [118], '95%': [119, 145], 'confidence': [120], 'interval': [121], '[CI],': [122], '0.74': [123], '1.11;': [125], 'P<0.001': [126, 150], 'for': [127, 151], 'noninferiority)': [128], '1.11%': [130], 'risk,': [143], '0.66;': [144], 'CI,': [146], '0.53': [147], '0.82;': [149], 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Borràs', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': "Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol", 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Autonomous University of Barcelona', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Francesc E. 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Brennan', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Harvard University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Massachusetts General Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['', '']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Nantes Université', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Inserm', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FR', 'type': 'government', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FR', 'US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Meadhbh Brennan', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA, USA; Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurology, Boston, MA, USA; Université de Nantes INSERM UMR 1238 Bone Sarcoma and Remodeling of Calcified Tissues PhyOS Nantes France', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA, USA', 'Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurology, Boston, MA, USA', 'Université de Nantes INSERM UMR 1238 Bone Sarcoma and Remodeling of Calcified Tissues PhyOS Nantes France']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'David R. 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Broekman', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Haaglanden Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, The Hague, The Netherlands; Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Leiden, The Netherlands; Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Neurology, Boston, MA, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Haaglanden Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, The Hague, The Netherlands', 'Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Leiden, The Netherlands', 'Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Neurology, Boston, MA, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jacqueline Bromberg', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Cornell University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Jacqueline F. Bromberg', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Medicine, New York City, NY, USA; Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Medicine, New York City, NY, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Medicine, New York City, NY, USA', 'Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Medicine, New York City, NY, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Paulina Bryl-Górecka', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Lund University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['SE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Paulina Bryl-Górecka', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Lund University, Department of Cardiology, Lund, Sweden', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Lund University, Department of Cardiology, Lund, Sweden']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Shilpa Buch', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Nebraska Medical Center', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Shilpa J Buch', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, Omaha, NE, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, Omaha, NE, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Amy H. 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Buzás', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'MTA-SE Immuno-Proteogenomics Research Groups, Budapest, Hungary; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['MTA-SE Immuno-Proteogenomics Research Groups, Budapest, Hungary', 'Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'James Brian Byrd', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Michigan–Ann Arbor', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'James Bryan Byrd', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University of Michigan, Department of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University of Michigan, Department of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Giovanni Camussi', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Turin', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'IT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Giovanni Camussi', 'raw_affiliation_string': '', 'raw_affiliation_strings': []}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'David R. 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Dourado', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'University of Campinas, Piracicaba Dental School, Department of Oral Diagnosis, Piracicaba, Brazil; University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, Cancer and Translational Medicine Research Unit, Oulu, Finland', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['University of Campinas, Piracicaba Dental School, Department of Oral Diagnosis, Piracicaba, Brazil', 'University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, Cancer and Translational Medicine Research Unit, Oulu, Finland']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Tom A.P. Driedonks', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Tom A.P. Driedonks', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Filipe V. Duarte', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['PT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Filipe V. Duarte', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Exogenus Therapeutics, Cantanhede, Portugal', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Exogenus Therapeutics, Cantanhede, Portugal']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Heather M. 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1994, 2053, 2085, 2204, 2241, 2290, 2312, 2319, 2329, 2350, 2443, 2481, 2607, 2629, 2642, 2792, 2825, 2835, 2863, 2893, 2976, 2980, 3005, 3057, 3094, 3189, 3193, 3213, 3249, 3253, 3386, 3396, 3410, 3436, 3483, 3569, 3573, 3579, 3633, 3775, 3848, 3873, 3941, 3984, 4009, 4020, 4059, 4069, 4096, 4114, 4128, 4145, 4171, 4177, 4180, 4187, 4196, 4251, 4264, 4319, 4343, 4361], 'embryonic': [41, 121, 548, 2292], 'development': [42, 122, 254, 1793, 2711, 3324], 'also': [44, 124, 617, 1684, 2551, 3065, 3344], 'controls': [45, 125, 249, 2377, 3394, 3630], 'homeostatic': [46, 126], 'self-renewal': [47, 127], 'a': [49, 75, 129, 155, 176, 208, 237, 280, 396, 415, 560, 600, 629, 661, 824, 847, 1069, 1097, 1170, 1324, 1352, 1434, 1451, 1490, 1499, 1531, 1576, 1616, 1670, 1694, 1739, 1752, 1767, 1771, 1893, 1916, 2002, 2020, 2061, 2081, 2213, 2310, 2361, 2475, 2509, 2531, 2656, 2723, 2760, 2789, 2829, 2974, 2977, 3089, 3161, 3166, 3215, 3223, 3380, 3441, 3755, 3846, 3871, 3874, 3881, 3909, 3982, 4193, 4208, 4240, 4249, 4299, 4348], 'number': [50, 130, 265, 1326], 'adult': [52, 132], 'tissues.': [53, 79, 133, 159], 'Germline': [54, 134], 'mutations': [55, 66, 135, 146, 371, 388, 1913, 2322], 'pathway': [59, 139, 479, 611, 794, 1013, 1214, 1246, 1298, 1312, 1750, 1791, 2555, 2680, 2748, 3322, 3371, 4120], 'cause': [60, 140, 392], 'several': [61, 141], 'hereditary': [62, 142, 848], 'diseases,': [63, 143], 'somatic': [65, 145], 'associated': [68, 148, 4162], 'with': [69, 149, 366, 945, 972, 996, 1412, 1658, 1963, 2080, 2309, 2344, 2512, 2670, 2765, 2889, 3243, 3378, 3472, 3782, 3991, 3995, 4302], 'cancer': [70, 150, 849, 926, 1249, 4012], 'intestine': [73, 153], 'variety': [76, 156, 1452], 'other': [78, 158, 1232, 3784, 4109, 4169], 'The': [160, 300, 815, 1613, 1643, 1788, 2013, 2202, 2944, 3319, 3407, 3745, 3766, 4057, 4283], 'mouse': [161, 203, 305, 571, 2291], 'wnt1': [162], 'gene,': [163], 'originally': [164], 'named': [165, 1605], 'Int-1,': [166], 'was': [167, 233, 276, 591, 616, 754, 844, 941, 1103], 'identified': [168, 755], '1982': [170], 'by': [171, 201, 340, 619, 758, 830, 1323, 1880, 2556, 2615, 2660, 2719, 2952, 3067, 3347, 3351, 3359, 3680, 3737, 3762, 3864, 3891, 4160, 4380, 4397], 'Nusse': [172, 298, 469, 1382, 1786, 1989, 2048, 2565, 3272, 3317], 'Varmus': [174, 196, 722, 2603], 'as': [175, 338, 660, 756, 1051, 1391, 1744, 1766, 2001, 2060, 2090, 2508, 3105, 3306, 3772, 3778, 3947, 3956, 4248, 4268], 'preferential': [177], 'integration': [178], 'site': [179], 'for': [180, 796, 1361, 1414, 1475, 1602, 1686, 1690, 1862, 1895, 2121, 2236, 2288, 2459, 2479, 2798, 2922, 3163, 3548, 3621, 3659, 3888, 3911, 3965, 4140, 4168, 4260, 4369], 'Mouse': [182, 2915], 'Mammary': [183], 'Tumor': [184], 'Virus': [185], 'virally': [187], 'induced': [188, 200, 618], 'breast': [189], 'tumors': [190, 199], '(Nusse': [191], 'Varmus,': [193], '1982Nusse': [194], 'R.': [195, 299, 470, 1383, 1787, 1990, 2049, 2177, 2566, 3087, 3273, 3318, 3406, 3538, 3649, 3906, 4052, 4054], 'H.E.': [197, 723], 'Many': [198], 'mammary': [204, 306], 'tumor': [205, 993, 3767, 3787], 'virus': [206], 'contain': [207], 'provirus': [209], 'integrated': [210], 'same': [213], 'region': [214], 'host': [217], 'genome.Cell.': [218], '1982;': [219], '31:': [220], '99-109Abstract': [221], 'Full': [222, 320, 452, 553, 805, 807, 1422, 1424, 1548, 1550, 1583, 1585, 2251, 2253, 2297, 2299, 2487, 2489, 2730, 2732, 2805, 2807], 'Text': [223, 321, 453, 554, 806, 808, 1423, 1425, 1549, 1551, 1584, 1586, 2252, 2254, 2298, 2300, 2488, 2490, 2731, 2733, 2806, 2808], 'PDF': [224, 322, 454, 555, 809, 1426, 1552, 1587, 2255, 2301, 2491, 2734, 2809], 'PubMed': [225, 273, 323, 455, 485, 519, 556, 678, 708, 738, 810, 891, 931, 977, 1001, 1176, 1275, 1399, 1427, 1509, 1553, 1588, 1722, 1803, 1870, 1948, 2008, 2067, 2127, 2162, 2197, 2256, 2302, 2424, 2492, 2583, 2620, 2735, 2810, 2873, 2939, 2991, 3046, 3100, 3145, 3175, 3233, 3294, 3334, 3424, 3519, 3557, 3668, 3716, 3827, 3919, 4077, 4233, 4310], 'Google': [226, 274, 324, 458, 488, 520, 557, 681, 711, 739, 813, 892, 932, 978, 1002, 1179, 1255, 1278, 1402, 1430, 1512, 1556, 1591, 1725, 1806, 1873, 1951, 2011, 2070, 2130, 2165, 2200, 2259, 2305, 2427, 2495, 2586, 2623, 2738, 2813, 2876, 2942, 2994, 3049, 3103, 3148, 3178, 3236, 3297, 3337, 3427, 3522, 3560, 3671, 3719, 3830, 3922, 4080, 4236, 4313], 'Scholar).': [227, 325, 521, 740, 814, 933, 1003, 1180, 1403, 1513, 1726, 1807, 1874, 1952, 2012, 2201, 2306, 2428, 2624, 2739, 2814, 2877, 2943, 2995, 3179, 3237, 3298, 3428, 3561, 3720, 3923, 4314], 'When': [228, 3721, 3832], 'sequenced,': [229], 'Wnt1': [231, 284, 572], 'proto-oncogene': [232, 538], 'seen': [234], 'to': [235, 278, 311, 349, 383, 442, 544, 605, 943, 1187, 1240, 1351, 1446, 1468, 1496, 1536, 1626, 1681, 1755, 1764, 1838, 2206, 2355, 2518, 2540, 2634, 2673, 2767, 2820, 2955, 3002, 3069, 3133, 3219, 3245, 3284, 3304, 3438, 3512, 3565, 3595, 3709, 3723, 4039, 4207, 4326, 4395], 'protein': [239, 940, 995, 1354, 1534, 1619, 1645, 2119, 2153, 2234, 2569, 2610, 2648, 3217, 3281, 3382, 3414, 3757, 3769, 3789, 3869, 4375], 'cysteine': [242, 1329, 1356], 'rich.': [243], 'Subsequently,': [244], 'Drosophila': [245, 301, 436, 820, 1052, 1435, 1487, 1595, 1891, 1999, 2058, 2093, 2218, 2375, 2418, 2501, 3220, 4293], 'wingless': [246, 477, 1928, 2237], '(wg),': [247], 'which': [248, 353, 1031, 1358, 1882, 1958, 2650, 2751, 2831, 3992, 4164, 4365], 'segment': [250, 264, 313, 4294], 'polarity': [251, 267, 314, 1202, 4295], 'during': [252, 1085, 1943], 'larval': [253], '(Nüsslein-Volhard': [255], 'Wieschaus,': [257], '1980Nüsslein-Volhard': [258], 'C.': [259, 770, 1144, 1519, 1523, 1664, 1855, 2179, 2275, 2699, 2784, 2969, 2971, 3032, 3503, 3700], 'Wieschaus': [260, 499, 4279], 'E.': [261, 293, 424, 500, 1372, 1853, 2110, 2857, 4048, 4280], 'Mutations': [262, 917], 'affecting': [263], 'Drosophila.Nature.': [269, 481], '1980;': [270], '287:': [271], '795-801Crossref': [272], 'Scholar),': [275, 3050, 3104], 'shown': [277], 'be': [279, 1033, 1188, 1836, 1878, 2457, 4040, 4084, 4158], 'fly': [281, 333], 'homolog': [282, 302, 437, 625, 640, 1464, 2503], '(Rijsewijk': [285], 'et': [286, 421, 461, 491, 645, 714, 765, 857, 879, 895, 948, 981, 1137, 1365, 1479, 1516, 1560, 1698, 1846, 1971, 2030, 2095, 2139, 2168, 2262, 2403, 2462, 2591, 2686, 2771, 2838, 2860, 2903, 2958, 3011, 3033, 3072, 3113, 3151, 3197, 3258, 3486, 3525, 3636, 3683, 3895, 4045, 4271], 'al.,': [287, 422, 462, 492, 646, 715, 766, 858, 896, 949, 982, 1138, 1366, 1480, 1517, 1561, 1699, 1847, 1972, 2031, 2096, 2140, 2169, 2263, 2404, 2463, 2592, 2687, 2772, 2839, 2904, 2959, 3012, 3073, 3114, 3152, 3198, 3259, 3487, 3526, 3637, 3684, 3896, 4046, 4272], '1987Rijsewijk': [288], 'F.': [289, 2183], 'Schuermann': [290], 'M.': [291, 494, 498, 774, 780, 1146, 1243, 1569, 1976, 2035, 2098, 2173, 2410, 2843, 2851, 3022, 3154, 3203, 4274], 'Wagenaar': [292], 'Parren': [294], 'P.': [295, 876, 916, 965, 1525, 1974, 2033, 2782, 2859, 3030, 3124, 3499, 3696], 'Weigel': [296], 'D.': [297, 496, 778, 878, 1484, 1521, 1567, 1849, 1986, 2045, 2108, 2471, 3028, 3130], 'oncogene': [307], 'int-1': [308, 539], 'identical': [310], 'gene': [315, 843, 970, 1167, 1436, 1598, 1614, 2932, 4296], 'wingless.Cell.': [316], '1987;': [317], '50:': [318], '649-657Abstract': [319], 'Segmentation': [326], 'epidermis': [329], 'wg': [331, 361, 384], 'mutant': [332, 385], 'embryos': [334, 369, 542, 578], 'severely': [336], 'impaired': [337], 'evidenced': [339], 'abnormalities': [341, 382, 2662], 'overlying': [344], 'ventral': [345, 575], 'cuticle.': [346, 398], 'In': [347, 522, 1055, 1629, 2075, 2756, 4347], 'contrast': [348], 'wild-type': [351], 'cuticle,': [352], 'exhibits': [354], 'alternating': [355], 'denticle': [356], 'naked': [358, 397], 'belts,': [359], 'cuticle': [362, 381, 402], 'completely': [364], 'covered': [365], 'denticles.': [367], 'Fly': [368], 'carrying': [370, 1912], 'porcupine,': [374, 1443], 'dishevelled,': [375], 'armadillo': [377, 473, 4297], 'display': [379], 'similar': [380, 4303], 'embryos,': [386], 'whereas': [387, 3586, 3949], 'shaggy/zeste-white': [390, 642], '3': [391, 505, 636, 643, 658], 'opposite': [394], 'phenotype,': [395], 'Epistatic': [399], 'analysis': [400, 1120, 4068], 'structure': [403, 3209], 'double': [405], 'mutants': [406, 1929], 'indicated': [407, 3466], 'these': [409, 836, 1210, 1813, 2643, 4003, 4129, 4181], 'constituted': [411], 'core': [413], 'new': [416, 1992, 2051, 2978, 3279], '(Siegfried': [420], '1992Siegfried': [423], 'Chou': [425], 'T.B.': [426], 'Perrimon': [427, 467], 'N.': [428, 468, 1565, 3075], 'Wingless': [429, 501, 1865, 2003, 2062, 2122], 'acts': [431, 3066, 3771], 'through': [432, 2432, 3474, 3614, 3739], 'zeste-white': [433], '3,': [434], 'glycogen': [439, 633, 655], 'synthase': [440, 634, 656, 727], 'kinase-3,': [441], 'regulate': [443, 3040], 'engrailed': [444], 'establish': [446], 'cell': [447, 1201, 1393, 1639, 1941, 2208, 3416, 3419], 'fate.Cell.': [448], '1992;': [449, 4307], '71:': [450], '1167-1179Abstract': [451], 'Scopus': [456, 486, 679, 709, 811, 1177, 1276, 1400, 1428, 1510, 1554, 1589, 1723, 1804, 1871, 1949, 2009, 2068, 2128, 2163, 2198, 2257, 2303, 2425, 2493, 2584, 2621, 2736, 2811, 2874, 2940, 2992, 3047, 3101, 3146, 3176, 3234, 3295, 3335, 3425, 3520, 3558, 3669, 3717, 3828, 3920, 4078, 4234, 4311], '(243)': [457], 'Scholar,': [459, 489, 682, 712, 893, 979, 2166, 2260, 3149, 3523], 'Noordermeer': [460], '1994Noordermeer': [463], 'J.': [464, 466, 786, 912, 1148, 1988, 2047, 2144, 2227, 2600, 2697, 2709, 2845, 3020, 3126, 3277, 3493, 3495, 3542, 3653, 3690, 3692, 3902, 3915], 'Klingensmith': [465], 'Dishevelled': [471, 620, 2517], 'act': [474, 1390, 1765, 3946, 3955], '1994;': [482, 516], '367:': [483], '80-83Crossref': [484], '(224)': [487], 'Peifer': [490], '1994Peifer': [493], 'Sweeton': [495], 'Casey': [497], 'Zeste-white': [504], 'kinase': [506, 635, 657, 2364, 2454, 2527, 3390, 3505, 3588, 3678, 3702, 3794, 3814, 4220], 'trigger': [507], 'opposing': [508], 'changes': [509, 4122, 4165], 'intracellular': [512, 1675], 'distribution': [513, 3212], 'Armadillo.Development.': [515], '120:': [517, 803], '369-380Crossref': [518], '1989,': [523], 'McMahon': [524], 'Moon': [526, 532, 1263], '(McMahon': [527], 'Moon,': [529, 1260], '1989McMahon': [530], 'A.P.': [531, 2967], 'R.T.': [533, 1264], 'Ectopic': [534], 'expression': [535, 2349, 4008], 'Xenopus': [541, 567, 669, 701, 733, 753, 800, 822, 2799], 'leads': [543], 'duplication': [545, 561, 615], 'axis.Cell.': [549], '1989;': [550], '58:': [551], '1075-1084Abstract': [552], 'Scholar)': [558, 2071, 2131, 2587, 3338, 3672, 4081, 4237], 'observed': [559], 'body': [564], 'axis': [565, 666, 750, 797, 2613], 'following': [568], 'injection': [569], 'mRNA': [573], 'into': [574, 1035], 'blastomeres': [576], 'at': [579, 1057, 3845], '4-cell': [581], 'stage.': [582], 'This': [583, 1004, 1076, 1280, 1346], 'observation': [584, 1005], 'supported': [585], 'notion': [587], 'shared': [592], 'between': [593, 1010, 1746, 4002], 'vertebrates': [594, 2137], 'invertebrates': [596], 'and,': [597], 'moreover,': [598], 'provided': [599, 1006], 'rapid': [601, 3889, 4092], 'convenient': [603], 'assay': [604], 'study': [606], 'components': [607, 4170], 'vertebrates.': [613], 'Axis': [614], '(Dsh),': [621], 'β-catenin': [622, 946, 2769, 2836, 3387, 3844, 3860, 3883, 4146, 4238, 4344, 4353, 4374], '(the': [623, 1071], 'vertebrate': [624, 639, 4284], 'armadillo),': [627], 'dominant-negative': [630], 'version': [631], '(GSK3),': [637], '(Dominguez': [644], '1995Dominguez': [647], 'I.': [648, 898, 955, 2602, 2780], 'Itoh': [649], 'K.': [650, 910, 1142, 1368, 1406, 1529, 1563, 2102, 2171, 2273, 2707, 3156, 3530, 3641], 'Sokol': [651], 'S.Y.': [652], 'Role': [653], 'beta': [659], 'negative': [662], 'regulator': [663], 'dorsoventral': [665, 730], 'formation': [667, 798, 1712], 'embryos.Proc.': [670], 'Natl.': [671], 'Acad.': [672], 'Sci.': [673, 1418], 'USA.': [674], '1995;': [675, 705, 735], '92:': [676], '8498-8502Crossref': [677], '(240)': [680], 'Guger': [683], 'Gumbiner,': [685], '1995Guger': [686], 'K.A.': [687, 2841], 'Gumbiner': [688, 4281], 'B.M.': [689, 3024, 4282], 'Beta-Catenin': [690], 'Wnt-like': [692], 'activity': [693, 1775, 4019, 4127], 'mimics': [695], 'Nieuwkoop': [697], 'center': [699], 'dorsal-ventral': [702], 'patterning.Dev.': [703], 'Biol.': [704, 1504, 1799, 2579, 2934, 3140, 3170, 3228, 3330, 4073, 4306], '172:': [706], '115-125Crossref': [707], '(112)': [710], 'He': [713, 2186, 3157, 3543, 3654], '1995He': [716], 'X.': [717, 784, 1934, 2187, 2594, 3116, 3158, 3528, 3544, 3639, 3655], 'Saint-Jeannet': [718, 2184, 2595], 'J.P.': [719, 1984, 2043, 2185, 2596], 'Woodgett': [720, 3541, 3652], 'J.R.': [721, 1381], 'Dawid': [724, 2601, 3274], 'I.B.': [725, 3275], 'Glycogen': [726], 'kinase-3': [728], 'patterning': [731, 1131], 'embryos.Nature.': [734], '374:': [736], '617-622Crossref': [737], 'Although': [741, 1331, 2331, 3958], 'long': [742], 'elusive,': [743], 'specific': [745, 3977], 'triggers': [749], 'induction': [751, 2614], 'Wnt11': [757], 'Heasman': [759, 785], 'colleagues': [761], 'year': [763], '(Tao': [764], '2005Tao': [767], 'Q.': [768, 2689], 'Yokota': [769], 'Puck': [771], 'H.': [772, 906, 1851, 2604, 2965, 3026, 3120, 3536, 3540, 3647, 3651, 3898], 'Kofron': [773], 'Birsoy': [775], 'B.': [776, 866, 951, 953, 986, 1157, 2469, 2855, 3014, 3200, 3532, 3643], 'Yan': [777], 'Asashima': [779], 'Wylie': [781], 'C.C.': [782], 'Lin': [783], 'Maternal': [787], 'wnt11': [788], 'activates': [789, 2570, 2676, 3367], 'canonical': [791, 1195, 1213, 1295, 1310, 2521, 2543, 2554, 2678, 2745, 3137, 3369, 3750], 'wnt': [792, 1415, 1540, 1572], 'required': [795, 1437, 1861, 2235, 2354, 2478, 2797, 4139], 'embryos.Cell.': [801], '2005;': [802, 1173, 1252, 1272, 1867, 2870, 3142, 3172, 3421, 3516, 3554, 3665, 3713], '857-871Abstract': [804], '(263)': [812], 'combined': [816], 'observations': [817, 3960], 'made': [818], 'delineated': [823], 'highly': [825, 3849, 4331, 4389], 'conserved': [826, 1037, 1328, 1532, 1577, 1597, 1622, 1678, 3850], 'pathway,': [828, 1204, 2546, 4202], 'activated': [829, 1189], 'proteins.': [833, 1908, 2755], 'Independent': [834], 'studies,': [837], 'adenomatous': [839, 853], 'polyposis': [840, 854], 'coli': [841], '(APC)': [842], 'discovered': [845], 'syndrome': [850], 'termed': [851, 1442], 'familial': [852], '(FAP)': [855], '(Kinzler': [856], '1991Kinzler': [859], 'K.W.': [860, 988], 'Nilbert': [861], 'M.C.': [862, 1705], 'Su': [863, 980], 'L.K.': [864, 984], 'Vogelstein': [865, 985], 'Bryan': [867], 'T.M.': [868], 'Levy': [869], 'D.B.': [870], 'Smith': [871, 2909, 3084], 'K.J.': [872, 4278], 'Preisinger': [873], 'A.C.': [874], 'Hedge': [875, 915], 'McKechnie': [877], 'al.Identification': [880], 'FAP': [882, 923], 'locus': [883], 'from': [885, 1542, 1623, 1679, 1828, 1998, 2057, 2366, 4064, 4121], 'chromosome': [886, 919], '5q21.Science.': [887], '1991;': [888, 928], '253:': [889, 929], '661-665Crossref': [890], 'Nishisho': [894], '1991Nishisho': [897], 'Nakamura': [899], 'Y.': [900, 902, 904, 1982, 2041, 2175, 2181, 2598, 2691, 2853, 3118], 'Miyoshi': [901], 'Miki': [903], 'Ando': [905], 'Horii': [907], 'A.': [908, 1140, 1155, 2112, 2693, 2776, 2961, 3081, 3267, 3501, 3698, 3900, 3904, 4050], 'Koyama': [909], 'Utsunomiya': [911], 'Baba': [913], 'S.': [914, 963, 1486, 1857, 2106, 2114, 2146, 2271, 2406, 2912, 3079, 3205, 3534, 3645], '5q21': [920], 'colorectal': [925], 'patients.Science.': [927], '665-669Crossref': [930], 'Soon': [934], 'after,': [935], 'large': [937], 'cytoplasmic': [938, 3381, 3481, 3513, 3571, 3710, 3756, 4149, 4262, 4373], 'APC': [939, 969, 992, 3966, 3980, 4016, 4026, 4060, 4137, 4153, 4382], 'interact': [944, 2888, 3377], '(Rubinfeld': [947], '1993Rubinfeld': [950], 'Souza': [952], 'Albert': [954], 'Muller': [956], 'O.': [957, 1707, 2774], 'Chamberlain': [958], 'S.H.': [959], 'Masiarz': [960], 'F.R.': [961], 'Munemitsu': [962], 'Polakis': [964], 'Association': [966, 989], 'product': [971], 'beta-catenin.Science.': [973], '1993;': [974, 998], '262:': [975, 999], '1731-1734Crossref': [976], '1993Su': [983], 'Kinzler': [987], 'suppressor': [994, 3768, 3788], 'catenins.Science.': [997], '1734-1737Crossref': [1000], 'first': [1008, 4354], 'connection': [1009], 'human': [1015, 1248, 2864], 'cancer.': [1016, 1318], 'Genome': [1017], 'sequencing': [1018], 'since': [1020], 'revealed': [1021, 1666], 'mammalian': [1023, 2505], 'species': [1024], 'have': [1025, 1045, 3465], 'roughly': [1026], '20': [1027, 3987], 'proteins,': [1030, 1957], 'can': [1032, 1389, 2023, 2537, 2550, 2886, 3375, 4156], 'divided': [1034], '12': [1036], 'subfamilies.': [1039], 'Of': [1040, 1209], 'these,': [1041], 'only': [1042, 4028, 4386], '6': [1043], 'subfamilies': [1044, 1063, 1082], 'counterparts': [1046], 'ecdysozoan': [1048, 1090], 'animals': [1049, 1107], 'such': [1050, 4267], 'Caenorhabditis.': [1054], 'contrast,': [1056], 'least': [1058, 2626], '11': [1059], 'occur': [1064], 'genome': [1067], 'cnidarian': [1070], 'sea': [1072, 1171], 'anemone': [1073], 'Nematostella': [1074], 'vectensis).': [1075], 'finding': [1077], 'suggests': [1078], 'some': [1080], 'were': [1083], 'lost': [1084], 'evolution': [1087], 'lineage': [1091], 'but': [1092], 'more': [1093, 3810, 4216], 'importantly': [1094], 'reveals': [1095], 'complex': [1098, 1672, 1734, 3366, 3777, 3953], 'inventory': [1099], 'factors': [1102, 2636, 2644, 2741], 'present': [1104], 'multicellular': [1106], 'well': [1108], 'before': [1109], 'Cambrian': [1111], 'explosion': [1112], '(550': [1113], 'million': [1114], 'years': [1115], 'ago).': [1116], 'Thus,': [1117, 1459, 1833], 'comparative': [1118], 'genomic': [1119], 'underscores': [1121], 'crucial': [1123], 'role': [1124, 1894, 2311, 3224, 3964, 4242], 'play': [1128], 'organismal': [1130], 'throughout': [1132], 'kingdom': [1135], '(Kusserow': [1136], '2005Kusserow': [1139], 'Pang': [1141], 'Sturm': [1143], 'Hrouda': [1145], 'Lentferm': [1147], 'Schmidt': [1149], 'H.A.': [1150], 'Technau': [1151], 'U.': [1152, 3497, 3694], 'von': [1153], 'Haeseler': [1154], 'Hobmayer': [1156], 'Martindale': [1158], 'M.Q.': [1159], 'Holstein': [1160], 'T.W.': [1161], 'Unexpected': [1162], 'complexity': [1163], 'family': [1168, 1997, 2056, 2088, 2244, 2611, 2917, 2979, 3109, 3192, 3605, 3816, 4222, 4301], 'anemone.Nature.': [1172], '433:': [1174], '156-160Crossref': [1175], '(262)': [1178], 'Currently,': [1181], 'three': [1182], 'different': [1183], 'pathways': [1184], 'believed': [1186, 1467, 3303], 'upon': [1190], 'receptor': [1192, 1742, 2243, 2365, 2447, 2577, 3510, 3707, 3834], 'activation:': [1193], 'Wnt/β-catenin': [1196, 2522], 'cascade,': [1197], 'noncanonical': [1199], 'planar': [1200], '(PCP)': [1203], 'Wnt/Ca2+': [1207], 'pathway.': [1208, 2524, 3937], 'three,': [1211], 'best': [1216], 'understood': [1217], 'primary': [1221], 'subject': [1222, 4394], 'this': [1224, 2444, 2997, 3776, 4387], 'review.': [1225], 'For': [1226, 1909, 4192], 'recent': [1227, 4209], 'comprehensive': [1228, 4194], 'overviews': [1229], 'on': [1230, 2212, 2576, 2866, 3341, 3975], 'pathways,': [1235, 4111], 'reader': [1237, 4204], 'referred': [1239, 4206], 'Katoh,': [1241], '2005Katoh': [1242], 'WNT/PCP': [1244], '(review).Oncol.': [1250], 'Rep.': [1251], '14:': [1253], '1583-1588PubMed': [1254], 'Scholar': [1256, 1431, 1557, 1592, 2496], 'Kohn': [1258], '2005Kohn': [1261], 'A.D.': [1262], 'calcium': [1267], 'signaling:': [1268], 'β-Catenin-independent': [1269], 'pathways.Cell': [1270], 'Calcium.': [1271], '38:': [1273], '439-446Crossref': [1274], '(286)': [1277], 'Scholar.': [1279], 'review': [1281, 1304, 4210], 'discusses': [1282], 'how': [1283, 1291, 1812, 3449, 3455], 'produced': [1287], 'they': [1292, 1342, 2394, 3945, 3954], 'activate': [1293, 2519, 2552, 2637, 2743, 2768, 2898, 2930], 'recipient': [1300], 'cells.': [1301], 'Further,': [1302], 'examines': [1305], 'roles': [1307, 3933, 4058], 'development,': [1314], 'tissue': [1315, 3211], 'self-renewal,': [1316], 'characterized': [1322, 2659], 'high': [1325, 2671], 'residues.': [1330], 'carry': [1334], 'an': [1335, 1964, 2117, 2231, 2284, 2371, 2682, 3412, 3962, 4256], 'N-terminal': [1336, 1966], 'peptide': [1338], 'secreted,': [1341], 'relatively': [1344], 'insoluble.': [1345], 'insolubility': [1347], 'been': [1349, 2335, 2818, 4134], 'attributed': [1350], 'particular': [1353], 'modification,': [1355], 'palmitoylation,': [1357], 'essential': [1360, 1601, 1685, 2120, 2287, 3620, 3963, 4029, 4257], 'function': [1363, 1715, 3305], '(Willert': [1364], '2003Willert': [1367], 'Brown': [1369, 2272], 'J.D.': [1370], 'Danenberg': [1371], 'Duncan': [1373], 'A.W.': [1374], 'Weissman': [1375], 'I.L.': [1376], 'Reya': [1377], 'T.': [1378, 2279, 2847, 2849], 'Yates': [1379], '3rd,': [1380], 'lipid-modified': [1387], 'stem': [1392], 'growth': [1394], 'factors.Nature.': [1395], '2003;': [1396, 2248, 2294, 2421, 3097, 4074], '423:': [1397], '448-452Crossref': [1398], '(1088)': [1401], 'Hofmann,': [1404], '2000Hofmann': [1405], 'superfamily': [1408], 'membrane-bound': [1410], 'O-acyltransferases': [1411], 'implications': [1413], 'signaling.Trends': [1416], 'Biochem.': [1417], '2000;': [1419, 2124, 2159, 2194], '25:': [1420], '111-112Abstract': [1421], '(215)': [1429], 'reported': [1432], 'Wnt-secreting': [1440], 'cell,': [1441], 'displays': [1444], 'homology': [1445], 'acyl-transferases,': [1447], 'enzymes': [1448, 1923], 'acylate': [1450], 'substrates': [1454], 'endoplasmic': [1457, 2232], 'reticulum.': [1458], 'porcupine': [1460], 'its': [1462, 2433, 3854, 3976], 'worm': [1463], 'mom-1': [1465], 'enzyme': [1471], 'responsible': [1474], 'palmitoylation': [1477], '(Zhai': [1478], '2004Zhai': [1481], 'L.': [1482, 2104, 2267, 2269, 2703, 3263], 'Chaturvedi': [1483], 'Cumberledge': [1485], 'wnt-1': [1488], 'undergoes': [1489], 'hydrophobic': [1491], 'modification': [1492], 'targeted': [1495, 3887], 'lipid': [1497, 1831], 'rafts,': [1498], 'process': [1500, 2830], 'requires': [1502, 1574, 1713], 'porcupine.J.': [1503], 'Chem.': [1505, 2935, 3141, 3171, 3229], '2004;': [1506, 1800, 1945, 2484, 2727, 2802, 3331], '279:': [1507], '33220-33227Crossref': [1508], '(116)': [1511], 'Recently,': [1514], 'Banziger': [1515], '2006Banziger': [1518], 'Soldini': [1520], 'Schutt': [1522], 'Zipperlen': [1524], 'Hausmann': [1526], 'G.': [1527, 1703, 3018, 3489, 3686], 'Basler': [1528], 'Wntless,': [1530], 'membrane': [1533, 3613, 3726], 'dedicated': [1535, 1754, 3875], 'secretion': [1538, 1688, 1757, 3354], 'cells.Cell.': [1544], '2006;': [1545, 1580, 1719, 2580, 2936, 3824, 4230], '125:': [1546, 1581], '509-522Abstract': [1547], '(182)': [1555], 'Bartscherer': [1559], '2006Bartscherer': [1562], 'Pelte': [1564], 'Ingelfinger': [1566], 'Boutros': [1568], 'Secretion': [1570], 'ligands': [1573, 2921], 'evi,': [1575], 'transmembrane': [1578, 1618, 1961, 2083, 2362, 3006, 3254], 'protein.Cell.': [1579], '523-533Abstract': [1582], '(185)': [1590], 'uncovered': [1593], 'another': [1596, 3003], 'secretion,': [1604], 'wntless': [1606], '(wls)': [1607], 'evenness': [1609], 'interrupted': [1610], '(evi),': [1611], 'respectively.': [1612], 'encodes': [1615, 2116, 2283], 'seven-pass': [1617, 1960], 'worms': [1624], '(mom-3)': [1625], 'man': [1627], '(hWLS).': [1628], 'absence': [1631], 'Wls/evi,': [1633], 'Wnts': [1634, 1834, 1876, 1953, 2766, 3562], 'retained': [1636], 'inside': [1637], 'produces': [1641], 'them.': [1642], 'Wntless': [1644], 'resides': [1646], 'primarily': [1647], 'Golgi': [1650], 'apparatus,': [1651], 'where': [1652], 'it': [1653, 1809, 2332, 3430, 3447, 3608, 3779, 3993], 'colocalizes': [1654], 'physically': [1656, 2887, 3376], 'interacts': [1657, 3471, 3781, 3994], 'Wnts.': [1659], 'genetic': [1661, 3959], 'screen': [1662], 'elegans': [1665], 'retromer,': [1669], 'multiprotein': [1671], 'trafficking': [1676, 2240], 'yeast': [1680], 'man,': [1682], 'generation': [1692], 'gradient': [1696, 1711], '(Coudreuse': [1697], '2006Coudreuse': [1700], 'D.Y.': [1701], 'Roel': [1702], 'Betist': [1704], 'Destree': [1706], 'Korswagen': [1708], 'H.C.': [1709], 'retromer': [1714, 1733], 'Wnt-producing': [1717], 'cells.Science.': [1718], '312:': [1720], '921-924Crossref': [1721], '(132)': [1724, 2941], 'An': [1727, 2151, 3059], 'attractive': [1728], 'hypothesis': [1729], 'recycling': [1738], 'cargo': [1741], '(such': [1743], 'Wntless)': [1745], 'default': [1748], 'secretory': [1749], 'compartment': [1753], '(see': [1758], 'Figure': [1759], '1).': [1760], 'thought': [1763, 3564], 'morphogen': [1768], '(that': [1769], 'is,': [1770, 2393, 4247], 'long-range': [1772, 1814], 'whose': [1774, 3758], 'concentration': [1777], 'dependent)': [1778], '(reviewed': [1779, 1930, 3310, 3398], 'Logan': [1781, 3312], 'Nusse,': [1783, 2562, 3314], '2004Logan': [1784, 3315], 'C.Y.': [1785, 3316], 'disease.Annu.': [1795, 3326], 'Rev.': [1796, 3327], 'Cell': [1797, 3328, 4305], 'Dev.': [1798, 3329, 3823, 4229], '20:': [1801, 3332, 3825, 4231], '781-810Crossref': [1802, 3333], '(2105)': [1805, 3336], 'However,': [1808, 3429], 'unclear': [1811, 3432, 4336], 'gradients': [1815], 'generated.': [1817], 'It': [1818, 3624, 4132, 4254, 4333, 4384], 'conceivable': [1820], 'palmitoyl': [1823], 'moiety': [1824], 'constrains': [1825], 'movement': [1826], 'away': [1827], 'membranes': [1829], 'or': [1830, 1842, 1904, 1919, 2571, 3350, 3355, 3454, 3673, 4126], 'particles.': [1832], 'may': [1835, 1877, 2456, 3343, 3731, 4083, 4116], 'tethered': [1837], 'intercellular': [1839], 'transport': [1840, 1903, 2203, 2318], 'vesicles': [1841], 'lipoprotein': [1843], 'particles': [1844, 1859], '(Panakova': [1845], '2005Panakova': [1848], 'Sprong': [1850], 'Marois': [1852], 'Thiele': [1854], 'Eaton': [1856], 'Lipoprotein': [1858], 'Hedgehog': [1863, 3821, 4227], 'signaling.Nature.': [1866, 2123, 3042], '435:': [1868], '58-65Crossref': [1869], '(276)': [1872], 'Alternatively,': [1875], 'transported': [1879], 'cytonemes,': [1881], 'long,': [1884], 'thin': [1885], 'filopodial': [1886], 'processes.': [1887], 'Additionally,': [1888], 'studies': [1889, 2879, 3464], 'suggest': [1892, 3222], 'extracellular': [1896, 1965, 2434, 2891, 3247, 3307], 'heparan': [1897, 1937], 'sulfate': [1898, 1938], 'proteoglycans': [1899, 1939], '(HSPG)': [1900], 'stabilization': [1905, 2834, 3349], 'instance,': [1910], 'flies': [1911], 'Dally,': [1915], 'GPI-anchored': [1917], 'HSPG,': [1918], 'encoding': [1922], 'modify': [1925], 'HSPGs': [1926], 'resemble': [1927, 2327, 2388, 3184], 'Lin,': [1932], '2004Lin': [1933], 'Functions': [1935], 'development.Development.': [1944], '131:': [1946], '6009-6021Crossref': [1947], '(316)': [1950], 'bind': [1954, 2024], 'Frizzled': [1955, 2026, 2609, 3191], '(Fz)': [1956], 'receptors': [1962, 2352, 2928, 3038, 3195, 3256], 'cysteine-rich': [1967], 'domain': [1968, 2455, 3188], '(CRD)': [1969], '(Bhanot': [1970], '1996Bhanot': [1973, 2032], 'Brink': [1975, 2034], 'Samos': [1977, 2036, 3270], 'C.H.': [1978, 2037, 3271], 'Hsieh': [1979, 2038, 2261], 'J.C.': [1980, 2039, 2265, 3085, 3261], 'Wang': [1981, 2040, 2597, 2690], 'Macke': [1983, 2042], 'Andrew': [1985, 2044], 'Nathans': [1987, 2046, 2599, 2708, 3276], 'member': [1993, 2052, 2606, 2975, 3110], 'frizzled': [1996, 2055, 2924], 'functions': [2000, 2059, 2507, 2984, 3384, 3458], 'receptor.Nature.': [2004, 2063, 2420], '1996;': [2005, 2064, 3230], '382:': [2006, 2065], '225-230Crossref': [2007, 2066], '(931)': [2010, 2069], 'Wnt-Fz': [2014], 'interaction': [2015], 'appears': [2016, 4038], 'promiscuous,': [2017], 'single': [2021], 'multiple': [2025, 3592], '(e.g.,': [2028], 'Bhanot': [2029], 'vice': [2073], 'versa.': [2074], 'binding': [2076, 2533, 2954, 3068, 3435, 4258], 'Wnt,': [2077], 'Fzs': [2078], 'cooperate': [2079], 'single-pass': [2082], 'molecule': [2084, 4088], 'LRP': [2087, 3070, 3484, 3943], 'known': [2089, 3448], 'Arrow': [2091, 2115], '(Wehrli': [2094], '2000Wehrli': [2097], 'Dougan': [2099], 'S.T.': [2100], 'Caldwell': [2101], "O'Keefe": [2103], 'Schwartz': [2105], 'Vaizel-Ohayon': [2107], 'Schejter': [2109], 'Tomlinson': [2111], 'DiNardo': [2113], 'LDL-receptor-related': [2118, 2152, 2188], '407:': [2125, 2160, 2195], '527-530Crossref': [2126], '(547)': [2129], 'LRP5': [2133], '-6': [2135], '(Pinson': [2138], '2000Pinson': [2141], ...}, 'cited_by_api_url': '', 'counts_by_year': [{'year': 2023, 'cited_by_count': 151}, {'year': 2022, 'cited_by_count': 226}, {'year': 2021, 'cited_by_count': 253}, {'year': 2020, 'cited_by_count': 297}, {'year': 2019, 'cited_by_count': 291}, {'year': 2018, 'cited_by_count': 291}, {'year': 2017, 'cited_by_count': 308}, {'year': 2016, 'cited_by_count': 308}, {'year': 2015, 'cited_by_count': 348}, {'year': 2014, 'cited_by_count': 332}, {'year': 2013, 'cited_by_count': 368}, {'year': 2012, 'cited_by_count': 401}], 'updated_date': '2023-09-29T23:13:03.087063', 'created_date': '2016-06-24'}, {'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces', 'display_name': 'Probabilistic roadmaps for path planning in high-dimensional configuration spaces', 'publication_year': 1996, 'publication_date': '1996-01-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '2128990851'}, 'language': 'en', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': False, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': None, 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation', 'issn_l': '1042-296X', 'issn': ['1042-296X', '2374-958X'], 'is_oa': False, 'is_in_doaj': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers', 'host_organization_lineage': [''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': None, 'version': None, 'is_accepted': False, 'is_published': False}, 'type': 'article', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'open_access': {'is_oa': True, 'oa_status': 'green', 'oa_url': '', 'any_repository_has_fulltext': True}, 'authorships': [{'author_position': 'first', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Lydia E. Kavraki', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stanford University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'L.E. Kavraki', 'raw_affiliation_string': '[Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, CA, USA]', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['[Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, CA, USA]']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'P. Švestka', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'P. Svestka', 'raw_affiliation_string': '[Dept Of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands]', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['[Dept Of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands]']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jean‐Claude Latombe', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'J.-C. Latombe', 'raw_affiliation_string': '[Robotics Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Stanford, Stanford, CA, USA]', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['[Robotics Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Stanford, Stanford, CA, USA]']}, {'author_position': 'last', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Mark H. Overmars', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Utrecht University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'NL', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['NL'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'M.H. Overmars', 'raw_affiliation_string': '[Dept Of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands]', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['[Dept Of Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands]']}], 'countries_distinct_count': 2, 'institutions_distinct_count': 2, 'corresponding_author_ids': [], 'corresponding_institution_ids': [], 'apc_list': None, 'apc_paid': None, 'has_fulltext': True, 'fulltext_origin': 'ngrams', 'cited_by_count': 4802, 'biblio': {'volume': '12', 'issue': '4', 'first_page': '566', 'last_page': '580'}, 'is_retracted': False, 'is_paratext': False, 'concepts': [{'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Probabilistic logic', 'level': 2, 'score': 0.63719726}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Probabilistic roadmap', 'level': 4, 'score': 0.5563734}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Path (computing)', 'level': 2, 'score': 0.55528283}, {'id': '', 'wikidata': '', 'display_name': 'Motion planning', 'level': 3, 'score': 0.54408896}, 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199], '2015': [38], 'at': [39, 63], 'global,': [40], 'regional,': [41], 'country': [43], 'levels.MethodsWe': [44], 'estimated': [45, 91], 'population-weighted': [47], 'mean': [48], 'concentrations': [49], 'particle': [51], 'mass': [52], 'with': [53, 72], 'aerodynamic': [54], 'diameter': [55], 'less': [56], 'than': [57], '2·5': [58], 'μm': [59], '(PM2·5)': [60], 'ozone': [62, 212], 'an': [64, 214], 'approximate': [65], '11': [66, 69], 'km': [67, 70], '×': [68], 'resolution': [71], 'satellite-based': [73], 'estimates,': [74], 'chemical': [75], 'transport': [76], 'models,': [77], 'ground-level': [79], 'measurements.': [80], 'Using': [81], 'integrated': [82], 'exposure–response': [83, 118], 'functions': [84, 119], 'for': [85, 301], 'each': [86], 'cause': [87], 'death,': [89], 'we': [90], 'the': [92, 121, 128, 248, 258, 287], 'relative': [93], 'risk': [94, 131], 'ischaemic': [98], 'heart': [99], 'disease,': [100, 102, 106], 'cerebrovascular': [101], 'chronic': [103, 237], 'obstructive': 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Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology, Palermo, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Experimental Biomedicine and Clinical Neuroscience, Human Anatomy Section, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy', 'Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology, Palermo, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Joana Carvalho', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Porto', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'PT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['PT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Joana Carvalho', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Expression Regulation in Cancer, Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), Porto, Portugal', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Expression Regulation in Cancer, Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), Porto, Portugal']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Eva Colás', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Autonomous University of Barcelona', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Eva Colás', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology, Vall Hebron Institute of Research and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology, Vall Hebron Institute of Research and Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Anabela Cordeiro-da-Silva', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Porto', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'PT', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['PT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Anabela Cordeiro-da Silva', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Stefano Fais', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [], 'countries': ['IT'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Stefano Fais', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Anti-Tumour Drugs Section, Department of Therapeutic Research and Medicines Evaluation, National Institute of Health (ISS), Rome, Italy', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Anti-Tumour Drugs Section, Department of Therapeutic Research and Medicines Evaluation, National Institute of Health (ISS), Rome, Italy']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Juan Manuel Falcón‐Pérez', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'CIC bioGUNE', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ikerbasque', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'other', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Juan M. Falcon-Perez', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain; Metabolomics Unit, CIC bioGUNE, CIBERehd, Bizkaia Technology Park, Derio, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain', 'Metabolomics Unit, CIC bioGUNE, CIBERehd, Bizkaia Technology Park, Derio, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Irène M. Ghobrial', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Dana-Farber Cancer Institute', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'US', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['US'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Irene M. 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H. Heegaard', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Southern Denmark', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DK', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Odense University Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DK', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Statens Serum Institut', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DK', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['DK'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Niels H. H. Heegaard', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Analytical Protein Chemistry, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Immunology & Genetics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark; Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Analytical Protein Chemistry, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Immunology & Genetics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark', 'Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'An Hendrix', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Ghent University Hospital', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'BE', 'type': 'healthcare', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['BE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'An Hendrix', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research, 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Nuclear Energy, INEP, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Veronika Kralj‐Iglič', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Ljubljana', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SI', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['SI'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Veronika Kralj-Iglic', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Focus (Germany)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'company', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['DE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Molecular Cell Biology and Focus Program Translational Neurosciences, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Molecular Cell Biology and Focus Program Translational Neurosciences, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Saara Laitinen', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Finnish Red Cross', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'FI', 'type': 'nonprofit', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['FI'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Saara Laitinen', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Research and Cell Services, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, Helsinki, Finland', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Research and Cell Services, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, Helsinki, Finland']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Cecilia Lässer', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of 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and Transfusion Medicine, Universitätsklinikum, Salzburger Landeskliniken GesmbH (SALK), Salzburg, Austria; Spinal Cord Injury & Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Salzburg, Austria', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine, Universitätsklinikum, Salzburger Landeskliniken GesmbH (SALK), Salzburg, Austria', 'Spinal Cord Injury & Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Paracelsus Medical University (PMU), Salzburg, Austria']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Erzsébet Ligeti', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Semmelweis University', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'HU', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['HU'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Erzsébet Ligeti', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Physiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Physiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Aija Linē', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'LV', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['LV'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Aija Linē', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Riga, Latvia', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Riga, Latvia']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Georg Lipps', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'CH', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['CH'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Georg Lipps', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Institute of 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Norway']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Jan Lötvall', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Gothenburg', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': ['SE'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Jan Lötvall', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Krefting Research Centre, Institute of Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Krefting Research Centre, Institute of Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Mateja Manček-Keber', 'orcid': None}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'National Institute of Chemistry', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SI', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['']}, {'id': '', 'display_name': 'EN-FIST Centre of Excellence (Slovenia)', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'SI', 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Parasitologia, Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Marı́a Mittelbrunn', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'ES', 'type': 'facility', 'lineage': ['', '']}], 'countries': ['ES'], 'is_corresponding': False, 'raw_author_name': 'Maria Mittelbrunn', 'raw_affiliation_string': 'Department of Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain', 'raw_affiliation_strings': ['Department of Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain']}, {'author_position': 'middle', 'author': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Irina Nazarenko', 'orcid': ''}, 'institutions': [{'id': '', 'display_name': 'University of Freiburg', 'ror': '', 'country_code': 'DE', 'type': 'education', 'lineage': ['']}], 'countries': 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